View Full Version : Battle Of The Billionaires Short One Billionaire

03-09-2007, 10:50 AM
According to Forbes magazine, only one billionaire will be involved in the April 1, 2007 event, Wrestlemania.

The annual Forbes list of billionaires was released today and Donald Trump was ranked as the 314th richest person in the world with a net worth of $2.9 billion. Vince McMahon wasn't on the list...but his old nemesis Ted Turner was at $2.0 billion.

It should be noted that the Forbest list is based on their estimation of the net worth of the people on their list. If Mr. McMahon says he's a billionaire, he probably is, even if Forbes says he isn't.

Source: W-E

03-09-2007, 11:48 PM
what the hell would you do with all that money especially if you are number 1

03-10-2007, 07:28 PM
Put some into Charities, some into my bank account, buy a brand new car, mansion,help support my family andf possibly own the WWE or some other Wrestling fed.

Bad Boy
03-10-2007, 07:36 PM
well, one thing Vince cant brag about... and btw, no. 1 was the owners of Google, lucky bastards...

03-10-2007, 10:22 PM
The owners of Google? Not even in the same galaxy as Bill Gates. Here's the top ten:
Name, Birth,Age, Worth, Current Residence
1 William Gates III United States 51 56.0 United States
2 Warren Buffett United States 76 52.0 United States
3 Carlos Slim Helu Mexico 67 49.0 Mexico
4 Ingvar Kamprad & family Sweden 80 33.0 Switzerland
5 Lakshmi Mittal India 56 32.0 United Kingdom
6 Sheldon Adelson United States 73 26.5 United States
7 Bernard Arnault France 58 26.0 France
8 Amancio Ortega Spain 71 24.0 Spain
9 Li Ka-shing Hong Kong 78 23.0 Hong Kong
10 David Thomson & family Canada 49 22.0 Canada