View Full Version : Halo 3 Coming September?

Dark Drakan
03-15-2007, 05:36 PM
According to recent reports Microsoft's Corporate VP Shane Kim has hinted that September could be the likely release date for the highly anticipated shooter known as Halo 3 which im sure every one who doesnt live under a rock has heard about, he has apparently told 1UP.com that Bungie would like to get its shooter out the door before Rockstar release the massive fourth GTA which will arrive in October.

"If they can get out before GTA4, they probably feel like that's better, sort of like Xbox 360 coming out before PlayStation 3," he said, adding that that decision is apparently not up to Microsoft: "We don't tell Bungie when they have to ship Halo 3".

He has been questioned for 'jumping' the traditional November release schedule but he has said this in their defence:

"What happened in September of 2004? In September of 2004 we released Fable, Fable got big sales and then in November got big sales again," Kim said. "I just believe great titles can get the double bump and I think Halo 3 is going to be that."

Microsoft have NOT released anything for certain and have refused to comment on rumours as usual but with Blue Dragon coming in August and GTA IV in October it looks to be a certainty that Halo 3 will be here in either September Or November!