View Full Version : RAW Results - 5th Mar 2007

03-06-2007, 03:27 AM
Raw Results - 5th Mar 2007
Location - Phoenix , Arizona
Announcers - J.R and Jerry 'The king' Lawler

Shawn Michaels is in the back and he is stretching. WWE champion and fellow tag team champion John Cena stops by. They stare each other down before Cena wishes Michaels good luck against Randy Orton. Michaels says that it seems right for him to wish Cena good luck against Edge. Cena says that there is something else. Everybody is talking. Michaels says that he has had his chances and in the past, he has turned on his partners and stabbed every friend in the back. Cena says that he has lost some sleep. Michaels says that with Cena it is different. Cena says that he wants to know what is different about this scenario. Michaels says that maybe there is no difference. Cena says that Michaels has had his back in the past. If anything happens with Randy Orton, he does not need his help.

We are live from Phoenix , Arizona and your announcers are Jim ‘Spring Training’ Ross and Jerry ‘Hall of Fame Puppies’ Lawler.

Before our first match, we see John Cena and Shawn Michaels retain the tag titles against Edge and Randy Orton

Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton (with Edge)

Orton with punches after he runs to the ring. Michaels with a swinging neck breaker and boot to the head. Michaels chops Orton and then hits a back body drop. Michaels with a clothesline that sends Orton over the top rope to the floor and Orton bangs his head into the announce table. Orton is dazed on the floor and then he gets hip tossed back into the ring. Michaels with a chop in the corner. Michaels with an Irish whip, but he charges into a boot from Orton. Orton punches Michaels followed by European uppercuts. Michaels is choked in the ropes and then he slams Michaels’s head into the turnbuckles. Orton with punches and then he rakes Michaels’s eyes. Michaels with a knee lift to Orton and then he charges at Orton against the ropes, but Orton with a back body drop that sends Michaels to the floor. Edge is held back by the referee. Orton rolls out of the ring to go after Michaels as we go to commercial.

We are back and Michaels with a chop and he tries for a drop kick, but Orton catches Michaels and he puts Michaels in a Boston Crab. Michaels tries to make his way to the ropes but Orton keeps Michaels far enough away from the ropes. Michaels makes a desperate grab for the ropes and he gets to the bottom rope. Orton finally releases the hold. Michaels with a sleeper on Orton, but Orton tries to get out with a belly-to-back suplex. Michaels counters with a cross body for a two count. Michaels slides outside and almost goes after Edge, but he returns to the apron. Orton hits a DDT on Michaels and then he punches Michaels in the corner. Orton with a standing drop kick that sends Michaels into the turnbuckles and then Michaels falls to the mat. Orton with a knee drop to the back of Michaels’s head followed by a two count. Orton puts Michaels in a reverse chin lock. Michaels punches and chops Orton and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Michaels with a flying forearm and then he kips up. Orton gets up as well. Michaels with a reverse atomic drop followed by a punch and slam. Michaels goes to the apron and then he goes up top and hits the elbow drop. Michaels gets ready for Sweet Chin Music. Orton blocks Sweet Chin Music and Orton tries for the RKO. Michaels pushes Orton into the referee and the referee goes down. Orton hits a clothesline and he covers Michaels but the referee is still down. Orton has Edge get the tag title belt and the referee takes it. Michaels with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Orton punches Michaels and Orton tells Edge to bring a chair into the ring. Orton hits an RKO on the chair. John Cena comes to the ring and Orton and Edge leave the ring and head towards the back. Cena checks on Michaels in the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back with Mick Foley wondering if the WWE would publish a book that criticizes them and then he says that if it was written by a New York Times Best Seller. Mick says that if Winston Churchill can have three autobiographies, why not him.

We take a look back at last week’s episode of ECW when Bobby Lashley defeated Bob Holly in a steel cage. Then we see footage of Bobby Lashley hitting a splash into the cage and the cage collapses on Umaga.

