View Full Version : Glen 'Kane' Jacobs on radio show out of character, discusses politics

03-22-2007, 05:43 PM
Glen Jacobs was on Rover’s Morning Glory radio show yesterday. I heard only the last 15 minutes or so but it was surprising. Glen seems to be a very intelligent person (not to be judging him by the Kane character). Rover brought up that he heard he was an avid libertarian, and Glen seemed to come to life, they had a very intelligent politically minded conversation (at least as one could with Rover). They had a caller on who said he’d been watching for years and wondered if Undertaker was really his brother. Glen, fresh off a real conversation about politics, stumbled a bit and seemed to get annoyed, he then said “yeah Undertaker is Kane’s brother”. I think Rover picked up on the fact he was annoyed and cut off the caller. At the end, Rover discussed that the bumps they take were real, and that anybody getting chest slapped by Kane would have a hell of a bruise. Rover then tried to get Kane to chest slap on of his lackeys, and Kane said “maybe if you pay me a lot of money”. Rover then commented that the WWE people were all standing there waiving their hands in a ‘no’ gesture. The interview ended soon after. When he left Glen gave Rover a little card which had a political test on it titled ‘how to know if you are a libertarian’. The morning show spent the next half hour taking and discussing the test. I found the whole thing interesting I guess because it was Glen Jacobs talking for the most part, not the Kane character.

Sent into PWInsider.com by someone.

I would love to have a discussion with Glenn, it would be interesting IMO.

03-23-2007, 12:04 AM
kane is great out of his character have you ever seen him on weekest link

Luthos the dragon
03-23-2007, 02:40 AM
Glen Jacobs is a consumate professional. And he knows how to sell himself in and out of the ring. Sometimes, just as with Mark Calloway (The Undertaker) you need to forget the character and focus your respect on the man himself.