View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 2nd Feb 2007

03-04-2007, 01:12 AM
Smackdown Results - 2nd Feb 2007
Location - San Jose, California
Announcers - JBL and Michael Cole

The show begins and the World Champion Batista comes to the ring. Batista gets on the mic and he says that last week he explained what he did at No Way Out. He says that he wanted to make the point that he is here to compete. When the Undertaker chose him to be his Wrestlemania opponent, he was honored. He says that it will be a privilege to share the ring with the Dead Man. He knows why Taker picked him. It is because Taker is a competitor and a fighter. He is proud and does not want to be in the ring with a pushover. He does not want an easy match. After Taker chose him, Taker choke slammed him. Now we know it is going to be war. At Wrestlemania, Batista versus the Undertaker is going to get ugly. Batista says that it will be the match of his career. He has nothing but the utmost respect for the Undertaker, but he will not be intimidated. Before Batista, can continue, the lights go out and we go to a video of Taker at a cemetery. Taker says that it is time for a journey to the old school. He says that Batista is not intimidated, but we will see. For everyone else, Wrestlemania will be heaven on earth. For Batista it will be hell and there will be hell to pay. Taker says that without death there cannot be life. Taker rises from a grave. Taker says that all things must die. We see the grave get filled by Taker and then he tells Batista at Wrestlemania, his reign as champion will rest in peace.

We return to the arena where Batista drops the microphone and he takes off his sunglasses and we go to commercial.

We are back and the cast of Grindhouse are in the front row. Michael Cole mentions that two more men will qualify for the Money in the Bank Match.

King Booker and Queen Sharmell join Cole and Bradshaw at the announce table.

Money in the Bank Qualifier Match
Matt Hardy vs Joey Mercury

Mercury with a side head lock and Hardy with a hip toss and a quick two count. Hardy with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for another near fall. Hardy returns to the side head lock. Mercury backs Hardy into the corner and he punches Hardy in the corner. The referee admonishes Mercury. Mercury tries to float over when Hardy charges into the corner and Hardy with a knee to the gut from a fireman’s carry position followed by a knee lift. Hardy with a kick to the ribs and Hardy gets a near fall. Hardy with a knee and he sets for a suplex and turns it into a reverse Falcon Arrow. Hardy slams Mercury and then he goes up top for a moonsault, but Mercury moves out of the way. Mercury with a Stroke to Hardy for a two count. Mercury works on Hardy’s arm and shoulder. Mercury pushes Hardy into the corner and punches Hardy in the head. Hardy punches back and Irish whips Mercury into the corner. Hardy charges into a boot and Mercury goes up but he is stopped by Hardy. Hardy tries for an Outsider’s Edge, but he cannot keep Mercury up because of his shoulder. Mercury sends Hardy shoulder first into the ring post as we go to commercial.

We are back and Mercury stands over Hardy on the floor and punches him in the face. Mercury puts Hardy’s arm in the ring skirt and then he slams Hardy to work over the shoulder. Mercury wraps Hardy’s arm around the ring post and then he pulls Hardy into the post and then he gets a two count as they return to the ring. Mercury with a key lock on Hardy, but Hardy will not give up. Hardy gets back onto his feet and he hits a jawbreaker on Mercury. Hardy gets to his feet but Mercury with a kick to the arm. Mercury wraps Hardy’s arm in the rope and he kicks the rope. Mercury continues to work over the arm and he gets a rollup for a two count. Mercury with an arm bar take down and he keeps the arm bar locked in. Hardy and Mercury exchange punches and Mercury goes to the apron. Mercury with a shoulder from the apron and he goes up top. Hardy punches Mercury and he press slams Mercury to the mat. Mercury and Hardy exchange punches until Mercury kicks Hardy. Hardy responds with a kick and clothesline. Hardy with a clothesline into the corner followed by a bulldog but Hardy can only get a two count. Hardy with a Side Effect but he can only get a two count after Mercury kicks out of the hold. Hardy takes off Mercury’s mask. Hardy with a kick and he tries to send Mercury into the turnbuckle, but Mercury stops it. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Mercury for the three count.

