View Full Version : SmackDown House Results - 26th Apr 2006 (Belfast, Northern Ireland)

04-29-2006, 07:43 AM
SmackDown House Results - 26th Apr 2006
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Report thanx to Carl Duffy:

Show kicks off with Sharmell coming out to introduce Booker T. On the way out a fan touches Booker which leads to some sort of confrontation between the two. Afterwards however he smiles at the audience. Then he cuts a promo about winning KOTR to some heat. Lashley come out to a huge pop.

Lashley beats Booker T

Good solid 15 minute+ match to kick things off with the usual Lashley moves. One stage in the match saw Lashley kick out of the book end. Match ends with a running powerslam.

Burchill beats Animal

Easily the worst match of the night. One spot even saw Burchill nowhere near hitting Animal with a knee yet Animal sold it as if it had connected. Thankfully this was a short one and I think Burchill used a school boy to win. The c4 wasn't seen during the match.

MNM beat London & Kendrick

This was another great match except for a spot where a hurricuranna by Spanky was ruined by Nitro. Nonetheless MNM made a good showing tonight and so far this was the match of the night.

Helms vs. Nunzio vs. Funaki leads to a no contest.

Suprisingly enough Funaki got a nice ovation. This match was a real treat for TNA fans with several triple move spots in the match. Step Ladder suplex and a sunset flip onto Helms who hit A german suplex as he went down. Great Khali comes out and destroys everyone. He hits a few double hand chokeslams and hits a body press slam on Nunzio. It appeared to me that Nunzio baged his head of the mat with this move.

JBL beats Benoit to retain U.S. Title

JBL cut a rather controversial promo at the start relating to politics in the North of Ireland. He actually quite confused me because he said N.Ireland started a war when it was the English who started a war with the Irish. Anyhow a good section of the audience were understandibly annoyed with his comments trying to start trouble between Republicans and Loyalists. He must of thought that the Republicans in America had some link with Irish Republicans when they clearly don't. Nonetheless In my view this was the match of the night with a slow build through plenty of submission holds used at the start and as the match got on more high impact moves were hit. Must have been over 20 minutes long this match. JBL won with help from the ropes. JBL got incredible heat. Afterwards JBL tapped out to the crossface. Lots of Eddie chants in this match with JBLs reference to the 3 amigos.

For anyone that cares Kristal came out to give away T-Shirts which led to a brawl with Jillian Hall.

Finlay beats Regal

This match appeared to be deliberately put together to home in on the Irish and English rivalary. Finlay comes out to a deafening pop. They then feed on the reaction for a good 5mins. Finlay even jumped into my area where I managed to put my arm round him. Regal teased Finlays dad which led to Finlay sr. hitting Regal with a plastic bottle. During the match Regal got some serious heat when he gave Finlay a chair shot to the arm. Finlay got Regal up in the Emerald Fusion and selling the arm paused for 5secs and hit it.

Gunner Scott beat Tatanka

Nothing special here Scott made a good job of playing heel during the match. Can only remember him winning via pinfall.

Matt Hardy beats Orlando Jordan

Could have been a decent match if it wasn't for so much posing done by OJ. Hardy wins via pinfall with the Twist of Fate.

Rey Beats Henry and Angle to retain World Title

Rey got a huge pop and I can't really say I heard much boos. Short match which was about 8mins. Finish saw Rey beat Henry with the 619.

Personally this was the best WWE house show out of the 8 Irish ones I've been to. Yes this didn't have the star power of last night but it produced 4 quality matches. I was at last nights taping and I can say Smackdowns matches were a lot better. Even that the Raw ones had less time what they did create was nothing special. It appeared they relied on star power and it seemed some of the top guys couldn't care about this show. Guys like Matt Stiker and Shelton Benjamin appeared to have worked hard for this show. In contrast to Raw I think Smackdown guys had a much harder time. Benoit and JBL pulled out all the stops to produce a match much better than their WM encounter. The Regal vs.Finlay match was evidently very rough with several stiff forearms and uppercuts.

Biggest pops:


Most heat:

3.Booker T
4.Great Khali
5.Mark Henry

To all those Irish people who gave tremondous responses to the wrestlers I applaud you. Without you the Raw show wouldn't have been nearly as good. To all those people starting ridiculous chants would you please stop. I'm aware TNA started this craze and I think it sucks. People chating rubbish like 'match of the year','London sucks','your chant sucks'. Really people you come to see a wrestling product not to shout like an idiot. Its called World WRESTLING Entertainment not World Chant Entertainment. I'm not asking you to be like a Japanese crowd but don't overdo it with hoorrible chants.

Overall very impressed with the effort put into this event by Benoit, JBL, Finlay, Regal, Funaki, London, Kendrick, Booker T, Lashley and Jim Korderas

Incase anyone is wondering why Jim Korderas is included on that list I'll tell you. After the show I went over to the area where WWEs buses were parked. We saw many wrestlers go straight onto the bus and understandibly so given their hectic schedule. Jim however approached us and chatted for a good half an hour with only 9 people or so there. We could talk to this man about anything like the chances of Hogan vs.Austin, God and TNA. I told him I thought TNA was a spotfest and he agreed noting that some wrestlers don't have the psychology i.e. AJ Styles. That man is a proper gentleman. He even chatted to my brother on the phone I handed him. Thank you Jim much appreciated.

JBL your comments weren't in the least bit offensive to me but take into consideration that when your dealing with politics in Belfast your tackling a very touchy subject.

Autograph Signings:

On Tuesday I attempted to visit Candice and Victoria in Easons bookshop. Sadly when I got there I found out you had to buy a £17 book and you weren't even allowed any photos. This is a total joke and I'm holding those jerks at Easons responsible for exploiting vulnerable customers.


This day was much better and thankfully it was free. Finaly the legend allowed me to get a picture of him. Teddy Long had a frown on his face for some reason. I asked him to give Finlay a title shot. Finlay turned around and smiled. Teddy asked when should he give it to him and I suggested Judgement Day. So folks don't be suprised if its Finlay and Rey in the main event hahaha. Hopefully Finlay will get his deserved shot someday. Then I saw Jillian who is much prettier in person. Her breasts are much bigger too :). She greeted me with a nice smile and I got a photo of her.

I assume the quality of the service depends on the location and I was very very impressed with HMV but Easons i am peronally boycotting your store.

04-30-2006, 04:42 PM
Nice... I was gonna post these results but they wouldnt have been as 'expert' as these. One thing though.... Im pretty sure that Tatanka beat Scott..... other than that, this provides a good read. Finly Sr. was sitting two seats away from me :)

Oh, and on the tuesday signing, I was a sucker and bought the damn book (which is littered with pics of Christy :()... thing is, I was lucky enough to get a pic with them! Its on my Bebo page....