View Full Version : More On Tyson Tomko's Release, Shannon Moore Returns, Ashley Massaro

04-10-2006, 05:36 AM
For several weeks, Tyson Tomko was contemplating leaving WWE. Apparently, he had a deal in Japan all but signed. All Japan Pro Wrestling has been looking for some huge powerful foreigners after recently losing A-Train, Chuck Palumbo and Umaga. Tomko is looking to emulate the late Bruiser Brody, who had great success in Japan. When Tyson Tomko was in OVW, Jim Cornette would give Tomko some old tapes of Bruiser Brody for him to study on how to get over. After Tyson Tomko gave his notice on Monday, he was said to have an upbeat attitude and relieved that his WWE tenure was finally over. Tomko had been down on himself about not being used for several months after Christian left him on his own when he transferred to Smackdown last summer.

Shannon Moore made his return to WWE at the Smackdown house show in Saginaw, Michigan on Saturday night. He defeated Funaki and Super Crazy in a three-way matchup. Moore rolled up Funaki for the pinfall.

Ashley Massaro posted two blog entries on her MySpace page concerning her trip to Las Vegas to promote a new WWE cell phone product and how she accidently ruined the 50's style dress that she was going to wear at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. Click here (http://www.myspace.com/ashleymizassaro) to visit her MySpace page.

04-10-2006, 02:10 PM
All Japan Pro Wrestling has been looking for some huge powerful foreigners after recently losing A-Train, Chuck Palumbo and Umaga.

I'd be pretty happy after losing those three guys.It'd give me more space to sign good talent.