View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Taping Results (Spoilers) 4/6/07

04-04-2007, 04:37 AM
Source; PWInsider.com

Rob Conway and René Dupree lost to Jamie Knoble and Kofi Kingston in the dark match via Kingston pinning Conway.

Mr. Kennedy hit the ring to open the show. Quick promo hyping his mania win. Said forget the Austin era.. The Kennedy era just began. Afterwards.. Jeff Hardy hit the ring. Kennedy wins via neck breaker after a really good match. Kennedy argues with ref. Gets another three count.

Place is legit sold out.. Long makes a match for next week.. Kennedy versus Hornswoggle and Finlay (who attacked Kennedy). Backstage Timbaland and Ashley make fun of Jillian.

Chris Benoit loses to The Miz via MVP interference. Matt Hardy over King Booker via small package. SHARMELL turns on King Booker.

KANE defeats Dave Taylor in a squash after a brawl outside the ring. Crowd is on fire.

Paul London and Brian Kendrick over Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Gregory Helms in a fantastic match. Lots of fast action. Deuce, Domino and Cherry watched from the ring.

Taker comes to the ring like at Mania, with druids. Biggest pop of the night by far. Batista hits the ring in a suit.. They go face to face. Batista congratulates Taker, and leaves. King Booker runs in from around the announce table and attacks Taker from behind. They battle outside the ring. Booker gets a tombstone on the table for his trouble. Table does not break! Taker leaves. Doctor Andrews runs out with paramedics.. Stretcher job ensues as they go off the air.

I can't wait to watch another great week of Smackdown.

04-05-2007, 12:52 AM
matches sound good but i wish undertaker would cut a promo or actually do something besides give somebody a tombstone after winning the title

04-05-2007, 01:37 AM
I can see it now... King Booker vs Undertaker on Backlash. I thought Booker was fueding with Kane... oh well.