View Full Version : F4L's LIVE Report of ROH in Chicago on 2/24, Joe's Final ROH Match

02-25-2007, 10:43 PM
2/24 in Chicago, Illinois at The Windy City Fieldhouse

*Samoa Joe & Homicide & vs. ROH champion Takeshi Morishima & Nigel McGuinness - Joe's Stateside farewell
*Windy City Death Match: Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Jacobs with Lacey
*ROH Tag Team champions Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe
*BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Rave
*Brent Albright vs. Claudio Castagnoli
*Allison Danger & Sara Del Rey vs. MsChif & Serena
*Also scheduled are Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Davey Richards, Shingo, Matt Cross and more.

Hey everyone, I went to the 5 Year Festival of ROH show last night at the Windy City Fieldhouse here in the great city of Chicago. The Fieldhouse is like a recreation center, so they had a section of it tarped off for ROH, and then indoor soccer going on right next to it. The whistles from the soccer got quite annoying throughout the night.

There was a dark match before the show, didn't catch the names of anyone because I walked near the end of the match. I had ringside seats about 8 rows back, and I snuck into them, shhhhhh...

Now for the show...

Brent Albright aka Gunner Scott defeated Claudio Castagnoli to open up the show. I can't recall how he beat him actually, but CC cut a promo before the show offering money to Albright, but then Larry Sweeney came down and persuaded Albright to wrestle for him, and it will pay off later. Albright reluctantly agreed, but said this will be his last matchup for Sweeney.

Next was a Fatal Four Way Survival match with local guy Trik Davis, Shingo, CJ Otis, and Matt Cross. Matt Cross won with a botched moonsault legdrop. Crowd was really behind Shingo throughout the match until the end when Matt started doing suicide dives to the outside. Matt pulled off a great trick, when he bounced off the ropes, ran towards the other side, and just when it looked like he was going to dive over the ropes and out of the ring onto Otis, he did a flip, and bounced the back of his neck on the ropes and bounced right back into the ring. Also, there were a lot of stiff shots and chops especially from Shingo onto Trik Davis. After the match, Austin Aries came out and asked Cross to be his parenter vs. Strong and Richards. Cross agreed and out came Strong and Richards, but Aries and Cross fought them off. Delirious did a run in, much to the crowd's delight, but he got away before anyone could catch him.

Next was the SHIMMER tag match with Allison Danger and Sara Del Ray vs. Mschif, and Serena. Allison and Sara won with the crowd behind Serena A LOT. Pretty much your typical women's tag match, with some good action but pretty much slow throughout.

Next was BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Rave, and if Whitmer won he would get a title shot in Dayton against Morishima. Rave won with a roll up with a handful of tights. Pretty good, fast paced, high action match by the two. Crowd hated Rave, with "Die, Jimmy, die" chants, and others with some explicitives. Tw guys behind us were really behind Rave, they were hilarious. Shouting things such as when Whitmer was punching Rave, "C'mon Sinclair (ref), those are f***** closed punches! You can't do that to Jimmy Rave!" Also, "Stay focused, Jim, you got the heart of a champion!", and, when Whitmer grabbed Rave's hair we got, "That's hair pulling ref! What the f***!" Another was when Whitmer tried to use some technical moves, but Rave reversed them and got out of it, "Jimmy Rave is a technical wrestling genius! You can't outsmart King Rave!" Absolutley hilarious stuff, the whole crowd was laughing, there was more to it, but those stuck out in my mind. But overall, Rave wins.


Then we had the Grudge Tag Team match, Roderick Strong and Davey Richards vs. Austin Aries and Matt Cross. Aries and Cross won in a good match, but the finish came early when Cross did a suicide flip dive over the ropes again, but this time he jumped to far and landed in the crowd on the fan's guard rail. Right after that, Aries hit the 450 Splash and pinned for the win. Took about 10 minutes for Cross to get up from the crowd, and he had a nice, big gash on the side of his back, and needed help to the back. As they got on the stage, Richards came back out and powerbombed Cross, I believe on the ramp, and then Delirious came back out and got Strong and Richards to run away.

I think next was the Tag team titles match with the Briscoes taking on "The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels" with Sara Del Ray, and Matt Sydal. Daniels has a full beard now, and his gimmick change for TNA is coming along smoothly from the looks of it. Crowd was split on who to cheer for, but a slight edge to the Briscoes. A lot of crazy moves in the match, and a lot of high risk moves from all four men, especially Sydal. Daniels and Sydal took the roles of the heels in the middleof the match, distracting the ref and doing double teams. Briscoes won after both Briscoes pulled off top rope moonsaults on Sydal and Daniels. Sydal took back the titles after the match, but reluctantly strapped the Briscoes after it was over. Briscoes talked about a party later in the night.

