View Full Version : Two Hours and TNA becomes True Competition

04-07-2007, 07:39 AM
After watching the last few weeks of Impact and hearing the increased rumours and news of TNA's talks for two hours on a network, I feel extremely encouraged. Just a month ago, TNA was floundering much like Smackdown about 7 months ago. But somehow, because of Lockdown, TNA has tightened the quality of the show and has begun to put together extremely compelling matches and stories (surprisingly even the Abyss mother angle is fairly entertaining).

If TNA gets two hours, not only would what is happening now continue, but many more superstars would get time and the X Division could be fully pushed on TV. Could any of you imagine 3 to 4 matches of just X Division talent, mixed with the heavy wieght title picture, and the surprising tag team heat they already have. It would create an atmosphere not seen for nearly a decade in the business.

I believe two hours would open up the world to TNA and then the WWE would have to start worrying about actual competition within a year or so. Damn, I'm happy right now wth the turmoil surrounding Christian Cage, his team, Angle's team, and the NWA title shot that is threatening to have this match explode in Cage's face. Imagine having two or three more rivalries having the time to be truly built with two hours.

I hope this deal happens soon. McMahon needs competition, the WWE need competition, this business needs competition...

04-07-2007, 12:09 PM
i just wonder if tna are ready to go two hours yet? the ratings for impact aren't anything special and i also wonder as they currently hold tv tapings every two weeks to cut costs, how will they be able to have a weekly two hour show

04-07-2007, 05:09 PM
i just wonder if tna are ready to go two hours yet? the ratings for impact aren't anything special and i also wonder as they currently hold tv tapings every two weeks to cut costs, how will they be able to have a weekly two hour show

Obviously when they will get two hours they will get more money for this and hopefully that way they can keep the costs running with the show lenght.

Flair Country
04-07-2007, 05:33 PM
I think they'll be able to put on much better matches with a 2 hour time slot. They'll be able to push more wrestlers, have more in-depth angles, and be able to bring in even more talent as well. Whether it's a 2 hour time slot, or a second hour long show, this is the first step that TNA needs to take to someday compete with WWE.

04-08-2007, 12:39 AM
tna has a long way to go before it can become true competition but a better timeslot definately has advancement possibilities

04-13-2007, 03:02 AM
Another awesome Impact. And that is how you try to be unpredictable: Jarret returns... as a face!

All TNA has to do is grab two hours and live programming as well as keep this up and they can easily compete with the WWE. It only takes a few years to rise from nothing, just look at the WCW rise in 96, three years earlier it was nowhere near that level.

Phenomenal One
04-13-2007, 06:06 AM
it would be pretty cool if tna would go 2 hours, like you all have been saying, they can make a well-developed show and make it more enteraining and have more time to push people and make feuds and more developed storylines and maybe even be able to start a better foundation for a womens division. tna going 2 hours would be the best thing to happen to the company, so i hope it happens because they have alot of potential talent in TNA that if they would get 2 hours, they would be able to make the potential talent someone to be a force to be recking with

04-13-2007, 08:16 AM
doesnt IMpact have the same ratings more or less as
WWE smackdown?
i mean they CANT touch RAW
prolly ECW.

now i aint discouragin them, cuz competition is good 4 every1 reali
but i think they should go 2 hr. wen their ratings get to around RAWs rating.

04-14-2007, 11:37 AM
doesnt IMpact have the same ratings more or less as
WWE smackdown?
i mean they CANT touch RAW
prolly ECW.

now i aint discouragin them, cuz competition is good 4 every1 reali
but i think they should go 2 hr. wen their ratings get to around RAWs rating.

They probably can't reach RAW's ratings with only 1 hour of television. That just isn't enough time to build up numerous storylines that attract more viewers. They need the 2 hour slot to push into RAW's territory.

04-14-2007, 11:44 PM
Another awesome Impact. And that is how you try to be unpredictable: Jarret returns... as a face!

Jarret as a face doesn't make sense from a psychological standpoint since the more times that you see Jarret the more you want to despise him and TNA actually cheering Jarret doesn't make sense since he was one of the most hated guys down in Orlando and always has been down since TNA first started and all of a sudden the fans cheer him?

Wheres the Psychology thats supposed to make sense or a build up? TNA and Jarret for that reason were desperate but in defense for TNA, a 2 hour move would be great for TNA and wrestling in general because you'll be able to have more developed wrestling, longer matches, more in depth storylines and have the ability to push more wrestlers although I could do without the WWF/WCW/ECW Washed Up Rejects and then I can bare with the product down in Orlando. But it still has much more steps to achieve before they can even compete with ECW. One step at a time and this is an improvement.

04-15-2007, 12:19 AM
ya the reaction Jarrett got was surprising

04-15-2007, 01:53 AM
TNA can't touch Raw, plus the fan base isn't that diverse. What you have to understand is WWE can bring out some compeling stuff if tested. I don't see TNA ever giving WWE the run that WCW gave them and plus if TNA vs WWE did happen WWE would win because they can pay you the most. Also look at it this way if you want wrestling than you probably want TNA but kids want the John Cena's so that would be another problem TNA would have to kinda of sell themselves as a wrestling product and have more for the whole faimly. One more thing if TNA lost a Sting, Kurt Angle, or Samoa Joe they are kinda fucked. WWE can afford to lose more top names. Like ECW has gotten better to me without Kurt Angle and Big Show there.

04-15-2007, 02:00 AM
All of this was said before WCW began to rock the WWE in 96. They then dominated the WWE for two years before the WWE managed to come back.

TNA has the talent in their younger stars to survive losing Sting and even Samoa Joe. It wouldn't completely kill them. The WWE cannot afford to lose anymore stars because they have not built up their younger talent to the level to fill the void that would be left.

Who the hell cares if a bunch of kids like Cena? The wrestling demographic is drastically skewed to young (18-29) men. McMahon trying to pull in more women and kids is what is hurting the product because he is pushing stars that do not have the ability to lead RAW and ECW. For some reason they leave Smackdown! primarily to the wrestling fanatics and if no one has noticed, Smackdown! has been the best of the three WWE brands for months now.

04-16-2007, 12:36 AM
i've said it once and i'll say it again the moment tna shows that they could be compation vince will coe in and crush them. 2 hours would be an improvement but they will have to step up and prove themselves. also the 2 hour show would make their wrestlers have to work more and harder and the question remains how much can thier wrestlers and writing staff take.