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View Full Version : Smackdown House Results - 7th Jan 2006

01-08-2006, 10:06 PM
SmackDown House Show Results - 7th Jan 2006
Location: Ogdensburg, New York

- WWE Tag Team Champions MNM defeated Psicosis & Super Crazy.

- Bobby Lashley defeated Vito.

- Matt Hardy vs. Sylvan.

- Kid Kash vs. Jamie Noble vs. Funaki vs. Nunzio in a Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Title was announced. Due to Kash suffering an arm injury, he was unable to compete so GM Teddy Long announced that the winner of the match would win the vacant Cruiserweight Title. Nunzio was eliminated first. It then came down to Noble and Funaki. Kash knocks out Noble with brass knucks, puts Funaki on top of Noble and puts the brass knucks on Fuanki as well. The referee counts the pinfall, but Kash points out the brass knucks on Funaki. The referee declares the match a DQ and Kash announces that he is still Cruiserweight Champion since the title can't change on DQ.

- The Boogeyman defeated Simon Dean.

- Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich defeated The Dicks.

- Chris Benoit defeated Orlando Jordan.

- Mark Henry w/ Melina defeated World Heavyweight Champion Batista via DQ. The finish saw Batista knock out Henry with a chair shot and then take out MNM when they interfered.