View Full Version : J.R Blog: From Detroit, Cena Haters, Ric Flair not t Wm and more.

03-31-2007, 02:05 AM
Jim Ross has updated his blog with a new entry from Detroit. You can check it out by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/03/30/a-detroit-report-cena-haters-ou-qb-battling-boxing-brits-austin%e2%80%99s-beer-thrower-kiss-my-ass-club-why-young-wrestlers-fail-origin-of-bundy%e2%80%99s-5-count-head-bangers-so-long-tony-soprano/). Some highlights from this entry:

- Ross opens the entry talking about his experience in Detroit this week, and how emotional he is getting over his impending Hall Of Fame induction. He notes that fans from all fifty states, nine Canadian provinces and 23 foreign countries are attending Wrestlemania this weekend. Ross also talks about getting to meet and talk with many of the legends that are in town for the festivities.

- Concerning the "Cena 'Haters'". Ross writes: "This is a sign of the times within our business. There are fans of the good guys and fans of the bad guys and that is the way it is seemingly going to be moving forward. There may never be a 100% fan-favorite again like we saw in the old days. The fine line between good and evil has been blurred in our every day lives and that carries over into wrestling. I encourage the fans to express themselves in any way they choose just as long as they are present and loud. Raise all the hell you can no matter who is cheered or jeered. John Cena has never once complained to me about the fans booing him and we talk a great deal. As you know, I like the kid. I am not totally unbiased because I signed him, but John’s work ethic and dedication to the product is amazing. Nonetheless, if you feel compelled to boo John – have at it. He will survive I assure you, and only get stronger through this perceived adversity. John will hear his share of the boo’s on Sunday at Wrestlemania against HBK who will undoubtedly be the sentimental favorite in the WWE Title Match, but will just make the WWE Title match even that much more interesting. Batista better come prepared to be booed against The Undertaker, as well. I get booed in some cities like Austin when “Boomer Sooner” is played, but I don’t take my marbles and go home. Neither will Cena or Batista. Defiance is a sign of the times and I am not sure that is a blessing or a curse."

- JR notes that it is "unfortunate" that Ric Flair is not on the Wrestlemania card, but sees "positive things" in Flair's future. Ross mentioned that Flair is the greatest wrestler he has ever seen perform in person.

- Regarding being part of the Mr. McMahon "Kiss My Ass Club", Ross refers to it as "just another day at the office" and noted that "in 33 years I have MANY more good days than bad ones".

- One of the more interesting comments from this entry: "The reason most young wrestlers end up failing when it looked as if they had great potential in a developmental program is usually because they were called to the front lines before they finished basic training. My old school way of thinking is that normally, not all the time but normally, a wrestler needs 3 years minimum of training and experience before they should even be called up to the big time. Usually 5 years is a more realistic time table."

- Answering the question of whether Samoa Joe will ever wrestle in the WWE, Ross writes "I do not know, but again, if opportunity and the money present itself I would be hard pressed to emphatically say no. I like Joe’s work as he reminds me of a young Mick Foley in many ways, only with a better tan, especially as it relates that one can be a great wrestler without a body builder’s physique. Passion and heart are not measured in pounds or inches."

Ross also writes about King Kong Bundy, football, who throws Steve Austin his beers, former WWE stars returning and more. You can check out the blog by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/03/30/a-detroit-report-cena-haters-ou-qb-battling-boxing-brits-austin%e2%80%99s-beer-thrower-kiss-my-ass-club-why-young-wrestlers-fail-origin-of-bundy%e2%80%99s-5-count-head-bangers-so-long-tony-soprano/).

Source: PWInsider.com

03-31-2007, 02:45 AM
my dad is a "good guy" fan and im a "bad guy" fan so we fight alot about it especially since batista is his favorite...........

03-31-2007, 04:39 AM
In the business today, I prefer the heels because they act the part of the heel and are damn proud of it. Very few men can stand beside HHH as a heel, that is the pinnacle of the wrestling world.

Most faces today are pathetic. They act as heels, but beg for cheers, and try to look like faces. Ever since Austin hit it big, the industry has suffered in that regard. CM Punk is one of the only faces on any of the wrestling shows that is basically a true face. The straight edge aspect and the willingess to let wrestling ability decide a match is very similar to the Hulkamania years. This is the one face I get behind full force. It is refreshing to see it again, but sadly he will probably not see the belt for some time since you have to be a "bad ass"/against the world character to have success in the WWE.