View Full Version : Jim Ross discusses host of HOF, who might inductee Lawler, wrestle again & more

03-01-2007, 05:46 PM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, responding to emails he has received in the last week. You can read the blog by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/03/01/wheres-the-respect/).

- Ross kicks off this set by talking about some of the jerks (my word, not his) who send in emails, noting that one person wishes JR would have a stroke because he can't get Randy Savage into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Ross notes how frustrating it is to deal with the "negative B.S." from some people that send in emails. Ross has been doing two-three blogs a week, has given straight answers on a lot of tough questions, and told some really cool stories. It would really suck if he stops doing them because some morons have nothing better to do than hurl insults at him via the Internet.

- Regarding the Wrestlemania main event, Ross feels Undertaker's undefeated record is a "major marketing element" but that Shawn Michaels could steal the show regardless of which match goes on last. Ross also hopes that Mania doesn't have too many matches, as "it is not everyone’s right to be a part of Wrestlemania, in my opinion, but should be considered a privilege to be booked to participate on this event".

- JR states that William Shatner and Sheryl Crow's names have been "bounced around" as possibly inducting Jerry Lawler into the Hall Of Fame.

- Ross notes that he feels both the Road Warriors and the Von Erichs deserve to be in the Hall Of Fame.

- Mean Gene Okerlund will be the Master of Ceremonies for the 2007 Hall Of Fame this year.

- Jim Ross will not be involved in any more matches. "I am retired from those debacles. Many of my “matches” drew great TV ratings, but I personally felt they set the business back a decade or two."

- Triple H is ahead of schedule and Ross notes he should be back in action by Summerslam or September.

- Concerning Ric Flair's son Reid going into pro wrestling, JR stats that Reid should work on a college education first, and notes that his father is going to "cast a long shadow".

- Ross states that "Good finishing maneuvers are those that don’t take a week to set up and that can be executed on anyone, no matter the opponent’s size."

- Regarding WWE signing "some of Mexico's top young stars" Ross feels that if the athletes are good, they should be signed "no matter the size, color or creed".

- JR doesn't feel having 8 participants in the Money In The Bank match instead of 6 will adversely affect the match.

- When it comes to Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle going into Mixed Martial Arts, Ross notes that MMA is different than amateur wrestling, and that "I think both athletes would be better off sticking with pro wrestling and calling it a day."

- Ross knows nothing of Rob Van Dam and any issues he may have with talent relations. Ross hopes that RVD stays with WWE for the rest of his career, and doubts he will leave.

Ross also writes about Bell's Palsy, Paul Bearer, Mr. Fuji, Arn Anderson, shoots down more rumors, and yes, deals with more Randy Savage questions.

03-01-2007, 11:49 PM
i guess chris masters didnt get the finishing move memo

03-02-2007, 12:33 AM
wow thax ld I'm Guenna e-mail Ross and complain lol no I'm not I'm Guenna beg him to stay in wrestling for another 25 years so my kids can see a true announcer at heart