View Full Version : WWE changing company direction, Vince’s plans for Undertaker’s future & more

05-05-2007, 05:39 PM
# There is a lot more of a conservative mindset within WWE when it comes to their product right now due to all of the mainstream attention they have been getting. Their goal is make the needed changes to upgrade their image in hopes to attract more upscale advertising. They are also planning to do more of a basic wrestling product, which came into effect with the full hour Cena/Michaels match on Raw.

# Vince McMahon has recently been very vocal about his opinion that his TV shows should be 90 minutes long. He feels that two hours is too long, but one hour is too short. USA and CW Network have no intentions on changing WWE’s timeslots.

# Speaking of Vince, he is also planning to keep The Undertaker’s future promos short in order to make him seem more mysterious. Don’t expect him to be doing more than one or two lines in the future when on WWE TV.

Credit - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Big Evil
05-05-2007, 08:05 PM
I would like to see more wrestling than drama on WWE television any day, so that is a plus in my opinion. However, I don't think that the shows should be cut back, so in a way I'm glad that the networks are refusing to grant Vince's request. As far as the Undertaker and his promos go, I don't see any reason to try and make him 'mysterious' now, seeing as a lot of his promos of the past have contained a lot of lines from Calloway. So, it just doesn't make sense to me to start that up again.

05-05-2007, 08:54 PM
I can't remember the last time Taker got a good speaking part...

Big Evil
05-05-2007, 08:57 PM
Well with the Deadman character it isn't that easy... especially recently since they haven't had him doing many promos, just saying a line out in the ring once in a while

05-06-2007, 01:43 AM
more wrestling is good but some promos are needed

Dangerous Incorporated
05-06-2007, 01:50 AM
WWE to actually have wrestling? Wow! Thats like a picture theater actually having movies!!

05-06-2007, 04:19 AM
I like the idea to have more longer solid matches I think that is one of the things that the WWE was missing. I don't mind the time of the shows I actually like that it's 2 hours. WWE just need to fill the time a little better. But really it's not what we want it's what they want to show us.

05-07-2007, 03:32 AM
I still say that hour long match sucked, half the match HBK was in Cenas armpit. I am for these long matches but atleast make them good. lol Undertaker could do a days worth of promos and stay home for weeks on end.