View Full Version : Shocking New Details On Orton Incident, Wrestlers Speak Out

Dangerous Incorporated
05-03-2007, 11:00 PM
source: pwtorch.com

The latest pwtorch newsletter is reporting that Randy Orton was a complete mess throughout the European Tour and he was asked to go home before the hotel incident. Although unclear, backstage sources indicate Orton wrecked the hotel room because he was told to leave, contrary to initial reports.

In any case, says one wrestler, "Nobody likes him, nobody feels sorry for him, nobody cares if he gets suspended or fired." Another WWE source says he's "just a screwed up kid" who needs therapy before he'll ever be reliable and reach his potential. Says another: "He's known for always having a piss-poor attitude" and "being a nice guy one minute, and a jerk the next."

I figured he trashed his room out of 'roid rage but it could be anything.

05-03-2007, 11:44 PM
Poor Randy. He needs to get on track.

05-03-2007, 11:58 PM
they should make him go to therapy or anger management maybe that will straighten him out

05-04-2007, 01:52 AM
The guy could also be just frustrated. Maybe he thinks every body's out to get him. Maybe they are maybe there not. Maybe he wants to be champion and he's just sick of waiting for his time and he's dealing with it the best he can. Not to mention a guy cant have a bad day or a bad week for that matter. But I do know one thing him Edge put on a very good match Monday and I say he's worth keeping. I think maybe Vince knows that so I don't see Randy being fired anytime soon or suspended for that fact.