View Full Version : Love goes under the knife for nature's sake

03-30-2007, 11:10 PM
Courtney Love has had plastic surgery to make her look more natural.

The former Hole singer has undergone a second rhinoplasty procedure to enlarge her nose and has also had her previously enlarged lips reduced.

Courtney wrote on her website blog: "I have my old nose back.

"I hated that nosejobby nose, it was like a little beak.
"I've had my nose fixed. It looks like the one God gave me so I'm happy not to have crazy lips and a crazy teensy unnatural little nose.

"All I care about is that my self esteem is limitless and intact, and that nothing and no situation affects my self esteem."

Love also confirmed she has lost almost 45 pounds.

She said: "I've lost 44 pounds with six more, maybe 11 more to go."Her representative revealed she has been following a macrobiotic diet of vegetables and fish. Courtney has also been practising yoga and exercising to meet her weight-loss goals.

Courtney, the widow of rocker Kurt Cobain, also said that while she is happy with her new lifestyle, she still regrets her drug taking past.

She said in an interview with Billboard magazine: "I always thought I'd be that girl that lives with no regrets.
"I have regrets. I've written so many amends letters, I can't even count them. It's still not enough. Drugs make you an a**hole."


04-01-2007, 08:23 PM
Well alright she's going to go for a more natural look. I wonder how thats going to work out?

04-01-2007, 09:02 PM
i saw a recent pic of her on the beach and she looks awful lol