View Full Version : Former Wrestler Coming Out Of Retirement? Details

Dangerous Incorporated
04-22-2007, 12:09 AM
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE has approached Arn Anderson about the possibility of him coming out of retirement. Triple H and Stephanie were really pushing for this. The original idea was to have him wrestle one or two TV matches with Flair to help promote the 4 Horsemen DVD.

Anderson was all for the idea but due to the legal liabilities with his condition, it would never happen. The chances of him getting injured with his preexisting injuries would be very high. The only way hed be able to return is through a medical clearance.

Several backstage were talking about how he was going to come back as a player/coach type gimmick. Similar to Finlays, when he returned.

Its not worth AA risking being parallysed just to promote a DVD which I think its wrong for them to add Ric Flairs name before the Horesmen cuz not only has Flair already had his own 3 disc DVD but the nameof the group was The 4 Horsemen. They were all important as each other.

04-22-2007, 01:05 AM
I think they called the DVD Ric Flair & The 4 Horseman because Flair still wrestles and the younger newer fans will recognize his name while not really knowing who the 4 Horseman are and buy it.

04-22-2007, 03:04 AM
i think arn should manage flair for awhile

04-22-2007, 04:47 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing AA on TV but I don't want the guy to get injured worse then he already is. The injury he has now caused him to retire to begin with. So for wrestling I don't think so, but for something else he probably could like manager or something.