View Full Version : Missed Oppurtunity

04-16-2007, 10:04 PM
Although I was impressed with LL, I was dissapointed in the "winner" of the main event. I like Sting and consider to be one of the all time greats, but is it really necessary to have him be the #1 contender?

They should have let one of Christian's team members get the pin instead. It would have been much more dramatic and led to a much fresher match up, in my opinion. I would have loved to see Styles or Tomko pick up the pin, just to see the friction eventually explode.

I would not have minded having Rhino pick up the victory either, but that rivalry is still a bit too recent. Angle and Samoa Joe would have been alright, except there is no tension between Angle or Joe and Christian. Sting and Abyss have been in the title picture for the last few months and I am tired of those two gunning for the title. I don't like Steiner at all and definetely don't need another Jarret run for quite a while.

I just feel that TNA made a mistake and missed an enormous oppurtunity here. Not a fatal mistake, but dissapointing none-the-less.

04-16-2007, 11:06 PM
completely agree its not neccesary to see sting in that position i would prefer somebody who hasnt fought christian for the title yet styles or tomko would have been a better choice

04-17-2007, 01:30 AM
I kinda agree, it's a weird situation, but the Jeff Jarrett - Sting ending was kind of cool. Altho Jeff is trying too much to be a face now I feel...

Garden State Saint
04-18-2007, 07:33 PM
That match ending the way it did ends any hope of serious contention for Tomko, Steiner and Joe in the near future. What a mess.

The Yiz
04-21-2007, 09:36 PM
christian will probably beat sting anyway. TNA are doing the heel vitorious thing at the mo