View Full Version : Heat Results - 9th Apr 2006

04-11-2006, 04:17 AM
Sunday Night Heat Results - 9th Apr 2006
Chicago, Illinois

Quick Results:

- Snitsky and Goldust def. Brad Jay and Colt Cabana
- Lance Cade def. Viscera
- Matt Striker def. Chandler McClure
- Trevor Murdoch def. Eugene


Todd Grisham and The Coach welcome us to Heat as we go down to ringside for the opening match of the night.

Snitsky and Goldust vs. Brad Jay and Colt Cabana
Referee: Michael Chioda

The start:
Goldust starts out by working over Jay. He then tags in Snitsky and Snitsky rams Jay against the turnbuckle. Goldust is tagged in again and Jay counters and tags in Cabana. Cabana gets over Goldust but Goldust counters, goes to the second rope, and then lands a number of punches. Goldust went for a cover but Jay interfered. Goldust and Snitsky then hit what looks like the hart attack.

The Finish:
Snitsky wrenches Cabanas leg, then takes off his boot. Jay tries to interfere but Goldust takes him out. Goldust then hits the Shattered Dreams on Cabana as the two hits a double maneuver then Snitsky covers Cabana for the three count!

Winners: Snitsky and Goldust

Lance Cade vs. Viscera
Referee: Jack Doan

The start:
The two lock up, but Viscera immediately gets the advantage. Viscera taunts Cade as he exits the ring. He locks up Cade then let’s go, but Cade slaps him. Cade targets the leg, then hits a bulldog. He covers for a two count. He continues attacking the leg of Viscera and wrenches it.

The Finish:
Viscera finally counters it and Cade is sent to the ring post. Viscera clotheslines Cade then arm drags him. He slams Cade and then hits a Samoan drop. He then headbutt Cade, and then Cade hits the leg again, then covers Viscera with his legs on the ropes for a three count.

Winner: Lance Cade

Matt Striker vs. Chandler McClure
Referee: Chad Patton

The match:
Striker immediately slaps Chandler and whips him to the turnbuckle. He hits Chandler in the throat and covers him for a two count. Chandler counters with a few kicks to the stomach but Striker gets the advantage immediately and hits a stiff kick of the face of McClure for a two count. Striker applies a submission, but Chandler counters and goes for a clothesline, then hits the Golden Rule for a three count.

Winner: Matt Striker

Eugene vs. Trevor Murdoch
Referee: Michael Chioda

The start:
Murdoch starts by wrenching the arm of Eugene. Eugene counters and wrenches the arm of Murdoch. Eugene drop toe holds Murdoch, then rides Murdoch like a dog. Eugene then puts on Murdoch's attire and starts acting like him. He then chews some tobacco but doesn’t like it. Murdoch then attacks him and takes off his attire.

The Finish:
Murdoch hits a forearm on Eugene and lands a number of punches to the head. He then applies a sleeper but remains alive. Eugene then hits the airplane spin and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Murdoch then hits a DDT for the three count.

Winner: Trevor Murdoch