View Full Version : Nudists remember fallen Diggers

04-24-2006, 02:18 PM
DESCENDANTS of Australian and New Zealand diggers will mark Anzac Day with a playful game of beach cricket near Byron Bay tomorrow – in the nude.
More than 400 bare bods are expected to attend the annual nudist day at North Belongil Beach in New South Wales, hosted by naturalist group Free Beaches Australia.

Pastor Bob Wright, a church minister and a naturalist for more than 17 years, said the event would be held with due dignity.

He said the Anzac diggers had often played games of beach cricket in-between fighting on the battlefield during World War I.

Many contestants in tomorrow's game would be descendants of the original Anzacs, he said. "The majority of the (players) turning up, believe it or not, actually had grandparents and great-grandparents in Gallipoli," Mr Wright said.

"You never know, you might be meeting one of the descendants of your granddad's best mates. They are there defending their granddad's name."

Mr Wright said although the event was lighthearted, the seriousness of war would not be forgotten.

Up to 500 nudists and their families are expected to attend the event, which also includes a beach carnival, body painting, sausage sizzle and a fun run.

Police will be on call to prevent those taking unsolicited photos of the nudists.

Money raised by the event will go towards sun cancer research.

Source: http://www.news.com.au

04-24-2006, 02:25 PM
Dodgy sourcing there :tongue:

Sounds pretty damn Aussie to me!

Kel you can go!

04-30-2006, 05:55 AM
Gotta love the tree hugging nudists.Always willing to let it all hang out for charity.