View Full Version : Me.

The Major
03-13-2007, 12:40 AM
Right well lets see where this goes then shall we. Here’s a little rant about the one we all love to hate behind his back. ME

I am twisted freak who doesn’t give a shit about other peoples feelings, I am one of those who JUST HAS to steal his so called best mates girlfriends even though hi don’t but he says I do so I must

IM the one who isn’t allowed to go off in one and bitch back because oh know Paul is Mr Cool he isn’t allowed to have an off week is he? Nooo he can’t, not in this life! He has to stay the guy who everyone can fucking chat too but when he breaks down they all bitch at me blah blah fucking blah why do you do this ect.


I have a new girlfriend, yay! Well I should be happy but no I can’t because NOW it seems some people I used to adore have fallen for me, are they doing it out of jealously? Or are they really not my friends after all and are working on some big fucking FUCK PAUL conspiracy?

I wouldn’t be surprised
And I spend my nights at home on my computer talking to a bunch of people I don’t even know. And for some reason they give a shit. Well you shouldn’t

Because I don’t, not really I am just. twisted and that’s all it will ever be, and I try to work it through role[laying for you people on here but no I’m all fucked up and falling apart when I see something I don’t like I go mad. Yes well THAT’S me take it of leave it.

So yeah after so many years of friendships my friends all suddenly decide I’m a lowlife and send me death threats, only to come back later and moan at me for not accepting there apologies WHY THE FUCK WOULD I IT’S A FUCKING DEATH THREAT BITCH

Everyone who I ever called a friend IN REAL life has turned they back son me and set the bridges on fire

SO IM SORRY IF YOU DON’T LIKE MY ATTITUDE And don’t like the fact I quit LOW

Because to be honest I just don’t care anymore………

03-13-2007, 03:08 AM
I don't have a clue what any of this is about, and really don't care, but this is one of the poorest rants in the entire history of ranting. I suggest you get a dictionary and look up what rant means because you obviously have it confused with whining.

03-13-2007, 04:09 AM
I think he is just craving attention... All of this screams emo for some odd reason...

Sunshine Acid
03-13-2007, 04:12 AM
*hugs paul*

King Sir Greatness
03-13-2007, 07:36 AM
All I know is, after reading this, I wanted some fruity, fruity, deliciously, fruity, gawd, fruity Skittles.

The Major
03-13-2007, 09:50 AM
well frankly i dont care what you think, just letting you know that i don't give a shit anymore.

do i care if this is the worst rant you've seen? no i don't.

oh, and thanks Shannon.

03-13-2007, 01:13 PM
well frankly i dont care what you think, just letting you know that i don't give a shit anymore.

More importantly why would I, and 6600 other members of this board that have never talked to you, care what you think. I know you crave attention more than anyone else on this entire board, but I can assure that,maybe outside of a few people in the little roleplaying thing, no one cares that you don't care. Just go cut yourself again or get some midol or whatever is you do push the blues away and then get over it.

03-13-2007, 02:03 PM
That came straight from the heart.

*Adds to rep*.

Hay, have any left over Skittles?

03-13-2007, 03:12 PM
Here’s a little rant about the one we all love to hate behind his back.

I love you dude!

03-15-2007, 02:06 AM
do you have JR barbeque flavored skittles?

Sunshine Acid
03-15-2007, 04:36 AM
do you have JR barbeque flavored skittles?

ewww gross

03-15-2007, 06:19 AM
who is this guy?? lol

03-15-2007, 03:27 PM
^ I would have to say his name is Twisted Casanova. lol

03-30-2007, 02:09 AM
dude u posted to much u lost me there was tomany topics and maybe if u posted some u might get one friend on the board

ill be ur friend home even tho u dont care.

03-31-2007, 10:08 PM
Yeah, this thread's not too old...

The guy came on and expressed his opinions and feelings about something, and you people just go and bash him, because you think he's craving for attention, and that he's being emo. Technically, anyone who posts on this board or any board is asking for attention, bottom line (regardless of what they're posting). It's a rants forum, where people rant about whatever they want. The topic of this rant is no big deal really, and it's not really horrible either, and to be honest, the replies are quite moronic, and ignorant. Some of you little wrestling nerds need to really mature.

The Major
03-31-2007, 10:15 PM
Finally, someone has said it. Tbh. it was rather me expressing it on here, or going and actaully killing the tube that started all this, but seeing as, hell i aint killing no one over nothing,

sometimes people have to let things out, regardless where they are now i know Scott and i are going to get alot of stick for this but i agree. the replys where moronic, it seems i brought out the fools of uow. anyother person, would say stuff to try and calm the ranter down, but no, lets all be biggots and label him.

thanks for that Scott,

Rated X
04-02-2007, 03:05 AM
You said you don't care, yet in that post you cared what people had to say. Make up your mind man. Either you care or you don't, and obviously you do. Maybe you should have posted it elsewhere instead of rants if you wanted someone to help you, talk to you, give you advice etc...

04-04-2007, 02:35 AM
You said you don't care, yet in that post you cared what people had to say. Make up your mind man. Either you care or you don't, and obviously you do. Maybe you should have posted it elsewhere instead of rants if you wanted someone to help you, talk to you, give you advice etc...

dude you are just like everyone else... if you dont have anything constructive to say dont fucking speak unless your name has been said now i agree with paul and scott (for once) and that the rant thread is to let emotions out but i mean come on you guys have done nothing but label him?? and the other's like legolas who post moronic posts like "BBQ flavoured Skittles" are you actually retarded or are you just putting it on so people may like you, i mean in the wolfie thread all you went on about was shannon:S when the topic was about wolf but paul that takes guts to say that and you are respected by people on this forum with more than 1 brain cell including myself

04-04-2007, 10:51 AM
I wouldn’t be surprised
And I spend my nights at home on my computer talking to a bunch of people I don’t even know. And for some reason they give a shit. Well you shouldn’t

you said we shouldn't give a shit..so we didn't give a shit.

04-04-2007, 02:19 PM
Hell 20-Dynamite-06 what Rated X said sounded pretty constructive to me. It sure got u in a up roar.