View Full Version : Longish survey

Sunshine Acid
04-10-2006, 12:55 AM
Favorite Color:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Band/Musician:
Favorite Song:
Democrat or Republican:
What religion are you:
Pepsi or Coke:
Do you smoke:
Do you smoke marijuana:
Have you ever smoked marijuana:
Do you do any other drugs:
Have you ever done any other drugs:
Do you drink alcohol:
Have you ever drank alcohol:
Favorite Fast Food Place:
Are you homosexual:
Are you bisexual:
Ever wrote a song:
Ever performed on stage:
Do you play an instrument:
What instrument:
Can you sing well:
Can you cook:
What job do you have:
Favorite candy:
Do you meditate:
Do you pray:
Do you play a sport:
How old are you:
Are you single:
How old is your bf/gf/spouse:
How many brothers/sisters:
How old are they:
Are both of your parents still alive:
How old are they:
Are they together:
Do you have any kids:
How old are they:
What is your favorite season:
What is your favorite holiday:
What country do you live in:
What state do you live in:
Why are you doing this whole survey:
Isn’t it pointless:
How often do you masturbate:
Ever had a cavity:
Do you shower daily:
What are you currently listening to:
What pets do you have:

Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: uuh right now it is chicken and rice soup
Favorite Movie: Woodstock
Favorite TV Show: Rockfest on VH1 Classic
Favorite Animal: Doggies
Favorite Band/Musician: The Beatles
Favorite Song: Impossible to pick, maybe Imagine by John Lennon
Democrat or Republican: Meh neither, but democrat over republican
What religion are you: none for me, atheist all the way :)
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Do you smoke: No
Do you smoke marijuana: Yes
Have you ever smoked marijuana: mmhmm
Do you do any other drugs: Yup
Have you ever done any other drugs: yeaaah
Do you drink alcohol: Nah
Have you ever drank alcohol: Yeah
Favorite Fast Food Place: Wendy's
Are you homosexual: Yeah
Are you bisexual: Yeah
Ever wrote a song: Yes
Ever performed on stage: Yes
Do you play an instrument: Yes guitar, can play bass, and barely drums and keyboard
What instrument: See above
Can you sing well: Yeah
Can you cook: Sort of yeah
What job do you have: Unemployed
Favorite candy: Anything with alot of sugar, like pixie sticks or something
Do you meditate: Yes
Do you pray: Hell no
Do you play a sport: No
How old are you: 18
Are you single: No
How old is your bf/gf/spouse: 18
How many brothers/sisters: 1 brother
How old are they: 8 years old
Are both of your parents still alive: Yes
How old are they: 35 and 36
Are they together: Yes
Do you have any kids: Not yet
How old are they: dont have any
What is your favorite season: Summer
What is your favorite holiday: Halloween
What country do you live in: U.S.A.
What state do you live in: NJ
Why are you doing this whole survey: I must be bored
Isn’t it pointless: Yeah I guess you can say that
How often do you masturbate: :hmm:
Ever had a cavity: Yeah
Do you shower daily: Of course
What are you currently listening to: Hurricane by Bob Dylan
What pets do you have: A doggy and two kitties

04-10-2006, 01:14 PM
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Spinach
Favorite Movie: Too many to list
Favorite TV Show: Too many to list... I will go with Supernatural because I just finished watching it
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite Band/Musician: Metallica
Favorite Song: Master of Puppets
Democrat or Republican: Don't have that option here
What religion are you: Athiest
Pepsi or Coke: I don't drink soft drinks
Do you smoke: No
Do you smoke marijuana: No
Have you ever smoked marijuana: No
Do you do any other drugs: No
Have you ever done any other drugs: No
Do you drink alcohol: Not very often
Have you ever drank alcohol: Yes
Favorite Fast Food Place: I am anti fast food
Are you homosexual: No
Are you bisexual: No
Ever wrote a song: Well, I guess some of the poems I have ever written could be songs, maybe
Ever performed on stage: Only at school concerts... And I hated it... I used to try and blend into the background
Do you play an instrument: I used to play guitar, but not anymore
What instrument: See above
Can you sing well: Nope
Can you cook: Does ordering it, picking it up from the take away place, defrosting it, or reheating it count?
What job do you have: Reservations for a Tour Operator
Favorite candy: All Natural Confectionary Company - Forbidden Fruits flavour
Do you meditate: No
Do you pray: No
Do you play a sport: I am too accident prone :redfaced:
How old are you: 24
Are you single: Yep
How old is your bf/gf/spouse: Don't have one
How many brothers/sisters: 1 sister, 3 half brothes
How old are they: 18, my half brothers are in their 50's (don't remember their exact ages though)
Are both of your parents still alive: No
How old are they: My mum is 56
Are they together: Well, considering my dad passed away...
Do you have any kids: No
How old are they: Don't have any ankle biters thank heavens
What is your favorite season: Autumn
What is your favorite holiday: Don't really have one
What country do you live in: Australia
What state do you live in: NSW
Why are you doing this whole survey: I'm bored
Isn’t it pointless: Aren't most surveys?
How often do you masturbate: :hmm:
Ever had a cavity: Yep
Do you shower daily: Of course
What are you currently listening to: 'Allo 'Allo on the TV
What pets do you have: 2 dogs and a cat who thinks he is a dog

