View Full Version : Kane vs. Khali @ WM23?, RVD Bashed Backstage, WSX's Future

02-25-2007, 01:32 PM
Kane vs. The Great Khali is expected to be added to the WrestleMania 23 card.

It is likely that even if WSX is picked up for a second season, MTV will move it to a new timeslot where it doesn't go head to head with ECW.

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, John Laurinaitis has been burying Rob Van Dam's matches at recent agents meetings. Laurinaitis has been very negative of Van Dam after the ECW superstar recently mocked the Vice President of Talent Relations of World Wrestling Entertainment. Van Dam's WWE contract expires this summer.

source: ewrestlingnews.com

02-25-2007, 02:38 PM
I dont think that it will help WSX if they get a new time slot...it may help alittle, but I dont see the 2nd season lasting.

02-25-2007, 02:41 PM
i like wsx but RVD wont be around much longer

Dangerous Incorporated
02-25-2007, 03:49 PM
It was stupid of MTV to compete with wrestlings No 1 promotion on the same night. I doubt we'll see a season 2 and I reckon RVD will stay with WWE IMO.

02-25-2007, 09:44 PM
I think RVD is as good as gone when that contract is up and he's going to be a disgruntled employee till that day comes. John Laurinaitis I think maybe should wrestle RVD. I have herd nothing but bad things about Laurinaitis ever since he got hired to work for the WWE. But on the other hand RVD probably does have a bit of a attitude lol.

02-25-2007, 09:50 PM
RVD needs to stop running his mouth and acting like a fool. WWE will continue to bury him to the point where he may not even get a match on the WM card. I expect he will in some way shape or form be on the card in some sort of New Breed vs. Originals match, but there could be a great chance of him getting pinned on the show. He's ruined himself after he got caught with the marijuana shortly after he became champion.

02-25-2007, 09:57 PM
you're right...i hope they do make the match...with kane winning

The Major
02-25-2007, 10:01 PM
that will be the worst wrestlemania match ever, why make Kane job?
give him and the deadman the tag titles. make kennedy face boretista at mania and beat him,

its all wrong i swear to god.

02-25-2007, 10:20 PM
^ LOL Come on Taker has a title shot.

But I do think Kane should be going against some one else not Khali. Khali shouldn't even be at Mania anyways.

02-26-2007, 01:14 AM
RVD needs to stop running his mouth and acting like a fool. WWE will continue to bury him to the point where he may not even get a match on the WM card.

why? he's a superstar and he knows it. He is in an elite group of guys that will always be over with the fans of regardless of how poor his wrestling and mic skills are. If Vince doesn't like what RVD has to say then he can just fire him and Rob will go to TNA or Japan. He would make more money outside of WWE and work a much lighter schedule anyway, and I'm sure he knows that so why should he be concerned with playing politics and keeping his mouth shut?

02-26-2007, 01:20 AM
Well, personally that's my view, I'm no RVD fan. Yes, he may be able to make more money outside the US, but does he really want to ruin his reputation if he does want to go to other companies like TNA? Does he want to continue to be embarrassed with midcarders on ECW? It all depends on how he feels towards the company and the fans.

02-26-2007, 01:34 AM
wsx might do okay it will never be close to wwe its just another show to mtv