We see Vince McMahon in the McOffice with Jonathan Coachman and Armando Alejandro Estrada. Vince says that Lashley is impressive and Trump is no dummy. Vince wants to know what kind of mood Umaga is in. What is Umaga going to do to Jeff Hardy tonight? Estrada says that Vince has nothing to worry about. Estrada leaves and Coach tells Vince that he looks a little stressed tonight. Vince says that there is a Board of Directors and a Chairman of the Board. The Board does the same thing that everyone else does. They kiss his ass. They will do exactly what they tell him and they will take his suggestion. Coach wants to know what the suggestion is. Vince says that the referee should be someone who is independent minded with the blood of a McMahon. That would be someone like ‘his son’ Shane McMahon. Coach calls Vince a genius.

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy versus Umaga (with Armando Alejandro Estrada)

Before the match begins, Umaga pulls up the protective mats on the floor. Umaga sends Hardy into the corner and punches him. Umaga misses a charge into the corner and Hardy goes to the floor. Umaga chases after Hardy and Hardy returns to the ring and then hits a baseball slide. Hardy with a somersault plancha. Umaga misses Hardy and goes into the ring steps. Hardy with a clothesline off the ring steps. Hardy with a drop kick to Umaga, but Umaga responds with a clothesline. Umaga lands on Hardy’s chest with help from the ropes. Umaga picks up Hardy and Hardy punches Umaga and hits a jawbreaker. Umaga with a thrust to the throat and clothesline that takes Hardy down. Umaga slams Hardy into the turnbuckles and puts him in the tree of woe. Umaga with a diving headbutt onto Hardy and Hardy goes down hard in the corner. Umaga punches Hardy in the corner and then Hardy is in the corner as Umaga gets ready for the running butt splash into the corner and he hits it. Umaga sets for the Samoan Spike and he hits it for the three count.

Winner: Umaga

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler wonder if anyone can stop Umaga.

We take a look at the week in Bobby Lashley. We see Trump announce that Bobby Lashley is his representative for the Battle of the Billionaires. We see Bobby Lashley’s splash through the cage on ECW. We see Bobby Lashley refuse Vince’s offer to turn his back on Trump at Smackdown. We go to commercial.

We are back with footage of celebrities talking about the Battle of the Billionaires. Most of them want to see Trump bald.

We see Melina in the back as she gets ready for her match with Mickie James.

Todd Grisham is in the interview area with Carlito and Ric Flair. Todd talks about the animosity when Flair got in Carlito’s grill about not having the passion. Todd talks about how they have worked together as a team. Todd mentions that they will face each other for the final slot in the Money in the Bank match. Flair says that one will walk out of the match as the winner and will have a spot in the Money in the Bank. Flair says that he has more passion and he will win the Money in the Bank Match and he will be a seventeen time champion. Carlito says that he will do everything possible to qualify for the Money in the Bank Match, even if he has to go through Flair. Flair says that Carlito has gotten better, but not good enough to beat Flair.

Vince is on the phone with ‘his son’ Shane. Vince wants to know what the news is. Vince says that he will see Shane when he gets there. Vince says that Shane is at the airport and he will be there soon. Vince says that Shane told him that the vote appears to be going his way. Vince asks Coach if anyone told him that he resembles Trump. We see the photo of a bald Trump as we go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Rob Van Dam will face Elijah Burke on ECW.

Chris Masters is in the ring and he has a chair for the Master Lock Challenge. Masters’s challenger will be Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Duggan gets a USA chant going. Masters locks in the Master Lock. Duggan appears to be out, but he powers back up, but it is not enough as Duggan goes out. Masters hesitates before releasing the hold.

Vince McMahon is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight moment with Cena and Michaels talking at the start of the show. Michaels tells Cena that he does not want or need Cena’s help. We see Michaels pin Orton only to get RKOed on a chair.

John Cena is in the locker room and Michaels confronts Cena. Michaels says that he has Cena’s back tonight. Cena tells Michaels that he does not need his help either.

