View Full Version : Big News On John Cena & HHH’s Future Storylines

04-13-2006, 12:16 AM
The PWTorch Newsletter is reporting that John Cena is not bothered at all by the poor crowd reactions he has been getting lately. It’s said that he is willing to go with the flow and continue with WWE’s plans. One source says that WWE’s plans do include him turning heel sometime in the very near future. A lot of people were surprised that the heel turn didn’t happen at WrestleMania.

With Triple H now more open to working as a face than ever, don’t be surprised if you see Cena hinting at a heel turn in the coming weeks on RAW. Triple H appears to be very comfortable with the idea of working as a face for the rest of his career, despite ruling it out in the past.


Damm i know Steph is expecting their first child but HHH as a Face....Please NO.
His character works better and always has as one if not the best heels in the wrestling buisness...

04-13-2006, 12:23 AM
I agree with ya Omen. H is 1 of the betters heels but when he is a Babyface at least we get some sort of comedy....LOL@Boobie Prize on the last Raw

04-13-2006, 12:52 AM
I dont think the people will hate him going face HHH still knows how to take over a crowd and would basically continue the storyline that there going on now except the reversal of HHH as a Face and Cena as a Heel

04-13-2006, 01:23 PM
The PWTorch Newsletter is reporting that John Cena is not bothered at all by the poor crowd reactions he has been getting lately.

Bullshit.What about the incident at the airport?