View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 9th March 2007

03-10-2007, 11:38 PM
Smackdown Results - 9th March 2007

The show opened with a recap package of the Undertaker-Batista storyline.

In the arena, King Booker and Queen Sharmell were already making their entrance as the announcers noted that Undertaker and Batista were both in the building tonight, as Undertaker would face Fit Finlay and Batista would face Kane.

King Booker vs. Matt Hardy

Booker went on offense at the start, but Hardy threw a series of punches and hit a clothesline followed by a bulldog out of a corner for a two count. Hardy applied a side headlock, but Booker hit some shoulderblocks to the midsection near the ropes. Booker went for a slam, but Hardy floated over it and cradled Booker for a two count. Hardy put Booker in a side headlock on the mat, and Booker got out. Booker missed a sidekick and Hardy tried a Twist Of Fate, but Booker reversed out of it. Hardy forearmed Booker to the floor, then hit a pescado as they went to commercial.

Back from break, Hardy rammed Booker into the top turnbuckle. We saw that during the break, Hardy had hit Booker with a top rope elbowsmash. Back to live action, Booker hit a Hotshot followed by a superkick on Hardy for a two count. Booker suplexed Hardy for another two. Booker raked Hardy's eyes and set him up for a superplex. Hardy headbutted Booker to the mat, but missed a moonsault. Booker gave Hardy a neckbreaker for a two count. Booker applied a wristlock, but Hardy fought out of it, only to get decked with a spinkick. Hardy kicked out at two, and Booker mounted him and hit a series of punches. Booker went for a suplex, but Hardy reversed it and both men were down on the mat. They both got to their feet and Hardy hit a series of punches and clotheslines, followed by a Russian legsweep for a two count. Hardy went for a bulldog, but Booker shoved it off and kicked Hardy in the gut. Booker went for the ax kick, but Hardy moved and planted Booker with the Side Effect for a two count. Hardy hit a second rope elbow to the back of Booker's head, then delivered a second rope legdrop for a two count. Hardy measured Booker for a Twist Of Fate. Queen Sharmell got on the apron, distracting Hardy and the referee, who ordered her down. Hardy turned his attention back to Booker and went for the move, but Booker shoved Hardy into the ropes and the two collided. Booker fell to the mat, while Hardy fell across the middle rope. Sharmell hit Hardy with her shoe, and Hardy stumbled backwards. Booker hit the ax kick and got the pin.

Winner: King Booker.

Kristal interviewed Batista, and they showed a video package highlighting all of Undertaker's Wrestlemania wins. Batista said Undertaker's Wrestlemania win streak was incredible, but that he would end the streak this year. Batista said he was going to do the exact same thing to Undertaker's "sick, demented, twisted baby brother" tonight that he is going to do to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Maryse welcomed us back to Smackdown.

They reviewed the latest events in the Battle Of The Billionaires storyline.

Backstage, an angry MVP went to Theodore R. Long and pointed out that he lost his shot at Wrestlemania because Chris Benoit lost the Triple Threat Money In The Bank qualifying match last week, not him. MVP said he wanted a U.S. Title match with Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania. Long said he would take it under advisement.

Kristal told Kane that Batista called him "sick, demented and twisted". Kane laughed and said Batista had no clue how true that was.

World Champion Batista vs. Kane (non-title)

They locked up, with neither getting an advantage. Kane grabbed a waistlock, took Batista down and floated over him into a front facelock. Batista got to his feet and backed Kane into a corner. They shoved each other on the break. They blocked hiptoss attempts by each other, then Batista hit a clotheslines, followed by some shoulderblocks in the corner. Batista hit a short-arm clothesline for a two count, but Kane came back with an elbow and decked him with a punch. Kane hit some punches and elbows in the corner. Kane went for a clothesline, but Batista ducked it and hit a DDT for a two count. Batista missed a clothesline and Kane went for a chokeslam, but Batista broke it up with a kick to the gut. Batista clotheslined Kane over the top rope, and Kane landed on his feet on the floor as they went to commercial.

