View Full Version : What You Didn't See On RAW Last Night

04-25-2006, 09:10 AM
Lillian is in the ring and says how great it feels to be in London. She then sings the UK National Anthem ("God Save the Queen") and the crowd sings along with her. The stage is set up with the English flags. Coach is then introduced and comes out with his hands in his pockets. Joey Styles comes out and the lights flash all over the place showing how bright they are. Coach says they must be in England since Joey is getting an ovation. He tells Joey he should think about working here from now on. King then comes out and gets the biggest pop of the three, along with chants of 'Jerry,

During the break: Maria is in her robe and says she can't wait for the divas bikini contest. She interviews Matt Striker who calls her an ignorant harlot and says there is no educational value in watching trolops like herself parade around in their underwear. Maria corrects him and says they are bikinis. He tells her never to correct him and says British people lack intellect and class. Ever since the Revolutionary War, Striker claims they have ridden in the sidecar of America's motorcycle of world domination. Maria says she likes
motorcycles because they go 'vroom, vroom.' Striker continues by saying that Britians butcher the english language and tonight, he will teach the world a lesson in intellect and class courtesy of their teacher, Matt Striker.

During the break: RVD is thrown into the stairs by Benjamin and Striker kicks his head into them repeatedly. Benjamin gets him back in the ring and 'RVD' chants start. RVD fights back with shots and Benjamin pulls him into a spinebuster. He tags Striker (with 'Smarter than you' on his tights,) who hits shots to the back of the head. He hits more shots into the corner and chokes RVD illegally. Striker gets whipped into a hard kick and a sunset flip for a two count by RVD. He tags Masters, who tries for a suplex and shoves RVD into the ropes and then strikes the kidneys as we go back live.

During the break: Maria, still in her robe, comes out for the Kiss Cam. She says she knows Striker said they weren't very intellegent, but she thinks they are very smart, classy, and passionate. The camera took a minute to get a couple up on screen and several couples kissed. One guy dropped to his knee quickly and proposed to his girlfriend, who then proceeded to make out with him. It didn't really seem like the guy had time to get the words out, so it might have been planned. More couples kissed and two girls really got into it with tongue.

During the break: Todd Grisham says he hosts many shows on Sky Sports 1, 2, 11, and 24, but he also hosts 'Sign of the Night.' The signs included: We Want Wrestlemania in England, Give Me Visagra, The Champ is Here, Edge in the UK you are rated 18, Wooooo, Viva La Raza!, Kim Slipped on HHH Water, God Will Tap, HBK, The Lord Gave His Son Shane To Save Us All, RVD on a briefcase, Follower of McMahonism, and Trish Stop Calling Me!

During the break: Coach is on the mic and says, "I bet you people really loved seeing that. I bet you loved seeing the Coach get his ass kicked." The crowd chants 'You Suck.' Coach says he's going to do something he should have a long time ago and says he's leaving London and not coming back. He then walks up the rampway and through the curtain.

During the break: Vince struts while Shane hangs his arm around his shoulder. Vince's music plays and they walk up the stage with Shane looking exhausted. They stop and Vince points to Shane at the top of the ramp. Shawn Michaels is shown being helped up by refs and Shane and Vince do the DX chop several times before leaving. HBK gets up and walks out on his own power and salutes to the crowd several times while they chant 'HBK.'

During the break: WWE 24/7 Presents: This Week in Wrestling History. On April 26, 1999, 24 hours after The Undertaker abducted Stephanie McMahon at Backlash, Vince McMahon was forced to ask Stone Cold Steve Austin's help in rescuing her or be forced to give up control of WWE in exchange for her safety. Stone Cold told him to kiss his ass, and later in the night The Undertaker's ministry marched to the ring for Taker's black wedding with Stephanie. Stone Cold crashed the wedding and saved Stephanie from being Taker's bride.

During the break: Trivia time with Todd, as Simon from Dover is asked: Davey Boy Smith's bulldog was named Margaret, Hilda, or Winston? He says Winston and gets it right as well as a signed RVD shirt. Lindsey from Scotland is asked at what event HBK won the European Championship: Insurrextion, Rebellion, or One Night Only? She says One Night Only and gets it right. Michael is asked how many times William Regal has won the IC Title: once, twice, or three times? He says 2 but then changes his answer to 3 and gets it wrong.

During the break: Footage from the Backlash press conference is aired. Vince, HBK, Carlito, Trish, Edge, Triple H, and John Cena all give promos. Cena goes a little overboard by saying that it will be "the single greatest pay-per-view event in the history of the world."

During the break: Nicky (I think) gets a one-count on Triple H and a quick two count after a slam. He tags Mikey who gives shots and is clotheslined by Triple H after a hard whip. He brings him to the corner and Hunter gets kicked by every member. Johnny gets in and whips HHH into a dropkick. The other members of the squad yell for Johnny to punch him in the face. They exchange blows and Triple H hits the high knee to bring us back into the broadcast.

04-25-2006, 01:28 PM
I didn't see Raw last night.What the hell are they doing having a bikini contest on Raw?That's more of a Smackdown thing,isnt it?