View Full Version : RAW Results - 26th Mar 2007

03-27-2007, 06:58 AM
RAW Results - 26th Mar 2007
Location - Chicago, Illinois
Commentators - J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

Jonathan Coachman is in the ring announcing that the McMahon-Lashley match is now No DQ. Any unauthorized outside interference will result in a fine or suspension. Just as he is about to leave, Stone Cold's music plays and Austin walks to the ring. Austin has a story to tell about what happened to him in Texas. A delivery man was unloading presents at his ranch. New car, hunting gear, etc. All the presents had a card that said "From: Donald Trump". Austin wonders if Trump was trying to buy him off. Coach interrupts and says that is typical Trump and McMahon has too much respect to do that. Austin ignores him and continues the story. He says that he told the delivery man to take the gifts back to New York City. As it turns out, the gifts were from Stamford, and the office of Vince McMahon. Austin asks Coach if Vince thinks he's stupid. Coach says no one thinks that. Austin says if he is trying to get him to think that, it is grounds for automatic DQ. Austin asks the crowd if they think that he should shave McMahon right there. Coach stops him and says it was he who authorized the gifts, and that Vince had nothing to do with it. Coach apologizes and my sound goes out. When it comes back, Austin is talking about pulling someone's eye out. He is demonstrating what he will do if Umaga doesn't listen to Austin's instructions. He plans to stomp whoever doesn't listen. He tells Coach not to miss with him in or out of the ring. Coach says he doesn't know why Vince and Trump are worried about losing their hair. He complements Austin and says he proves bald is beautiful. That complement results in a Stone Cold Stunner for Coachman.

In the back, Austin gets in his 4x4 and tries to leave, but a limo blocks his path. They honk horns. The limo passes, but stops next to Stone Cold's truck. Vince pokes out of the moon roof and asks who the hell is in the car. When he realizes it is Austin, he tries to apologize. Austin gives him the Stone Cold salute and drives off. Vince tells the driver to unlock his door. McMahon gets out of the car, drags the driver out through the window, throws him on the ground, and let's him know that he is "faaaaahhhhhhrrreeeeddd".

Melina, Victoria, & Jillian Hall vs. Torrie Wilson, Candice Michelle, & Ashley

The Women's Championship match at Mania is now a Lumberjill match. Melina slaps Ashley to start, but bails. Torrie puts her back in the ring and Melina is rolled up for two. Victoria tags in. Ashley tags in Candice. Candice with a spinning heel kick. She does the Go Daddy dance, but Melina kicks her when she goes off the ropes. Victoria puts Candice in the Tree of Woe and Melina splashes her. Melina ties up Candice in the ropes. Jillian tags in and tosses Candice by the hair. Jillian with a scoop slam. She misses a leg drop. Candice goes for the tag, but Jillian prevents it. Candice kicks Jillian off and tags Ashley in. Ashley with clotheslines and a headscissors take down. Ashley hits a rana on Victoria. Torrie spears Victoria from the ring. Ashley tosses Melina in, but gets blind sided by Jillian. a handspring back elbow by Jillian is blocked. Ashley gets a victory roll for the win.

Winners: Torrie, Candice, & Ashley

CM Punk vs. Kenny Dykstra

Punk gets a big ovation and chant, Chicago being his hometown. Dykstra pounces on Punk early, but Punk gets the advantage back. Welcome to Chicago (Motherf'er) from Punk. Dykstra crotches Punk on the turnbuckle and gets a chinlock. Dykstra dropkicks Punk and for some reason, I get a Tastycake commercial. Thanks, Comcast! When the feed comes back, Punk is in a chinlock again. He fights out, but Kenny gets a front facelock. Punk blocks a suplex and they trade punches. Punk with a drop kick and elbows to Kenny. Punk misses the splash, but he kicks Kenny in the head and hits a springboard clothesline. Punk knees Kenny in the head, then hits the splash/bulldog combo in the corner for two. Dykstra trips Punk and sends him into the rope. He tries to whip Punk, but it is reversed into a Go 2 Sleep from Punk for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

Edge is clapping on the Titantron for his opponent in the MITB match at Mania. Edge says to savor the feeling of victory now, since he won't feel it this Sunday. But Punk does get to be a part of the first ever 8 man Cutting Edge segment.

When we come back from commercial, King Booker, Finlay, the Hardy Brothers, CM Punk, Randy Orton, & Mr. Kennedy are in the ring. Edge comes out next. The ladder and briefcase hanging above the ring are set up. Edge reminds everyone he won the first MITB match and went on to be champion. He was won ladder matches at WrestleManias 16, 17, and 21. He's won more ladder matches than all his opponents combined. He wants to know why they think they can win. Edge starts with Matt and asks why he is even at Mania. Matt tells Edge that he will beat him up bad so Edge is lying flat on his back, just like his ex. Edge takes the mic away and goes to Booker, saying he hopefully has something intelligent to say. Booker says indeed, and says no one else has reigned as King like Booker. Finlay takes exception to being called a peasant and grabs the mic. He is sick of the verbal diarrhea and says that he feels like he is with a bunch of old women. He gets in Edge's face, but Orton takes that mic and tells him not to hurt Edge's feelings or Edge might not compete in the match, just like he hasn't for the last month.