There is NO CHANCE that Vince McMahon wouldn’t come out and stop by the barber shop set up on the Rawest Stage in Sports Entertainment. Vince walks emphatically to the ring. Vince says that before we find out who the Board of Directors has independently selected to be the guest referee in the Battle of the Billionaires, Vince wants to let everyone know what is going to happen next week. Vince says that there will be a contract signing with Donald Trump on one side and he will be on the other side. Vince says that if Trump gets in his face, Trump will get a billion dollar bitch slap. Vince is interrupted by Eric Bischoff who comes to the ring. Vince wants to know what the hell Eric is doing here. Eric tells Vince that he is not the guest referee. Eric tells Vince that he happens to live in Phoenix so he decided to stop by to say hello. He has had a lot of free time since he was fired and humiliated by Vince McMahon. Eric wanted to tell Vince how much everyone is going to enjoy watching Trump shave Vince’s head. Vince wants to know who the Board of Directors have chosen to be guest referee. We hear Mick Foley’s music play and Foley comes out wearing a referee shirt. Vince wants to thank the Board for choosing Mick as the referee. Vince says that Mick looks great and he wants to know how the kids are. Mick says that it is ironic that the last time he was here, he was kissing Vince’s ass. Now it is seven months later and Vince is kissing his ass. Vince says that he respects the Board’s decision and he wants to know if there is something that he can do for Mick. Mick wants Vince to give him his old job back. Vince agrees to give Mick his job back. Mick reminds Vince that he has his book coming out tomorrow, so he would love unlimited access to gratuitously plug that book. Vince agrees. Mick says that he says some horrible things about Vince and questions Vince’s reputation as a creative genius. Vince says that Mick is entitled to his opinion. Mick says that he ran up a huge room service bill as well as a Christy Canyon double feature that he does not want to appear on his credit card bill. Vince agree to take care of that. They shake hands. Vince announces Mick as the guest referee, but Mick stops Vince and he says that there has been a misunderstanding. Mick says that he is a special guest referee, but not for Vince’s match. He is the guest referee for a rib eating contest between Charles Barkley and the Phoenix Gorilla. The Gorilla comes to the ring and he shakes Vince’s hand. Mick and the Gorilla leave the ring.

‘His Son’ Shane McMahon comes out and he is not doing the Shane-O Shuffle. He wants to have a word with ‘his father’ Vince before he enters the ring. Shane tells Vince that there are major problems. The Board voted five-to-four and they lost. Vince wonders who the guest referee is if it isn’t ‘his son’ Shane. Shane whispers it in Vince’s ear and glass breaks as Steve Austin comes to the ring.

Vince offers his hand to Austin and Austin calls for a few beers so he can open them and spill them on his shirt. Austin offers his hand but pulls it away from Vince. Vince gets a beer shower from Austin as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Steve Austin’s return to Raw as the guest referee for the Battle of the Billionaires.

Mick Foley and the Phoenix Gorilla walk in the back while Foley reads what he wrote about Austin . Ron Simmons is in the foreground for a DAMN moment.

It is time for the guest ring announcer for the next match, Ashley Massaro.

We see footage of Melina winning the Women’s Title two weeks ago.

Women’s Championship Match
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Mickie James vs Melina(c)

Mickie with a baseball slide before the bell rings and Melina gets a near fall on the floor. Melina with a forearm and then she sends Mickie into the ringside barrier. Melina goes to the back and Mickie chases after her. Melina tosses a trash can at Mickie and then they fight on the makeup table. Mickie sends Melina into a door and then Melina kicks Mickie in the abdomen. They fight into the Diva locker room and Mickie throws Melina over the couch. Mickie gets a two count. Victoria holds Mickie for Melina, but Torrie sprays hairspray in Victoria ’s eyes. Candice comes out of the shower wearing a towel and the towel is removed. We go to commercial.

We are back and the match returns into the arena. Mickie and Melina roll down the Rawest Ramp in Sports Entertainment. Melina returns to the ring and she kicks Mickie and connects with a double sledge. Melina slams Mickie’s head into the mat. Mickie with forearms and then she throws Melina down to the mat. Mickie tosses Melina by the hair and then she hits a fisherman’s suplex and bridge for a two count. Mickie with shoulders in the corner but Melina climbs the turnbuckles. Mickie slams Melina’s head into the ring post and she punches Melina on the turnbuckle. Mickie tries for a hurricanrana from the top turnbuckle and Melina holds on to the ropes and Mickie lands hard on the mat. Melina with a cover for the three count.

