View Full Version : Updates On Harry Smith, Nattie Neidhart and Colt Cabana

Dangerous Incorporated
04-20-2007, 11:12 PM
There will be a Raw taping in July in Calgary and some people believe this show will mark the debut of Harry Smith and Nattie Neidhart. This is in no way a definite, but the reasoning is that WWE has never run Calgary without at least one native star, whether it be Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Lance Storm, etc., and this would be the very first time.

Colt Cabana is telling people that he'll be heading to Ohio Valley.

source: www.f4wonline.com

WWE need to sign Teddy Hart yet before we can see the New Hart Foundation but Im looking forward to it.

04-20-2007, 11:14 PM
santino marello debuted in his home country and won the title so its very possible

04-20-2007, 11:17 PM
I don't think the Hart foundation thing is going to happen right away, I think that will be down the line somewhere.

04-21-2007, 12:03 AM
New Hart Foundation will be just another example, just like DX, of WWE living off the past. It needs to take a new step now because it's getting old.