Edge starts to say that's not true, but Kennedy says it is. He tries to get his name in, but Edge takes the mic back. He goes up to Jeff Hardy, and makes fun of Jeff not getting any promo time. Jeff takes the mic and says it his first Mania in 5 years. He plans to do what he always does in ladder matches and steal the show, even if it means going through his own brother. Last is CM Punk, who the crowd loudly cheers for. Edge says his addictions are sex, violence, and championship gold around his waist. Punk says Edge's only addiction right now is running his mouth. Edge shoves Punk into the other wrestlers and a brawl breaks out. Edge steps out of the ring to enjoy his handiwork, smiling as everyone beats on each other. Matt bounces Finlay's head off the ladder and tosses him from the ring. Matt, Jeff, and Punk go after Edge and chase him to the back as we go to commercial.

Maria is in the back with John Cena, who gets a fair amount of boos. Maria wants to know what will happen at WrestleMania. Cena says Mania will be a magical place, where ladders lead to briefcases full of gold. He goes over all the nicknames (Big Red Machines, Wolverines, etc) of people who will be there. One billionaire will be bald as a baby's bottom. And when you think there is nothing left, the two most controversial, intense, charismatic individuals of all time will step in the ring for the richest prize in the business. It will be a war so epic they will talk about it year's from now.

Cena says they will one day talking about one man who can say he was the best. One man will have his hand high, proudly saying the champ is here. Good promo.

A recap of some Vince-Lashley goings on is shown.

No DQ Match
Vince McMahon vs. Bobby Lashley

Vince has a sweatshirt on. Why not show off the physique, Vince? Nevermind. Like DDP, I'm not touching that one. Vince says he won't embarrass Lashley tonight with his physical or intellectual superiority. He is going to do it by pinning him, 1, 2, 3. Vince orders the bell to be rung, but gets out of the ring. Cade and Murdoch run down. They double team Lashley, but he quickly squashes them. Belly to Belly Suplex to cade and a lariat to Murdoch. Chris Masters comes down next and goes for the Masterlock. Lashley reverses and slams down Masters. Nitro is the next lamb to the slaughter. Lashley with a military press to Nitro. He tosses Masters out, then hits the old Bulldog Slam on Nitro. Umaga comes down trades blows with Lashley. Lashley gets the advantage, but McMahon low blows him. Umaga hits a Samoan Drop. Vince pins Lashley.

Winner: Vince McMahon

Umaga hits a Superfly Splash on Lashley. Umaga hits two whipsplashes in the corner. The Samoan Spike puts down Lashley. Vince orders the ref to count the pin again. He demands the bell to be rung, and for Lillian to announce his victory again.

Winner: Vince McMahon

Vince orders another Samoan Spike and Umaga obliges.

During the commercial break, Todd Grisham implies that the result of the match was controversial. Vince says he pinned Lashley just like he promised, and Umaga will pin Lashley on Sunday. This means Donald will get his head shaved. He bullies Todd into saying that he believes him. He brings "Donald" in (Eugene with a wig). He says if anyone thinks Trump will win, they are, and I quote, "clinically retarded". He pulls the wig off then tells "Trump" to open his limo door.

Mr. Kennedy & Randy Orton vs. The Hardy Boyz

Orton and Matt start off with a lock up. Matt blocks a charge and connects with an elbow to Orton's head from the middle rope for two. Jeff tags in and kicks Orton down for two. Orton brings Jeff to his corner and tags in Kennedy. Kennedy stomps and punches Jeff in the corner. Kennedy whips Jeff into the corner, but Jeff blocks a charge with a rana. Kennedy runs back in and throws Jeff from the ring. Orton tosses him back in for two. Orton tags back in and punches Jeff in the head. Orton applies a headlock. Kennedy tags in and kicks Hardy. He puts Hardy on the top turnbuckle. Hardy blocks a suplex attempt and hits Whisper in the Wind. Orton tags in, but Jeff mule kicks Orton. Matt tags in and clotheslines Orton. He punches Kennedy and hits a bulldog/clothesline combo to knock them down. Side Effects to Kennedy then Orton for two. Kennedy prevents a Twist of Fate on Orton. That Hardy Boyz hit Poetry in Motion on Orton in the corner. Kennedy whips Matt into Randy Orton, who hits an RKO for the win.

Winners: Randy Orton & Mr. Kennedy

Hall of Fame Inductee:
The newest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame is Jim Ross. Austin and Rock comment on him, along with Lawler, Michaels, Foley, JBL, Ron Simmons, Benoit, and Ric Flair doing impersonations of him. Foley says that "As God as my witness, he is broken in half" is the greatest call of all time. HHH and Dusty Rhodes also have kind words for him. Ric Flair says that a lot are good, but very few are great. JR is great. HHH says he would tell Ross he is as good as Gordon Solie. Austin calls him the best of all time. After the great video, Lawler introduces Ross to the crowd, who give him a big reaction. Ross and Lawler hug. It's a great moment, especially when you consider all the firings and assorted shenanigans that Ross has had to put up with over the years. The crowd chants JR, and Ross looks to be very humbled by the moment.