Back from break, Batista was working over Kane in a corner. Kane reversed positions and hit some elbows and punches, but Batista came back with a clothesline. Batista hit some punches on Kane on the mat, then put him in a side headlock. Kane shoved him off, but Batista came back with a shoulderblock and Kane fell through the ropes and to the floor. Batista went outside as well and clotheslined Kane on the floor. Batista went to whip Kane into the steps, but Kane reversed it and Batista went into the steps. Back in the ring, Kane got a two count, then applied a bodyscissors. Batista pounded out of it, but Kane decked him with a boot to the face for a two count. Kane hit a knee to the back, then pulled Batista to the ring apron so he could bend Batista's back around the ringpost. Back in the ring, Batista blocked an attempt to ram him into the turnbuckle and hit some shots, but Kane whipped Batista hard into a corner, then hit an elbow to the back. Kane put Batista in a bearhug. Batista broke out, but Kane hit an uppercut and a shot to the back.

Batista reversed a whip and hit a back elbow, followed by a clothesline. Kane came back with a kick to the side of the head. Kane went for a top rope clothesline, but Batista caught him with a clothesline as he came down. Batista crawled over for the cover, but Kane sat up and grabbed Batista by the throat. Batista elbowed free, then hit a clothesline in the corner. Kane hit a back elbow, but then ran into a boot by Batista for a two count. Kane blocked a whip and hit a side slam for a two count. Kane went back to the top, and this time he hit the clothesline for a two count. Kane gestured for the chokeslam, but Batista grabbed Kane and hit a spinebuster. Batista set up for a powerbomb, but Kane rammed him into the corner. Kane hit a chokeslam for a two count. Kane complained to the referee about the count. Kane put Batista in the corner and climbed to the second rope to punch him. Batista pulled Kane off the ropes into an awkward Batista Bomb for the pin.

Winner: Batista.

Another video package on the Battle Of The Billionaires was shown.

After the commercial, they showed the video package of celebrities talking about the Battle Of The Billionaires.

In the ring, we had the first edition of MizTV, which is the Miz hosting a Piper's Pit rip-off. Miz also has a version of the old JeriTron 2000. He brought out his guest, Ashley. They talked about her Playboy issue. Melina's music hit, and she came out with the Women's Title belt. Miz asked if she was jealous, and Melina said Playboy couldn't pay her enough money to pose naked. Melina said her body is only for Johnny Nitro, and Ashley said that isn't what she heard. Melina said people would kill to see her naked, but they will have to settle for Ashley. Ashley said she would shut up Melina and challenged her for a Women's Title match at Wrestlemania. Melina decked Ashley and pounded her on the mat. Ashley tossed Melina by her hair and hit her on the mat. Melina rolled out of the ring, and Ashley gestured that she wants the belt.

Backstage, Kristal approached Kane and asked for a comparison between Batista and Undertaker. Before he could respond, Great Khali attacked Kane from behind and threw him into a steel fence. Khali stood over the downed Kane and mumbled something. Kane got back up and Khali headbutted him repeatedly, using the side of his head. Kane was busted open. Khali mumbled again, and rammed Kane into the steel fence over and over. Khali stood over Kane, then walked off triumphant.

Ken Kennedy vs. CM Punk

They exchanged leg kicks at the start, then Kennedy grabbed a side headlock. Kennedy backed Punk into a corner and mouthed off to him, then slapped him. Kennedy ran from the ring and Punk gave chase, which was a setup for a Kennedy clothesline on the floor. Kennedy rolled Punk into the ring for a two count. Kennedy rammed Punk into the turnbuckles, then whipped him into the opposite corner for a two count. Kennedy kicked Punk in the back, then stomped him down in a corner. Kennedy went for a running kick in the corner, but Punk caught him with a boot to the gut. Kennedy slammed Punk then went for a splash, but Punk got his knees up and caught him in the gut. Punk hit a series of kicks and slaps, then went for the jumping knee in the corner, but Kennedy caught him and dumped him over the top rope and to the floor as they went to break.

Back from commercial, Kennedy was working over Punk on the mat and put him in a cravate. Kennedy hit some forearms to the back and chest, then went back to the hold. Punk fought out of it, and hit a spinkick to the gut. Punk hit a springboard bodyblock off the second rope, but Kennedy kicked away a backdrop attempt. Punk hit a sidekick for a two count, and threw Kennedy shoulder first into the ringpost. Kennedy hit a jumping knee in the corner, then a bulldog for a two count. Punk got backdropped to the apron, but Punk knocked down Kennedy. Punk went for a springboard, but Kennedy hit the ropes, crotching Punk on the middle rope, then hit a neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Ken Kennedy.

