View Full Version : Money Hidden In Boots

04-07-2006, 08:57 AM

An Australian man has pleaded guilty to stealing more £40,000 in new coins from the Royal Australian Mint.

The 48-year-old was accused of stealing the coins by hiding them in his work boots and lunch box over a 10-month period.

Police said he had then stored them in plastic buckets and shopping bags in the garage at his mother's house.

"He would take the coins from the trays they were placed in after stamping and conceal the coins in his pocket," a police statement to a court in Canberra said.

"He would then go to a toilet cubicle and transfer the coins from his pockets to his boots and walk out through security.

"He stole about $600 (£250) in A$2 coins each time he did this."

The man managed to avoid scrutiny because most workers wore steel-capped shoes and were not required to remove them during random screening.

The man also hid coins in his lunchbox, holding it near his chin while he was swept with a hand-held screening device.

He was arrested in the state of Victoria two months ago trying to change a large number of coins into notes.

The Royal Australian Mint has since upgraded security.

04-07-2006, 03:19 PM
I guess those boots were made for stealing and that's just what he did.