View Full Version : Tag Team MITB

05-02-2007, 07:11 PM
I was thinking if it would be a good idea having a Tag Team Money in the Bank match. 4 teams, one ladder, one contract and have it annually at Summerslam instead of having 2 at WM. This way fans don't have to wait one whole year for this kind of match. 2 a year and being different (one singles/one tag team) would contain the crowd.

It might inspire WWE to actually get a half decent tag team division together and push teams.

05-03-2007, 06:22 PM
really good.
but instead of 4, have 6 teams. 2 from each brand.
but WWE has to have established good tag team divisions in all brands.

05-03-2007, 11:04 PM
Yeah it would be a good idea...if only the WWE took the tag-team division seriously enough to actually pull something like this off.
The lack of talent in the tag-team division on ALL 3 brands is insufficent enough NOT to do something like this.

The WWE needs to do something with the tag-team division.
It's gotten very stale the past couple of years,and to tell the truth,its still not exciting enough to care about.
Even with The Hardys being reformed(albeit,thats probably still only temporary...again),which is a shame,because thats what the fans needed,was a team that could highlight a main event feud with another couple of major tag-teams in their own rights,but we get stuck with Hardys vs. Cade&Murdock shoved down our throats.
And while C&M are a great team,who would they feud with,"after/if" winning the belts...?Another "superstar" tag-team thrown together like Cena&HBK/Rated RKO?
No,they would continue the feud between the Hardys and C&M,just becasue of the lack of talent,which would just make it that much more inept to keep throwing the same old thing back at the fans time&again!

05-03-2007, 11:41 PM
Cryme Tyme, Highlanders, and WGTT should be pushed to no one contender status.

05-03-2007, 11:44 PM
If you schedule the MITB match to much then it'll loose its mystique and glory but The WWE has to establish their Tag Team division further if they want to make that Tag Match worth while.

05-04-2007, 12:06 AM
an annual laddar tage team match would boost the division but it shouldnt be money in the bank because it would take away from the match at wm

05-04-2007, 02:27 AM
I would rather just see a 6 man MITB ladder match for the title shot. Thats how it should be.

05-17-2007, 12:44 AM
Its a good idea though I think a four way tag team ladder match would be better so the mystique of Money in the Bank remains, kinda like the Royal Rumble. You could have the Hardyz, London and Kendrick, WGTT (even though they've been ridiculously jobbed out) and Helms/Guerrero (shame MNM are no more, this could have been a scorcher)