View Full Version : Orton's Fine, Vickie's WWE Future, New Breed/ECW Storyline

05-08-2007, 06:24 AM
WWE has made the decision not to suspend Randy Orton. He will be paying for the damages to the hotel room he caused while on the European tour.

We previously reported that Kurt Schneider, 41, was stepping down as WWE's executive vice president of marketing to accept a position with the Harlem Globetrotters. Scheider has agreed to the position of CEO with the basketball organization. He received a great deal, and won't be required to move his family.

Developmental talent Kofi Kingston has some major supporters in WWE creative. He's currently working house shows.

Vickie Guerrero has once again been told she will be replacing Teddy Long as the general manager of Smackdown. Of course, WWE has changed their minds regarding the GM situation several times recently.

The current story line with the New Breed has not been paced the way it was laid out by writers Dave Lagana and Dusty Rhodes. The eventual CM Punk turn on Elijah Burke was going to be teased for awhile before actually happening.

http://contracts.onecle.com/wwe/mcmahon.emp.2000.02.15.shtml - Here is a copy of Shane McMahon's WWE contract. It gives you a good idea of how the WWE contracts are structured.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

05-08-2007, 03:10 PM
I've said it before and I will say it again go home Vickie Guerrero and stay there please.

05-08-2007, 11:42 PM
vickie needs money dude otherwise she would