View Full Version : WWE SmackDown! Spoilers 6th March- To Be Aired 9th March

03-07-2007, 11:59 AM
Credit: WrestlingObserver.com


King Booker d. Matt Hardy
A good, longish back and forth match between these two Money in the Bank competitors. Booker wins with the scissor kick after some interference from that JEZEBEL Sharmell.

Kristal interviews Batista backstage. When did Kristal stop being evil? They show a pretty good video package of each of Undertaker's WM wins. \It's pretty insensitive to show Bossman hanging like that.

John Cena is really popular whenever he's on the tron. Too bad he won't be here!

Maryse is on screen. Elle est chaude! She welcomes us back. We didn't go anywhere, Maryse! Silly Maryse.

MVP interrupts Teddy Long looking at a magazine of those divalicious Divas. He asks for a match with Benoit at WM. Barf.

Kristal catches up with Kane backstage. He's going to wrestle Batista, and he says that. But in a CREEPY way.

Batista d. Kane
This was a clash not only of titans, but two bona fide hosses. I did not expect a catch-as-catch can mat classic from these two. What better way for Batista to prepare for the Undertaker than wrestling someone that has lost to the Undertaker dozens of times? The crowd was behind both guys; apparently they have not taken note of Batista's decreased in-ring performance since returning from injury! Fools. Another long match. Batista wins cleanly with a powerbomb out of the corner.

I notice someone with a Hurricane, Rosey and Super Stacy t-shirt. I didn't know that they were together as an entity long enough to have a t-shirt made.

The Miz is out for the inaugural edition of MizTV. Think Piper's Pit, except, well. You know. His guest is Ashley - but wait! He has another guest! Melina! This has calamity written all over it, my friends. Ashley challenges Melina to a match for the women's championship. Soon they're fighting as if they were cats, with the tough Ashleyness getting the best of Melina.

Mr. Kennedy d. C.M. Punk
Kennedy cleverly subverted his intro, saying he'll soon be known as "Mr. Money in the Bank." That guy. A real silver tongue on him. Punk doesn't get as good of a pop as I, and presumably he, hoped. Mr. Kennedy won cleanly with a hanging neckbreaker. IS PUNK BACK IN THE DOGHOUSE?

Kristal talks to Finlay, who talks about his "Pure hot Irish blood." That's some good blood.

What kind of wuss would go for the "rated" version of The Marine?

The Great Khali attacks Kane backstage while Kristal is trying to ask him who is going to win Batista/UT. Kristal is the star of this show.

Undertaker . Finlay
Dylan, I mean Little Bastard, I mean Hornswoggle (ugh) interfered, allowing Finlay to get the advantage, albeit surely an unfair one. A kid behind me says "C'mon 'Taker, you're a taker. So take it." I really never thought about it that way. The antics involving Hornswoggle (ugh) eventually backfire, leading to a chokeslam and tombstone. Finlay used to do the tombstone. It was his special move in WCW/nWo Revenge!

After the match, Batista comes out to give UT the double thumbs down. Oooh. UT gives him a throat slash AND a "I want the belt around my waist, yep, this waist right here." Batista responds with three snaps in Z formation. Haha just kidding.

03-07-2007, 01:17 PM
thax ufc ill probbly watch it

the phenomenal sid
03-08-2007, 06:49 AM
^^he's afc not ufc lol!!!good one there...but whats with those z snaps??

03-08-2007, 11:23 PM
"batista responds with 3 snaps in z formation" LOL WTF? sounds like a good smackdown... it's kinda weird that they're mixing the rosters all of a sudden.. even if it's almost wrestlemania time.. there's no mention if mvp actually got that match against benoit.. wow, most likely he will since benoit's heading to raw.

03-09-2007, 11:34 PM
Kristal was the highlight of the show lol. i know what is wit the three snaps in Z formation

03-09-2007, 11:40 PM
how is it insensitive to show bossman it happened and it was a wrestlemania moment

03-11-2007, 03:43 AM
Is it just me or is the Batista Taker feud losing it's heet. Like I really hope they can deliver a good match, but even if they can't the build up is supposed to be fantastic.