04-10-2006, 01:26 PM
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Movie: BASEketball
Favorite TV Show: Simpsons
Favorite Animal: Lizard
Favorite Band/Musician: Guns 'n' Roses
Favorite Song: "Enter Sandman" - Metallica
Democrat or Republican: Neither
What religion are you: Catholic
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Do you smoke: No
Do you smoke marijuana: No
Have you ever smoked marijuana: Yes
Do you do any other drugs: No
Have you ever done any other drugs: No
Do you drink alcohol: Yes
Have you ever drank alcohol: Yes
Favorite Fast Food Place: Subway
Are you homosexual: No
Are you bisexual: No
Ever wrote a song: Tried To
Ever performed on stage: Yes
Do you play an instrument: Yes
What instrument: Bass Guitar
Can you sing well: No
Can you cook: Yes
What job do you have: Student
Favorite candy: Wine Gums
Do you meditate: No
Do you pray: No
Do you play a sport: No
How old are you: 18
Are you single: Yes
How old is your bf/gf/spouse: N/A
How many brothers/sisters: 1 Sister
How old are they: 16
Are both of your parents still alive: Yes
How old are they: 48 & 50
Are they together: No
Do you have any kids: No
How old are they: N/A
What is your favorite season: Summer
What is your favorite holiday: Christmas
What country do you live in: Northern Ireland
What state do you live in: County Down
Why are you doing this whole survey: Because I'm Bored!
Isn’t it pointless: Kinda
How often do you masturbate: Frequently
Ever had a cavity: Yes
Do you shower daily: No
What are you currently listening to: "I Wanna Be Sedated" - The Ramones
What pets do you have: 4 Cats

04-10-2006, 02:17 PM
Favorite Color:Blue
Favorite Food:French Fries
Favorite Movie:don't have one.
Favorite TV Show:WWE
Favorite Animal:Cats
Favorite Band/Musician:Mindless Self Indulgence
Favorite Song:Killing The Me In Me by Embodyment
Democrat or Republican:democrat(I'm from Jersey.Whaddayou expect?)
What religion are you:None.
Pepsi or Coke:Moutain Dew...which is owned by Pepsi
Do you smoke:No
Do you smoke marijuana:No
Have you ever smoked marijuana:No
Do you do any other drugs:NO
Have you ever done any other drugs:NO
Do you drink alcohol:NO
Have you ever drank alcohol:NO
Favorite Fast Food Place:Wendys
Are you homosexual:NO
Are you bisexual:NO
Ever wrote a song:Many
Ever performed on stage:no
Do you play an instrument:no
What instrument:none
Can you sing well:I dont know.
Can you cook:yes
What job do you have:none
Favorite candy:now and laters
Do you meditate:no
Do you pray:yes
Do you play a sport:no
How old are you:19
Are you single:yes
How old is your bf/gf/spouse:I have none
How many brothers/sisters:1
How old are they:29
Are both of your parents still alive:yes
How old are they:I dont know
Are they together:no
Do you have any kids:no
How old are they:NA
What is your favorite season:summer
What is your favorite holiday:B-Day!!!
What country do you live in:United States
What state do you live in:New Jersey
Why are you doing this whole survey:I dunno
Isn’t it pointless:I dunno
How often do you masturbate:often
Ever had a cavity:no
Do you shower daily:yes
What are you currently listening to:"Critical Error" by Embodyment
What pets do you have:none

04-11-2006, 12:00 AM
Favorite Food:sea food
Favorite Movie: The Road Warrior
Favorite TV Show: House
Favorite Animal: Wolf
Favorite Band/Musician: Linkin Park/Kenny Chesney
Favorite Song: Unanswered Prayers
Democrat or Republican: neither
What religion are you: atheist
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Do you smoke: nope
Do you smoke marijuana: nope
Have you ever smoked marijuana: yeah
Do you do any other drugs: nope
Have you ever done any other drugs: nope
Do you drink alcohol: nope
Have you ever drank alcohol: yeah
Favorite Fast Food Place: don't like fast food. so Subway
Are you homosexual: nope
Are you bisexual: nope
Ever wrote a song: nope
Ever performed on stage: nope
Do you play an instrument: nope
What instrument: nope
Can you sing well: nope
Can you cook: yeah
What job do you have: mommy to Austin. need to get a job though :(
Favorite candy: m&m's
Do you meditate: nope
Do you pray: nope
Do you play a sport: nope
How old are you: 33
Are you single: yeah
How old is your bf/gf/spouse: single
How many brothers/sisters: 3 sisters 1 bother
How old are they: 38,37,35,30
Are both of your parents still alive: yeah
How old are they: real dad unsure. mom 55 step dad 47
Are they together: yeah
Do you have any kids: yeah
How old are they: 7
What is your favorite season: winter
What is your favorite holiday: thankgiving
What country do you live in: USA
What state do you live in: Florida
Why are you doing this whole survey: because i'm bored
Isn’t it pointless: well nope
How often do you masturbate: loads:redfaced:
Ever had a cavity: yeah
Do you shower daily: yeah
What are you currently listening to: Keith Urban Tonight I Wanna Cry
What pets do you have: 1 dog

