View Full Version : I am the Antichrist!, shouts Britney

03-05-2007, 09:55 PM
Britney Spears claimed she was the "Antichrist" before trying to commit suicide, it has been reported.

The troubled singer - who is currently in Malibu's Promises rehab centre - scribbled 666 on her shaved head and terrified staff by screaming, "I am the

A source told Britain's News of the World newspaper: "She was crying and shouting, 'I am the Antichrist!' Then she started screaming, 'I'm a fake!'

"Later that night she tried to kill herself. She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt."

Britney has reportedly begged estranged husband Kevin Federline, 28, to renew their wedding vows and have another child.

The source added: "Britney has realised what a rock Kevin has been to her, she wants to be with him again.

Britney seems much happier and has calmed
down since the incident. She is a completely different Britney from the beginning of the week."
The 25-year-old is said to have requested one night away from the clinic to be with Kevin.

Just weeks ago, Britney and Kevin were embroiled in a bitter custody battle for their sons, 17-month-old Sean Preston and five-month-old Jayden James.

Britney quit rehab and was seen attacking a photographer and a car with an umbrella outside Kevin's home, after he refused to see her.

Friends claim the 'Toxic' singer has attempted to commit suicide before.

A source said: "Britney held up two bottles of Tylenol and shouted 'I'm doing this!' Britney was terrified Kevin would get full custody of the children. She said she would kill herself if she lost her boys."

Meanwhile, Britney's mother Lynne has banned former lover Justin Timberlake from visiting the star in rehab.

A source told Britain's Sunday Mirror newspaper: "Justin was distressed to learn about the state Britney was in. Lynne was touched by the gesture but begged him not to go. He promised to hook up with her at a later date."

Bang Showbiz

03-05-2007, 11:02 PM
Wow...all I have to say...

03-06-2007, 12:24 AM
The Brit story just keeps getting crazier by the day lol.

03-06-2007, 04:47 AM
wow i miss the old britney when she did the coke comershaul(sp) and sang o baby bby i never wanna let u go.....

03-07-2007, 01:42 AM
This is probably the fakest story that I have ever read. Granted she is crazy as hell, but that doesn't give people the right to keep printing garbage like this. Its not like her real life doesn't have enough drama as it is.