Winner: Matt Hardy

Kristal is in the interview area with Montel Vontavious Porter. Kristal asks MVP how it feels to be in the first triple threat qualifying match for the Money in the Bank match. Porter says that when they signed him to Smackdown they signed ‘money in the bank’. He says that he will punch his ticket to Wrestlemania and then at Wrestlemania he will obtain his shot at championship gold. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Wrestlemania Recall of Butterbean versus Bart Gunn at Wrestlemania 15.

Maryse welcomes us back to Smackdown.

Two: Scotty 2 Hotty, Shannon Moore, and Jimmy Wang Yang vs Gregory Helms, Daivari, and Chavo Guerrero

Helms and Moore start things off and Helms backs Moore into the corner and Moore moves out of the way and Helms almost hits Guerrero. Guerrero and Helms have some words before Helms punches Moore in the corner. Moore with a reverse atomic drop and spinning heel kick. Moore slams Helms head into the turnbuckle and then he hits a head scissors take down from the turnbuckle. Chavo tags in and Moore with an arm drag into an arm bar. Scotty is tagged in and he kicks and punches Chavo. Scotty with an arm bar and a belly to back suplex. Daivari comes in and he is met with a punch. Helms comes in, but he leaves the ring before Scotty can do anything. Scotty does get distracted long enough to allow Chavo to hit Scotty from behind. Chavo throws Scotty into the turnbuckle and hits a series of Latino uppercuts. Chavo with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow from Scotty. Scotty with the punches of ten attempted, but Chavo sends Scotty to the apron before he can finish. Scotty punches Chavo, but Helms knocks Scotty off the apron while the referee deals with Daivari. Scotty is rolled back in and Chavo can only get a two count. Daivari tags in and he punches Scotty followed by a snap mare and rear chin lock. Scotty gets to his feet and he hits an elbow. Chavo with a knee to Scotty’s back while the referee was not looking. Helms tags in and he kicks Scotty. Helms with a suplex and then he tags in Chavo who kicks Scotty. Chavo with a key lock on Scotty. Scotty moves out of the way and hits a super kick on Chavo and both men are down. Scotty is able to tag in Yang while Daivari tags in. Yang punches Daivari and then hits a springboard cross body followed by a forearm to Helms on the apron. Yang with a clothesline to Daivari followed by a single leg sweep that takes Daivari down and Yang with a moonsault from the mat for a two count. Yang with a kick to the back of Daivari’s head that sends Daivari into the corner. Yang charges into the corner and hits a kick and then he does a back flip off Daivari’s chest. Helms with the Eye of the Hurricane, but Scotty with a bulldog to Helms. The referee tells Scotty to go back to the apron because he was not the legal man. Chavo puts Daivari on top of Yang for the cover, but Moore breaks it up. Chavo attacks Moore. Scotty sends Chavo out of the ring, but Helms throws Scotty out of the ring. Moore with a somersault pescado onto Chavo. Scotty pulls Helms out of the ring and punches him. Daivari misses a charge into the corner when Yang goes to the apron and then Yang with a moonsault for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Wang Yang, Scotty 2 Hotty, and Shannon Moore

Cole and Bradshaw talk about Rey Mysterio and the night he had when he returned to San Diego. We go to footage from last week’s Smackdown when Rey was interrupted by Vince McMahon. We see Rey asked who he thought would win the Battle of the Billionaires match. We then see Umaga attack Rey Mysterio in the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back with Mick Foley and he talks about his new book. He discusses his discussions with Katie Couric and how he became a name dropper because of her. Then Mick drops a number of names.

