View Full Version : Britney blonde wig hides bald

03-07-2007, 10:28 AM

The owner of the salon where Britney Spears shaved off her hair is selling the singer's locks for more than £500,000.

Spears shocked fans looking through the window of the San Fernando Valley salon on Friday night when she grabbed an electric clipper and shaved her own head.

Esther Tognozzi has set up a special website for the sale and is throwing in Britney's abandoned drinks can and cigarette lighter.

The salon owner's husband, JT Tognozzi, said some of the proceeds from the sale would go to charity, including one which supplies wigs to children with cancer.

"We still don't know why Britney chose our shop," he said.

"We'll probably never know."

A search on eBay for "Britney Spears hair" reveals dozens of supposed clumps of the popstar's tresses - some of it not even the right colour.

"It's pretty crazy all the frauds and stuff that's out there," Mr Tognozzi said.

"They're not even in our state."

Britney shook off the criticism of her bald, shaved head by appearing in public in a brash, blonde wig.

She arrived at a nightclub in sunglasses and the cheap-looking blonde hairpiece.

Later she stormed out when the DJ played her debut hit Hit Me Baby One More Time in her honour.

Britney's mother Lynn left her Louisiana home today to head for Los Angeles to be with her daughter, amid increasing fears for her health.

The star's friends and family were said to fear she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Her life appears to be in turmoil with a second failed marriage, nights of hard-partying and a brief spell in rehab.

Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos said: "This may be related to post-natal depression.

"She had a baby three or four months ago. During that time, she split up with her partner, she's moved around, she's been in the papers constantly.

"It seems to me there's a real kind of trend of having very, very low mood and also manic phases."

But there are questions over whether this is a real breakdown or shrewd marketing tactics.

Dr Papadopoulos thought the head-shaving could be a cry for help but the singer might also be trying to make a statement.

The psychologist said: "The message probably is, 'I've had this blonde pop princess imposed on me. You guys need to take heed now. I'm more than that, I'm different than that'."

Professor Cary Cooper, an expert on stress, said: "She's obviously quite a disturbed girl at the moment, she doesn't know who or what she is.

"Partly, we created that, we take these young kids, and turn them into celebrities, but they don't necessarily have the infrastructure to help them deal with the pressures they are going to face."

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