The Great Khali vs. Ric Flair

Flair goes for a lock up, but Khali throws him off. Khali no sells some chops. Flair gets back body dropped. Khali with a scoop slam. Flair rolls out of the ring. Khali follows him to the floor. He knocks one of the steps off. Carlito runs out before Khali can slam Flair and hits Khali in the back.

Winner by disqualification: The Great Khali

Khali hits an HBHB on Carlito. He tosses Flair aside, then rolls Carlito in the ring. Khali with a chokebomb. Kane comes to the ring with his See No Evil brand Meathook. Khali with an HBHB to Kane. Kane punches Khali in the corner. Kane throws the meathook at Khali, but misses as Khali retreats. Kane stands victorious in the ring.

A commercial for the Hall of Fame ceremony on USA shows that Stone Cold will be inducting JR.

Shill for The Condemned.

JR and King run down the Mania card:

- WWE Championship Match: John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels
- World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista (c) vs. Undertaker
- Battle of the Billionaires Hair vs. Hair Match: Bobby Lashley w/ Donald Trump vs. Umaga w/ Vince McMahon
- Women's Championship Lumberjill Match: Melina (c) vs. Ashley
- United States Championship Match: Chris Benoit (c) vs. MVP
- Kane vs. The Great Khali
- Money In the Bank: Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Finlay vs. CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. King Booker
- ECW Originals (Rob Van Dam, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, & Sabu) vs. The New Breed (Marcus Cor Von, Elijah Burke, Kevin Thorn, & Matt Striker)

Shawn Michaels stands alone in the back for his promo. He says he's faced Cena hundreds of times. Cena represents everyone he's ever been in the ring with. Every legend, icon, immortal, and more have stood across from Michaels. My brother says that Michaels looks like an Oompa Loompa he's so orange. Steamroller on the CZWFans message board: "Did HBK fall in a vat of Tang?" Shawn Michaels says he is the Showstopper, and tells Cena to strap in tight, because they are going to the top of the mountain in Detroit, and before 70,000 people, Michaels is walking out champion. Shawn says that tonight, however, he has Cena's back.

More celebrities weigh in on the Battle of the Billionaires. It's Al from Home Improvement! We also see Academy Award Winners Three 6 Mafia (seriously), Shatner, and Laura Prepon.

John Cena & Shawn Michaels vs. Batista & The Undertaker

Taker starts by punching Cena in the corner as soon as he takes his hat off.

Cena blocks a charge and punches back (to boos). Cena strikes Undertaker in the corner. Taker tries to counter, but Cena hits more punches to the body. Taker with Snake Eyes, but he misses the big boot. Cena goes for the FU, but Taker goozles him. Michaels helps Cena and they go for a double team. Taker blocks it, and Batista and Taker clear the ring. They start to square off, but Cena goes for the Undertaker. Cena clotheslines him from the ring. HBK throws Taker into the ring steps multiple times. Cena does the same, then puts Taker back in the ring. Michaels tags in and punches Taker in the head. HBK with some chops. Michaels hits a swinging neckbreaker and tags in Cena. Cena and Taker trade punches. Taker with a flying clothesline. Taker goes for a tombstone, but Batista gets a blind tag. Batista clotheslines Cena, but it looks like he was going for Taker. Batista charges Cena in the corner. Cena counters with a bulldog and tags in HBK. Michaels with a flying forearm to Batista. Michaels blocks a chokeslam, but Taker knocks him down. Batista hits a spinebuster on Cena. Taker lifts Michaels up and throws him on Batista, who was looking for a Batista Bomb on Cena. Taker walks off.

Cena with a shoulderblock and Blue Thunder Driver to Batista. HBK hits a flying elbow off the top. Double 5 Knuckle Shuffle by HBK and Cena. When Cena turns around, Michaels nails him with Sweet Chin Music. Batista puts his arm on Cena for the win. Awesome main event with great heat from the crowd.

Winners: Batista & The Undertaker

Michaels stands over Cena and does the "You Can't See Me" wave, then some crotch chops. Commercial.

Back from the break, we get a replay of the end of the match, when Michaels kicked Cena's head off. That ends the show. We needed another commercial break for that?

03-28-2007, 12:37 AM
Loved the main event. Any of the other three superstars were cheered so long as they beat the hell out of Cena.

I just wonder if HBK is supposed to turn heel, considering that Sweet Chin Music to Cena had the crowd explode. It seems from the midwest to the east coast Cena is reviled, while the west coast loves him.

Hope to see that Sweet Chin Music one more time on Sunday and have a true champion once again.

03-28-2007, 04:32 PM
Was not much of a lead up to the Cena and HBK match, I do not think WWE want either as a heel by the way the last few weeks played out but I don't think they want to lose Cena as champ just yet. Considering HHH was going to be in the mix anyway.