View Full Version : Test to TNA?!

04-02-2007, 10:26 PM
Andrew "Test" Martin's name has surfaced in TNA. TNAWrestlingNews.com can report that there is nothing going on at this time, but his name has been discussed.

While the plan is for the Basham brothers to come in to feud with VKM, Dave Melter reports that BG James has suggested Serotonin since they are already under contract to the company.

Stay tuned to TNAWrestlingNews.com for more backstage news from the world of TNA.

BG James, one time he asks for a release and now he's suggesting things, but then again he is right, IMO, Serotonin could need this as they're not being used much... But it would make no sense if they use Hemme with Serotonin!?!

04-02-2007, 10:29 PM
when is vkm conctract up.

04-02-2007, 11:54 PM
screw hemme give serotonin air time