View Full Version : An Indepth Update On Randy Orton's Suspension

04-16-2006, 08:36 AM
04/15/2006 - There is no singular, standout reason as to why Randy Orton was suspended. In the past few years, he had been fined often, usually for $5,000 per offense. Despite the fines, he'd often joke about them. The fines have largely been a result of his treatment of women, both in and out of the company. Also, he's used rude, abrasive language to people who didn't deserve it, not to mention that he's displayed antisocial behavior. WWE may want Orton to undergo counseling, to get to the root of his social issues. He may even have to get medical help, if it is necessary.

Johnny Ace was said to be fed up with Orton's rude behavior, as it was said to be getting out of hand. Orton's always displayed erratic behavior, however, it started to really get out of control at the start of the year. Also, the fines weren't sending a message to him. The decision to suspend him was based on an incident that took place at the 3/28 Smackdown tapings in Kansas City, at the Kemper Arena. Orton flagrantly violated a very public company policy. It was a lot more serious than your typical dress code issue, and it had nothing to do with either creative or economic issues. Apparently, whatever he did, was the final straw. Whatever he did, has been done before in the past as a form of protest, however, nobody was so brazen to do it inside of a building with plenty of people potentially witnessing it, including people not employed by the company who happened to be in the building at the time. Orton was informed of the WWE's decision to suspend him after Wrestlemania.

Nobody went against Johnny Ace's decision to suspend him, including friends of Orton, who would normally not side with Johnny Ace. Although, these same people were surprised that WWE made the news of his suspension so public.

Orton's future in World Wrestling Entertainment will be decided upon in the next few weeks. It is likely that Johnny Ace and Vince McMahon will be discussing Orton's future in the WWE this week, and they may make some sort of decision. It should be noted that the day after Orton was informed of the WWE's decision to suspend him (the 4/4 Smackdown tapings), he seemed very interested in keeping his job.