There is NO CHANCE and Vince McMahon comes out to the ring. He gets on the mic and he says that he is standing in the same ring that Rey Mysterio was systematically annihilated by the man who will represent him at Wrestlemania. Vince says that he can still hear Rey’s cries of agony from last week. Rey is now nothing more than a stain on the canvas of life. Umaga is the man who will take Vince to victory at Wrestlemania. This is the biggest match that Vince has been involved in and it is the most important. It is the Battle of the Billionaires. If Umaga wins the match, Trump’s head will be shaved. Vince says that if Trump’s representative wins, he will be shaved bald. Vince wants the crowd to be quiet to hear what he has to say, but they do not comply. Vince says that this match is about two things, ego and embarrassment. Vince talks about having 80,000 people watching you live in the building get your head shaved. Then there are the people who are watching the show at home on pay per view. Vince says that he has a sizeable ego, but it is not as big as Trump’s. After he is victorious, the headlines will read ‘Trump Defeated by McMahon’. Vince says that he could be Time Man of the Year. Vince says that he was a little surprised to find out who his selection would be. We go to Monday’s comments from Trump when he selected Bobby Lashley to represent him at Wrestlemania. We then see the brawl between the two men that had to be separated by security.

Vince reminds us about what happened on ECW and he proved that he belonged in a cage. We see highlights of Lashley’s victory over Bob Holly. Then we see Lashley do a splash that knocks the wall of the cage onto Umaga.

Vince does not appear to be too happy after seeing that footage. Vince says that he agrees with the Board of Directors so a guest referee can be announced to maintain order. It will not matter because by the end of Wrestlemania, Trump will be bald.

Vince is interrupted by Bobby Lashley who comes out. Vince wants to know what Lashley is doing out here. Vince says that Lashley is out here to make a deal. Vince says that no matter what Trump is offering him, he will pay Lashley twice as much. Lashley says that it was an honor to be chosen by Donald Trump. It will be an honor to wrestle at Wrestlemania. It will also be an honor to beat Umaga. Vince wants to know what that means related to his offer. Lashley says no and Vince slaps Lashley and tells Lashley that nobody says no to him. Vince leaves the ring quickly and then he goes to the back. We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Bobby Lashley saying no to Vince McMahon and Vince slapping Bobby Lashley.

Vince McMahon is yelling at a backstage worker about Bobby Lashley and Ken Kennedy says that he wants Lashley tonight. Kennedy begs Vince to have a match with Lashley. Vince says that Kennedy does not have to beg him. Vince says that it will be for the ECW Title. The match will be No Holds Barred for Kennedy only. Lashley must abide by the rules and if he is disqualified or counted out, Lashley loses the title. Kennedy likes that and he tells Vince that he is looking at the new ECW World Champion. Vince and Kennedy shake hands.

We see a brief feature on Ashley’s photo shoot for Playboy where she says that she was not nervous, except for being naked.

Jillian tells everyone that before she shows her talent of beating up Ashley, she decides to grace everyone with one of her songs.

Ashley Massaro versus Jillian Hall

Ashley punches Jillian before Jillian is done singing. Ashley with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and a rana for a near fall. Ashley tries for a crucifix driver, but Ashley with a modified Samoan drop. Jillian rubs Ashley’s face in the mat. Jillian slams Ashley’s head into the turnbuckle and follows that with a kick to the back. Jillian grabs her wireless mic and that allows Ashley to get a two count with a rollup. Jillian with an Irish whip and Ashley tries for a head scissors, but Jillian turns it into a power bomb for a two count. Ashley hits an inverted DDT. Ashley goes to the second turnbuckle for an elbow drop and gets the three count. We go to commercial.

Winner: Ashley Massaro

We are back and Little Bastard attacks Bradshaw before he is sent under the apron. Finlay tells Michael Cole that his name is Hornswoggle.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Fit Finlay (with Hornswoggle the Little Bastard) versus Chris Benoit vs Montel Vontavious Porter

