View Full Version : Danny Doring Shoots On Paul Heyman, WWE Wellness Policy & More On The Mayhem

03-23-2007, 12:08 AM
*Doring was welcomed by The Big Mosh, Blade, & The Angry Hero. Danny puts over the show, saying that "there is no one better to do his first interview than Monday Night Mayhem."

*Last May, before officially starting up with the WWE, Danny joined The Mayhem for his last candid interview. Everything was going well for him at the time, a new opportunity was on the horizon. What went wrong? Doring said that he isn’t going to be bitter now or into the future, but the only reason that half of the ECW guys were hired was to bring in some "old-school" fans to watch the show, only to then filter out the old Extreme Championship Wrestling guys, and put in their WWE superstars.

*He says he was happy to have been there, but at the same time it wasn’t like any of the old ECW guys had "a fair shot."

*Doring says that the shows were re-written & changed almost seven or eight times during the day, and that he was thrown in on TV shows and then quickly taken out.

*When the WWE first started having separate ECW house shows, it began with all old-school ECW guys -- a great feeling, especially at The ECW Arena. Those guys however were not filling bigger venues, so the WWE decided to use their top guys, and mix them in with the rest of the SmackDown & RAW rosters for TV tapings & house shows in the U.S. & overseas.

*When it comes to some of the newer ECW guys: "Mike Knox is a jacked-up guy who wears black boots, black tights, & is a generic guy. Then, they brought in Test -- he was even more jacked up and not any better. Finally, Gene Snitsky was brought in and was just the same. So the WWE is just having guys come in, who can’t work, and can only big-boot people in the face."

*He wishes he could have had the opportunity to do promos (even the ones that never really went anywhere), and then get jobbed out -- as the WWE did not even ask him to do that. Doring says no one ever heard his music, because he always came out to "The Marine" trailer, or they cut to him right in the middle of the ring.

They ask him to pin-point what WWE has done right and wrong and he says he says when people were hired they knew that they would be a WWE version and do what WWE wants them to be and that the WWE makes the new fans think that there were only 4 guys in ECW since they only show 4 originals.

*The Big Mosh joked about Paul Heyman doing "Rollerball II" with some of this new free time, and Doring says that Heyman would not do that, simply because "he does not have to lie to an entire locker room about getting a TV network and not paying them anymore."

*Doring says that he wants to clear the air about Paul Heyman: "He says he has become aware of the fact that Paul does not like him. He says that he doesn’t know what he did to him, but he wishes he could do it again 10 times over. He says that Heyman gave him a sugar-coated attitude, that he hates him with every inch of his soul, and that Heyman is a scumbag."

*Danny says that he is the easiest guy to get along with, and that he is a loyal friend. He says he was loyal the whole time in ECW to Paul Heyman, and he is still loyal to the people who trained him.

*The newer superstars on the ECW brand: He says that "most of them kept to themselves. He tried to get along with them, tried to be the model employee, & tried to do everything the right way. He says he is starting to see what he was doing wrong and that was it."

*The WWE steroid allegations that have come out this week, and if feels the Wellness Policy has changed anything in the company: Doring says that "in sports in general, there is a lot of pressure on people, and you can’t imagine the pressure that is put on them -- that the look is everything. He doesn’t fault anyone for steroids or anything they have done for their careers. It happens in all sports, wrestling included." He believes that the WWE Talent Wellness Policy did not change anything. "People on his tier would have been sent home, but the main-event stars would only get a punishment and be brought back."

*Doring feels that The New Breed/ECW Originals has not been done right leading into WrestleMania, and they pretty much gave away the ending of what we will be seeing in Detroit on "ECW On Sci-Fi" last week.

*He says that he does not feel like he got screwed over in the WWE, and that he was fully aware of why he was there & what his job was. He was happy to be there, simply because he worked his whole life just to get to World Wrestling Entertainment. "It's time to move on now..."

*Being able to work recently & in the future with his former manager in ECW, Amy "Lita" Dumas: Doring says she was only at one of the Maryland Championship shows. He talked to her a little bit, but they didn’t get a chance to hang out. He says it was more like "a day at the office."

*In closing, The Mayhem Crew & Danny were joking around about how many current "divas" are in professional wrestling/sports-entertainment because they actually love doing it. Doring says that "Kelly Kelly clearly is in it because she loves wrestling."

*An over one-hour interview covering all topics, which can be head here: (www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/031907.wax: streaming) (www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/mar07/031907.mp3: podcast)

03-23-2007, 12:11 AM
whos danny doring?

03-23-2007, 12:52 AM
whos danny doring?

Thats what i was thinking

03-23-2007, 01:08 AM
he was a wrestler in the old ecw

03-23-2007, 07:45 AM
Whos Danny Doring?! You guys arent serious are you?