04-11-2006, 12:12 AM
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Chop Suey
Favorite Movie: Transformers
Favorite TV Show: Family guy
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Band/Musician: None
Favorite Song: None
Democrat or Republican: Neither
What religion are you: None
Pepsi or Coke: Mountain Dew
Do you smoke: No
Do you smoke marijuana: No
Have you ever smoked marijuana: No
Do you do any other drugs: No
Have you ever done any other drugs: No
Do you drink alcohol: No
Have you ever drank alcohol: Yes
Favorite Fast Food Place: Mickey D's
Are you homosexual: No
Are you bisexual: No
Ever wrote a song: Yes
Ever performed on stage: No
Do you play an instrument: Yes
What instrument: Skinflute-I KEED!
Can you sing well: No
Can you cook: Kind of
What job do you have: None
Favorite candy: M&M's
Do you meditate: No
Do you pray: No
Do you play a sport: No
How old are you: 30
Are you single: No
How old is your bf/gf/spouse: 31
How many brothers/sisters: 1 Brother
How old are they: 32
Are both of your parents still alive: Yes
How old are they: 54/64
Are they together: No
Do you have any kids: No
How old are they: ^^
What is your favorite season: Winter though shifting to Summer
What is your favorite holiday: Christmas though shifting to my birthday
What country do you live in: USA
What state do you live in: Maine
Why are you doing this whole survey: Was held at gunpoint....
Isn’t it pointless: Quite
How often do you masturbate: 58 times a day
Ever had a cavity: Yes-Searched no
Do you shower daily: Yes 59 times a day
What are you currently listening to: The keyboard typing
What pets do you have: 4 cats-1 hamster

04-11-2006, 12:16 AM
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Food: pizza, ice cream, cheetos
Favorite Movie: some
Favorite TV Show: WWE.... duh
Favorite Animal: Batastia
Favorite Band/Musician: Green day
Favorite Song: reys new theme
Democrat or Republican: Reprublician
What religion are you: Catholic, Christan
Pepsi or Coke: Both suck. DR PEPPER ALL THE WAY!
too young for the these that i skipped
Favorite Fast Food Place: McDonalds
Are you homosexual: No fag
Are you bisexual: no fag
Ever wrote a song: Workin on one right now
Ever performed on stage: Once
Do you play an instrument: Drums
What instrument: Drums
Can you sing well: Nope
Can you cook: Cereal and toast
What job do you have: N/A
Favorite candy: Gum
Do you meditate: WTF?
Do you pray: Sometimes
Do you play a sport: Not really
How old are you: not gunna say
Are you single: yup
How many brothers/sisters: 2
How old are they: Bro: 13 Sis: 10
Are both of your parents still alive: yup
How old are they: dad: 54 mom: 47
Are they together: yup
Do you have any kids: nope
What is your favorite season: Does the road to wrestlemania count as a season?
What is your favorite holiday: X-Mas
What country do you live in: USA
What state do you live in: KY
Why are you doing this whole survey: idk. bored i guess
Isn’t it pointless: kinda
How often do you masturbate: whenever nessacary
Ever had a cavity: idk
Do you shower daily: no...
What are you currently listening to: nothin really
What pets do you have: 1 turtle, 7 fish, and 1 cat

Black Widow
04-11-2006, 12:16 AM
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Food: cabbage
Favorite Movie: land before time
Favorite TV Show: wwe
Favorite Animal: shark
Favorite Band/Musician: nirvana/foo fighters/ashlee simpson :D
Favorite Song:rape me
Democrat or Republican: dont know
What religion are you: chatholic
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Do you smoke: no
Do you smoke marijuana: no
Have you ever smoked marijuana: no
Do you do any other drugs: no
Have you ever done any other drugs: no
Do you drink alcohol: no
Have you ever drank alcohol: yeah
Favorite Fast Food Place: no where
Are you homosexual: no
Are you bisexual: no
Ever wrote a song: no
Ever performed on stage: yeah
Do you play an instrument: yeah
What instrument: guitar
Can you sing well: no
Can you cook: yes
What job do you have: none
Favorite candy: m&m's
Do you meditate:yes
Do you pray: yes
Do you play a sport: no
How old are you: 20
Are you single: yes
How old is your bf/gf/spouse: none
How many brothers/sisters: 1 bro 2 sis
How old are they: 19, 16, 6
Are both of your parents still alive: yeah
How old are they: 44
Are they together: no
Do you have any kids: no
How old are they:
What is your favorite season: spring
What is your favorite holiday: easter
What country do you live in: ireland
What state do you live in: dublin
Why are you doing this whole survey: dont know
Isn’t it pointless: not really
How often do you masturbate: only 1 person knows that:redfaced:
Ever had a cavity: nope
Do you shower daily: yes
What are you currently listening to: ashlee simpson
What pets do you have: none yet