Porter and Finlay corner Benoit, but Finlay backs away and Benoit goes after Porter. Benoit chops Finlay and then Porter kicks Benoit. Porter and Benoit exchange punches and then Benoit chops Porter. Finlay with a European uppercut to Benoit followed by an elbow drop. Finlay follows that with a short arm clothesline and a seated senton splash, but Porter pulls Finlay off Benoit. Porter catapults Finlay over the top rope to the floor and then Porter attacks Finlay on the floor. Benoit with a suicide dive onto Porter and Finlay and Porter are down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Finlay has Benoit in a reverse chin lock while Porter is still outside the ring. Benoit with an elbow once he gets to his feet, but Finlay with a double thrust and short arm clothesline for a near fall. Finlay with a reverse chin lock. Benoit gets out of the hold and Porter trips Benoit as he comes off the ropes. Porter with crossfaces to Benoit and then he gets a near fall. Porter with a snap mare and kick to the back. Finlay pulls Porter off Benoit and then they discuss some strategy as both men work over Benoit. Finlay with a slam and Porter with a knee drop. Finlay with an Irish whip and then he charges with a shoulder. Porter slams Benoit and he hits an elbow drop. Finlay dissolves the alliance and hits a short arm clothesline on Porter. Finlay misses a charge into the corner and Finlay hits his shoulder into the ring post. Benoit with a German suplex to Porter, but Finlay hits Benoit in the back. Benoit gives Finlay a German suplex and then he puts Porter in the Sharpshooter. Finlay tries to break up the Sharpshooter and Benoit puts Finlay in the Crippler Crossface. Porter with a drop kick to Benoit to get him to release the Crossface. Porter punches Benoit but Benoit with an enzuigiri. Benoit goes outside the ring after Finlay and hits a German suplex on the floor. Benoit gets on the apron and he tries to suplex Porter to the floor, but Porter stays in the ring and Porter brings him back into the ring. Porter with a series of knees to Benoit’s head. Porter charges into the corner, but he misses a running boot. Benoit with the Hat Trick German suplex combination. Benoit goes up top for the diving head butt but Porter moves out of the way. Porter with a kick and Hornswoggle distracts the referee and Finlay hits Benoit and Porter with the shillelagh. Finlay covers Benoit for the three count.

Winner: Fit Finlay

It is time to see the announcement that Jerry Lawler is the third inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame this year.

Ken Kennedy is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that next week Taker and Batista will be in the building together. Taker will face Fit Finlay while Batista will face Kane.

ECW Championship Match
Ken Kennedy vs Bobby Lashley

Lashley backs Kennedy into the ropes and Kennedy a thumb to the eye to get the advantage. Kennedy tries to send Lashley into the exposed turnbuckle, but Lashley blocks it. Lashley wants to slam Kennedy’s head into the exposed turnbuckle, but the referee reminds him that he will be disqualified. Lashley with an Irish whip and a running clothesline. Kennedy gets out of a slam attempt and he hits a low blow to Lashley and then he sends Lashley into the exposed turnbuckle for a two count. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kennedy Irish whips Lashley into the exposed turnbuckle and follows it up with a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Kennedy tries to get another quick count. Lashley rolls outside the ring. Kennedy with a swinging neck breaker with Lashley caught up in the ropes and Lashley returns to the floor. Kennedy lets the referee count Lashley out, but Lashley makes it back to the apron. Kennedy kicks Lashley off the apron and this time he goes out and sends Lashley back first into the apron. Kennedy with an Irish whip into the ring steps. Lashley punches Kennedy but Kennedy with a drop kick to Lashley’s knee. Kennedy chokes Lashley with the tape around his wrist. Lashley backs Kennedy into the turnbuckle to get Kennedy to release the choke hold. Lashley gets Kennedy up for a power slam, but Kennedy gets out of the hold and he clips Lashley. Kennedy gets a chair and he hits Lashley with the chair. Kennedy covers, but he can only get a two count. Kennedy with the rolling fireman’s carry slam onto the chair for a two count. Kennedy hits Lashley in the back with the chair repeatedly. Lashley blocks the chair shot and he kicks Kennedy. Lashley wants to use the chair, but the referee warns Lashley that he will be disqualified. Kennedy sends Lashley out of the ring, but he returns to the ring and hits a series of clotheslines. Lashley gets Kennedy up in the torture rack, but Kennedy gets out of the hold. Kennedy tries to clip Lashley again, but Lashley leaps to avoid it. Lashley with a running power slam for the three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

03-04-2007, 01:15 AM
good to see cruiserweights back on tv

03-04-2007, 01:33 AM
I heard a rumour they might have a cruierweight battle royal at Wreestlemania.