Next was the Windy City Death Match with obvious hometown favorite, Classic Colt Cabana taking on Jimmy Jacobs. Cabana's entrance is great as always, and he came to the ring with a Illinois flag which would be used later on. Match got brutal right from the get go, with Cabana using scissors, nails, and hammers to bust open Jacobs. Jacobs used the flag stick and cut open Cabanba, then choked him with the bloody flag. The two men went back and forth exchanging punches with scissors and long nails, and then Cabana pulled out a ladder, and Jacobs set up a table at ringside. Jacobs was on the table and Cabana was getting ready for a moonsault off the ropes through the table, but Lacey pushed Cabana to the outside. Jacobs got Cabana on the table, set up the wobbly ladder in the ring. It was a very, very tall ladder, probably 15 feet or so, and Jacobs climbed it and hit an elbow drop on Cabana right to the outside of the ring, through the table! Crowd chanted, "Holy shit!" Cabana kicked out of the near fall, and then Cabana took over with the scissors again. Both men were bloodied horribly. Cabana hit a Colt 45 on Jacobs, and then hit one on Lacy. Lots of "F*** em up Colt, f*** em up!" He laid Lacy on top of Jacobs and he got on top of Lacy and got the win. Jacobs looked like he was going to cry afterwards, and crowd chanted, "Cry, Jimmy. cry!"

Then it was main event time, and it got real loud in the Fieldhouse. Now first let me say, Morishima is an absolute giant, he is quite the sight to see in person. Nigel and Morishima got a LOT of heat. Homicide and Joe made their way to the ring together, and the crowd went nuts with streamers thrown in (some by me), and chants raining throughout the arena. "Thank you Joe", "Please don't go", and "F*** TNA" chants were echoing throughout the arena. After they introduced Joe in the ring, he got about a 3 or so minute standing ovation, in which he broke down and cried. It was quite an atmosphere. The match was a great tag match, with every man hitting all their spots. Joe and Morishima had a showdown in the ring, which Morishima won. Homicide and Nigel spilled into the crowd right in front of me, and fought, and Homicide got Nigel with a nice, solid chair shot, and let me remind you, that the chairs in the crowd and nothing like the chairs WWE use, they are much harder. That was quite the moment. For the finish, the crowd was going absolutely nuts, and Joe hit a musclebuster on Nigel, and then hit one Morishima! Homicide hit an elbow drop off the top, and I think a moonsault or some sort of splash. Joe went for the pin but Morishima kicked out! Nigel then bounced off the ropes and Joe ducked him and threw him against the ropes and then Nigel came storming back with an absolutely HUGE, and I mean HUGE clothesline on Joe, and pinned him for the win! Crowd chanted , "Bullsh!t" over and over again, but the again it's customary to lose in your final match, ala Punk vs. Cabana at the Punk: The Final Chapter event. Nigel demanded an ROH title shot against Morishima when he comes back to the US, and then congratulated Joe. Crowd went nuts again as Joe prepared to talk, chants of "Thank you Joe", "Please don't go", and "F*** TNA" rained through the arena again. The locker room emptied, and Joe gave a speech right from the heart about his 5 years in ROH, and how anyone could achieve their dreams. He said he there isn't a better place to end his career in than Chicago, and crowd went nuts, Homicide talked for a minute about Joe, and then the whole roster greeted Joe with hugs and handshakes. Everyone exited the ring, ROH thanked us for coming, and they will be coming back to the Windy City Fieldhoueon Saturday, April 28th. I'll be sure to get another LIVE in attendance report out to you all when it comes!

Thanks and I hope everyone enjoys this report of ROH's 5 Year Festival, The Farewell to Joe in his final ROH match in Chicago Illinois!

02-26-2007, 12:56 AM
Cool man thanks alot. Yea I figured Daniels would lose but I can't bet against him on the UOW Bookie! :D

02-26-2007, 03:18 AM
I have videos from my cell phone that I'm gonna try to upload on YouTube, and then post them here. I got all of Joe's farewell speech, his entrance, Daniels' and Sydal's entrance, when Homicide and Nigel fought in the crowd RIGHT in front of me, and some other short videos. I'll try to have those up sometime tomorrow!

Flair Country
02-26-2007, 03:35 AM
Good stuff Frank! Sounds like a damn fine show and I can't wait to see those vids.

02-26-2007, 03:57 AM
And how could I forget...

I would like everyone to know that Dave (Flair Country) made me aware of this show, so I wouldn't of have went without his information!

Lol, thanks again man! And yeah, as long as my phone or YouTube doesn't disobey me, then the vids shall be up tomorrow!