Winner: Melina

Melina grabs the belt from Ashley and she yells at Ashley. Ashley pushes Melina to the ground. Ashley checks on Mickie in the ring. We go to commercial.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Carlito (with Torrie Wilson) vs Ric Flair

Carlito with a side head lock and shoulder tackle followed by a quick near fall. Carlito backs Flair into the corner on a collar and elbow tie up. Carlito with shoulders to Flair in the corner. Carlito with kicks and punches in the corner. Flair chops Carlito and then he punches Carlito in the corner. Carlito with an Irish whip and back body drop for a two count. Carlito with a drop kick for another two count. Carlito kicks Flair and then he punches him. Carlito with a suplex to Flair followed by another cover. Carlito chops Flair and then he punches Flair followed by kicks. Carlito goes up for the punches of ten, but Flair stops Carlito and hits a reverse atomic drop followed by a chop. Flair with a back elbow and rolling knee drop for a two count. Flair with a reverse chin lock. Carlito with a springboard back elbow and then he tries for a quebrada, but Carlito lands on his feet and he hurts his knee.

The Great Khali’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Flair chops Khali as Khali comes into the ring. Khali pushes Flair away and then he kicks Carlito. Khali with a clothesline to Flair and then he throws Carlito over the top rope to the floor. Khali gets Flair up for a vertical choke.

Khali gets on the mic and he says that he wants Kane. Khali goes to the back as Flair and Carlito are on the ground at ringside.

We will find out who the newest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame will be, but we go to commercial first.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment where we found out that Steve Austin was officially the guest referee for the Battle of the Billionaires.

We are told that Steve Austin will be on ECW tomorrow night.

It is time to find out the newest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame. The fourth man into the WWE Hall of Fame for 2007 is Nick Bockwinkel.

Edge is talking to Randy Orton and he wonders if Orton will be at ringside for his match with John Cena. Orton says that he has a meeting with Coach. Edge wants to know if it has to do with last week. Orton says that he does not have Edge’s back.

John Cena is walking into commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that the contract signing for the Battle of the Billionaires will be happening next week.

Before our main event, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, and Melina come to the ring while John Cena waits for Edge.

Edge comes to the ring and he says that he is ready to kick Cena’s ass. However, he is a civil rights activist. Since Arizona was the last state to recognize Martin Luther King Day. Edge says that he is color blind and Canadian so he cannot wrestle in front of these bigots. Since Johnny Nitro’s great-great grandmother was black, he demands an opportunity to beat Cena up.

John Cena vs Johnny Nitro

Mercury attacks Cena from behind and that allows Nitro to punch Cena. Nitro with a kick followed by a European uppercut. Cena with an Irish whip, but he charges into an elbow. Nitro tosses Cena over the top rope to the floor. Mercury sends Cena into the ring post while the referee was with Nitro. Nitro goes out to send Cena into the ring steps and Melina shrieks her approval. Nitro rolls Cena into the ring and gets a two count. Nitro with a forearm to the back followed by a reverse chin lock. Cena powers out of the hold and he kicks and punches Nitro. Cena with clotheslines and a flying shoulder tackle. Cena with a Blue Thunder Driver and then it is time for the five knuckle shuffle. Cena punches Mercury off the apron and then Edge gets on the apron only to retreat to the floor. Cena gets Nitro up for the FU, but Mercury clips Cena and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: John Cena by disqualification

Nitro and Mercury give Cena the SnapShot. Shawn Michaels’s music plays and Edge retreats into the crowd. Shawn does not enter the ring and he walks to the back. Nitro and Mercury continue the assault on Cena. Shawn turns around then he punches Nitro and Mercury. Michaels sends Nitro and Mercury over the top rope to the floor. Michaels leaves the ring and walks to the back as we go to credits.

03-06-2007, 05:22 AM
Awesome to see Austin and Mick back in the ring :)

Bad Boy
03-06-2007, 06:55 AM
Austin is back... DAMN!! Good to hear he's back, and before WM he better make a hell of an impact...

03-07-2007, 01:24 AM
damm hope CEna is okay

and I am so happy that Austion is back

03-07-2007, 01:26 AM
yay foley is back

03-11-2007, 05:07 PM
Booo...Mick should of never came back..he's old, but yea Austin's cool...(even tho he's old too..)