View Full Version : 5/4 Raw House Show Results Johnson City, TN (Judgment Day match announced)

05-06-2007, 10:07 PM
5/4 Raw House Show Results Johnson City, TN (Judgment Day match announced)

Kofi Kingston def. Shelton Benjamin with a flying cross body. Despite most of the crowd probably having no clue who Kofi was, he managed to get over and get good babyface reactions.

Eugene def. Daniel Rodimer by roll up (I think). They picked a little kid out of the crowd at the beginning of the show to be Eugene's guest manager and Eugene went out to talk to him a few times during the match. Pretty boring match.

Carlito def. Val Venis by feigning injury and hitting the back cracker when Venis had his back turned. Before the match Carlito cut a promo on Flair and said "I want to apologize....not for kicking Ric Flair's ass, but for being such a pansy for the past year. Carlito is back and I have more passion in my little finger than Ric Flair ever had"

Khali squashed Hacksaw Jim Duggan in less than a minute. Crowd was into Duggan though, loud "USA" chants.

Santino Marella def. Chris Masters to retain the Intercontinental Title. Masters cut a promo before hand saying he's sick of hearing about how "Santino Mozzarella" won the IC belt. Looks like Santino will be feuding with Masters. Masters got plenty of heat but I got the feeling that the crowd still doesn't know what to make of Santino.

Cryme Tyme def. Johnny Nitro and Kenny Dykstra with the G9. Cryme Tyme was very over with the crowd. Afterwards they brought a kid into the ring to dance with them.

Melina def. Mickie James via a roll up with the ropes to retain the Women's Championship. I was at the concession stands for the entire match and made it back in time to see the finish.

The Hardyz def. Cade and Murdoch with Jeff rolling up one of them, I think it was Cade. Hardyz were over big time. Crowd was getting ready to shit on the lack of a Swanton but Cade and Murdoch came back out to get beat down and I think it was Cade who ended up eating the Swanton but, again, not sure.

Cena def. Umaga by DQ when Estrada (who had a neck brace on and was walking with a cane) broke up the STFU with a cane shot. Cena then had Estrada trapped in the corner when Umaga ran at him. Cena moved and Umaga squashed Estrada in the corner, then got a FU for his trouble. I found it weird that they did multiple spots with Cena not being able to lift Umaga. Are we supposed to forget that he had Khali on his shoulders on Monday? Speaking of Khali, he came out after the match and pointed at Cena, making the sign for the belt on his waist. Once he left, Cena cut a promo saying "They just keep coming, and by the looks of that 8 foot guerrilla, they keep getting bigger. Everyone has their Judgment Day and mine will be in two weeks when I have to face that 8 foot high monster" and then listed some of the superstars that Khali has destroyed in the past. So, I guess our worst fears have come true and Khali will be main eventing a PPV.

Crowd was mostly pro Cena with a very vocal minority of Cena haters. I'd still say he got the loudest pop, followed closely by the Hardyz. Most heat would go to Umaga and Masters. Crowd was disappointed that there was no Edge or Flair, both had been advertised.