Kristal interviewed Fit Finlay. Finlay said he's not afraid of the Undertaker. Finlay said that if Undertaker wanted to take him to hell, he's Irish, and he's already been there. Finlay said we would never see fear in his Irish eyes.

The Undertaker vs. Fit Finlay

Undertaker stalked Finlay around the ring at the start, with Finlay moving around before charging forward with punches. Taker tossed Finlay in a corner and decked him with punches. Undertaker grabbed an arm and hit a short arm shoulderblock. Undertaker did the Old School ropewalk and hit the forearm off the top rope for a two count. Undertaker threw Finlay shoulder first into the corner and hit some elbows and punches. Undertaker hit some punches, then grabbed an armbar, but Finlay poked him in the eyes. Finlay hit some shots, knocking Undertaker to the floor. Finlay hit a right hand on the outside and rammed Undertaker into the apron. Finlay hit an uppercut and a headbutt, then rammed him into the announce table. Taker came back with a kick to the face and threw him into the timekeeper's table. Hornswoggle came out from under the ring, but the referee was in his way. Undertaker turned towards him, and Hornswoggle went back under the ring. However, this allowed Finlay to blast Undertaker twice in the gut with a chair, and Taker was down at ringside as they went to commercial.

Back from the break, Finlay was kicking Undertaker in the ribs in the ring. Finlay hit a shoulderblock in the midsection, then snapmared Undertaker and hit a knee to the gut. Undertaker got back to his feet, but Finlay brought him back down and hit a sit-down splash. Taker fought back, but Finlay tripped Undertaker to the mat, then dragged him to the floor. Finlay rammed Undertaker into the ringpost, and went for a chair, but the referee warned him not to use it. This allowed Undertaker to hit some punches and a boot to the face after putting Finlay on the ring apron. Undertaker delivered the ring apron legdrop and Finlay fell to the floor. Undertaker rammed Finlay into the announce table, then kicked him in the face. Undertaker lifted Finlay and went to ram him into the ringpost, but Finlay floated over it and rammed Undertaker into the ringsteps twice. Finlay came off the ring apron with a shot to the back, but Undertaker fought back with punches, only to get a kick and knee to the ribs. Finlay rammed Undertaker ribs first into the apron, then got in the ring to break the count and dropkicked Undertaker in the face. Finlay jumped off the apron, but Undertaker caught him and drove him back first into the ring post.

Undertaker went for a whip on the floor, but Finlay reversed it and Undertaker went into the steps. Finlay grabbed the shillelagh, but the referee warned him and he put it down. Back in the ring, Finlay hit a series of knees to the midsection of the Undertaker. From his back, Undertaker fired off a series of punches, but Finlay backed up and kicked Taker in the head for a two count. Finlay hit some punches and went for a vertical suplex. Undertaker blocked it and hit a vertical suplex of his own. The two slugged it out, with Undertaker hitting the flying clothesline, but grabbing his ribs. Undertaker hit two charging clotheslines in the corner, then gave Finlay Snake-Eyes and the running boot to the face. Undertaker hit a legdrop for a two count. Undertaker set up for the chokeslam. Hornswoggle came in and hit Undertaker in the back with a shillelagh. It had no effect, and the referee was looking at Finlay and didn't see it. Undertaker turned, saw Horswoggle and kicked him down. The referee rolled Hornswoggle to the apron, and that allowed Finlay to kick Undertaker low. Finlay hit a DDT, but Undertaker kicked out at two and Finlay landed on the referee, knocking him out. Finlay grabbed the shillelagh and hit Undertaker in the ribs and the head with it. Finlay covered, and the referee crawled over, but Undertaker got his shoulder up at two. Undertaker sat up. Finlay picked up Hornswoggle to throw him at Undertaker, but Undertaker gave Finlay a boot to the face and Finlay fell down with Hornswoggle on top of him. Hornswoggle rolled to the floor. Undertaker gave Finlay a chokeslam. Undertaker called for the tombstone, and dropped Finlay with it for the pin.

Winner: The Undertaker

Undertaker's music stopped and Batista's music hit. Batista came out and stood in the aisle, then gave Undertaker the "thumbs down" gesture. Undertaker stared at him, then gave the throat slashing gesture before gesturing that he wants the belt to end the show.

03-11-2007, 12:40 AM
Smackdown was pretty good lastnight imo.