View Full Version : Christopher Daniels Interview - Lots of News

03-13-2007, 10:05 PM
Live Audio Wrestling interviewed “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels on Sunday night after the Destination X PPV. Here are the highlights:

- His new gimmick is designed to give his character a fresh start.

- The new gimmick was decided by both Daniels and Vince Russo.

- Daniels likes Russo, and said he is open to new ideas. He said he appreciates the effort Russo puts into the product.

- He said he had good experiences with Russo when they worked together in Nashville when TNA promoted the weekly PPVs.

- Daniels wouldn’t reveal the direction of his new character.

- Daniels would like to see TNA move the X-division back into a main event division.

- He said he is still allowed to work for Ring of Honor, and doesn’t see that ending in the near future.

- He said he missed an independent Canadian show after being caught in some bad weather following a ROH show in Chicago.

- Daniels said he was always a fan of Bam Bam Bigelow, and remembered seeing him in World Class.

- Daniels learned of the passing of Ernie Ladd by doing this interview.

- He said he thought it was a good idea for Samoa Joe to work with Kurt Angle upon entering TNA, but for sees Angle being spread around to different opponents.

I think this means he'll be back in the X-Division which is pretty sad because it looked like he was going to the Heavyweight division... I mean it's still not decided or anything though but because he'd like X-Division being brought back in the main event scene, I figure thats cuz he wants to be in the main event scene... :think:

03-13-2007, 10:11 PM
This new gimmick is strange...the beard, tattoo or w.e around the eye. Please dont tell me there going the pirate route lol.

03-13-2007, 10:19 PM
Yeah well like he said it's Russo's and his creation, and he's into Marvel comics and it seems to have been inspired by that.

03-13-2007, 11:01 PM
Well if they use the pirate right and not like wwe it might work out well imo

03-13-2007, 11:10 PM
Pirate!? Please!! LoL. I think he looks rougher with the beard but thats about it, no Pirate! :(

03-14-2007, 06:57 AM
Haha, he does look rougher, and more of a badass with the beard. At the ROH show in Chicago, he had the beard, but still went by the Fallen Angel and everything he normally does.