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View Full Version : Recap Of The Spike/TNA Conference Call (Christian Cage)

04-13-2007, 01:49 AM
Here is a recap of the monthly Spike TV/TNA conference call:

- Cage said he is a big fan of video games, but has yet to play the upcoming TNA game. He said the graphics are amazing.

- Cage said he has played Game Cube, PS2, and XBox 360.

- He said the name of his finisher, the unprettier, came as a joke in talking with friends Edge and Chris Jericho.

- He said it was better for Trish Stratus in making out with him (than him making out with her) at Wrestlemania 20.

- He said there are many variables than go into a lethal lockdown match.

- "It's long overdue," said Cage about TNA getting a two hour show. He said its tough to squeeze in the matches and backstage skits.

- "I think the morale is good," said Cage of the environment in TNA.

- He said he keeps in contact with Adam Copeland, Edge, but admits its tough with their busy schedules.

- Cage said he feels he is more natural as a heel. He actually said he is shy, believe it or not.

- Cage feels he is doing better with this title reign, as compared to the last.

- "I loved that match," said Cage of his match with Abyss at last year's Lockdown PPV. "Abyss is a really talented performer," Cage said.

- Cage talked about having a small role he has in the "Shoot 'Em Up" film. He said he hasn't seen the final product yet.

- Christian said he is looking forward to future acting roles, but said he is a wrestler and will always be wrestling.

- He said he had good chemistry with Samoa Joe, and was happy with the way the match came off.

- He said he is more comfortable, and is in his element in this title reign.

- He put over his work with Rhino, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles, and looks forward to working with many of the X-division wrestlers. He said he has yet to work with Jerry Lynn.

- Cage said everyone needs exposure in the business, which part of the reason CM Punk jumped from Ring of Honor to WWE.

- He said he keeps in touch with his friends in WWE.

- Cage said traveling with WWE was hard, and talked about the mental and physical grind of being on the road. Cage said the TNA schedule has been helpful in feeling like a human being again.

- He said WWE's wellness program is a good thing.

- Cage said he'll be watching previous lethal lockdown matches to prepare for Sunday's match. "It's a different animal for sure," said Cage.

- He said TNA does need two hours for more wrestling, and to develop characters. He put over the TNA roster.

- Cage said its a long hard road in climbing to the top and winning a world heavyweight title.

- "I feel good," said Cage. He feels jumping to TNA has added years to his career. He said he wrestles because he loves it, and will continue to wrestle until it isn't fun anymore.

- Cage said it was a good move in jumping from WWE to TNA. "It burns you out," said Cage of his years in WWE.

- Cage said it was awkward in switching from the squared circle to a six sided ring, but now he doesn't even think about it.

- Cage said he wasn’t bitter about the company taking the title off him, and knew he would get it back.

- Cage said he has no regrets about the jump to TNA, and doesn’t waste time looking back.

- Cage said he hasn’t spoken to Rob Van Dam lately, but it would be a feather in TNA’s cap if he were to jump to TNA.

- He doesn’t know what is going to happen with the NWA title, but has heard the rumors.

- Cage said he didn’t change his style when the fans started cheering for him.

- Cage said in WWE, he received bulletin points to cover in his promos, but has more freedom in TNA.

- “They are in the same realm for sure,” when asked if UFC is competition for TNA.

- Cage said he heard people talk about the fans chanting “Fire Russo,” but can’t comment on it as he was preparing for his match at the time.

- He thinks the New York Rangers have a chance in the NHL play offs because of strong goalie play, and feels the suspension of Chris Simon was appropriate. RVD a feather in TNA's cap. Maybe so, maybe not. I think it would be great.

04-14-2007, 01:17 AM
rvd isnt leaving wwe im not sure if he signed a new contract or is negotiating a new one and hes in for a big push in wwe