View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 28th Apr 2006

04-30-2006, 11:21 PM
Smackdown Results - 28th Apr 2006
Location - London, England

Quick Results:

- US Title: JBL def. William Regal to retain
- Kendrick, London and Super Crazy def. MNM and Helms
- King of the Ring: Bobby Lashley def. Mark Henry by count out
- Finlay def. Gunner Scott
- World Title: Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio; No Contest


JBL’s music hits and a Rolls Royce comes pulls out and JBL makes his entrance. He’s wearing a jacket that is basically an American flag and he’s waving a couple minature American flags. He enters the ring and hands the flags to Tony Chimmel and has him wave them in the corner while JBL cuts a promo. JBL says he will witness the greatest title defense in history. He plugs himself, calls himself an American hero and says that the UK depend on America for their very existence, they can’t win a war by themselves, they can’t win their own tennis tournament and that Tony Blair is George Bush’s poodle. He says that the crowd are all American step children. He says, that being the true American that he is, he will defend the title against…he stops short and makes fun of the crowd for having a Queen. The crowd chants “England” (I think), and JBL tells them to shut up. He tells the crowd he wants to hear them chant USA, the country they want to live in. William Regal’s music hits and he gets a fairly big pop as he makes his way to the ring in his original style robe. Regal gets in the ring and grabs a mic. He says that he agrees, that Tony Blair is a total muffin. But….he says that if you want to know what the English and the rest of the world thinks of you Americans….and he calls him a truckload of names and punches JBL in the face. He takes off his robe and the match starts.

United States Championship Match
William Regal vs. John Bradshaw Layfield (c)
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
The crowd chants Regal, and Regal takes it to JBL right away. He puts on JBL’s hat for a moment and continues the beat down. Uppercuts by Regal. Regal goes for an early cover but JBL grabs the bottom rope. Let’s go Regal chants begin. Regal punches JBL repeatedly with uppercuts and eventually JBL is punched out of the ring. Match is 2 minutes in and we’re off to commercial.

Mid-match notes:
Regal is stomping JBL in the ring. He knees JBL in the face. He whips JBL into the ropes, JBL reverses and hits Regal with a big boot. JBL is slow to recover but as Regal gets to his feet JBL begins to punch at Regal in the corner. Regal elbows JBL in the gut but JBL tosses Regal into the ropes and slaps on a sleeper on the return. Regal starts to fade in the middle of the ring. Regal’s left ear is bleeding. Regal gives JBL a back suplex to escape the sleeper. JBL gets up fast and pounds down Regal again. Swinging neckbreaker by JBL.

The Finish:
DDT by JBL and a near fall. JBL picks Regal up and hits him with a couple punches before Regal fights him off with a couple kicks. Regal is staggering and JBL goes for a clothesline from hell but Regal hits him with an exploder suplex. Near fall for Regal. Regal slaps on an STF, and JBL is near the ropes, fades for a moment but gets his hand on the rope. Regal stomps on him. JBL thumbs Regal’s eye and as Regal stumbles around, JBL hits the clothesline from hell and gets the pin.

Winner and still United States Champion: John Bradshaw Layfield

Kristal is interviewing Booker T backstage with Sharmell and Booker is all amped up until Kristal asks Booker his “position” on the Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle match. Booker is not amused. Booker says he’ll beat them all if he has to. Gunner Scott walks up and politely tells Booker that a couple weeks ago, he beat Booker T. Booker says “tell me you didn’t just say that” and that nobody wants to talk about that. Booker is going to be King of the Ring, and that’s what people want to talk about. Booker then coughs and says he’d beat him any day, just not today, because he’s got a sinus infection. Some funny stuff here. He does say he’ll find an opponent for Gunner though, and that Gunner will be his bitch. Booker & Sharmell walk off as Booker coughs repeatedly. Gunner looks on with a rather emotionless face.

Winners Circle:
Kurt Angle “Winners Circle” moment is shown highlighting Kurt Angle winning the title from the Rock at No Mercy 2000.

Six Man Tag Team Match
MNM and Gregory Helms vs. Brian Kendrick, Paul London and Super Crazy
Referee: Chris Kay

MNM’s music hits and they make their usual entrance. Gregory Helms music hits and he makes his usual entrance. London & Kendrick follow, and lastly, Super Crazy on his ride mower.

The start:
The heels attacked to get us underway, but the faces fought back quickly. Action spilled to the outside as London and Kendrick took out MNM with double suicide dives and Super Crazy took out Helms with a plancha. Back in the ring, MNM took control when Melina interfered and pushed Kendrick off the top rope. Helms scored with a modified Northern Lights Suplex and tagged Mercury. In a nice double team move, Mercury hit a backbreaker, tagged in Nitro, and Johnny hopped over the top rope and landed an elbow drop.

The Finish:
Helms tagged back in and used an abdominal stretch to keep Brian at bay. However, Kendrick fought out and tagged London. Paul went wild with a series of kicks before using a rolling clutch pin to score a near fall on Helms. The finish came soon after when London reversed a Helms vertical suplex attempt into a roll-up for the win.

Winners: Brian Kendrick, Paul London and Super Crazy

Winners Circle:
Kurt Angle “Winner Circle” moment is shown with Angle beating Austin at Unforgiven 2001, Angle’s 2nd WWE title win.

Melina is shown giving hell to Mercury & Nitro, but they say they didn’t lose. Melina says that she needs to go freshen up. She then walks over to Jillian Hall at the makeup table and says that it was so sad that Jillian got fired last week. Melina says that she can have a job putting on Melina’s makeup. Jillian tosses some powder makeup on Melina, Melina tosses some at her. They then both lose it and and the full on makeup catfight ensues until MNM and a bunch of refs break it up.

Winners Circle:
Kurt Angle “Winner Circle” moment is shown highlighting Angle beating Big Show for the WWE Title at Armageddon 2002.

King Of The Ring First Round
Mark Henry vs. Bobby Lashley
Referee: Charles Robinson

Henry is waiting in the ring as Lashley’s music hits and he makes his usual entrance. Decent pop.

The start:
Lashley and Henry get face to face and tie up. Henry overpowers Lashley and pushes him down. They slowly circle each other again, they tie up again but Lashley puts a top wristlock on Henry but Henry pushes him into the corner. Lashley slowly walks up to Henry and faces off with him. Lashley blocks a punch by Henry and unloads punches on Lashley.

Mid-match notes:
Lashley tries to slam Henry but Henry clubs him on the back. He hammers him repeatedly and then tosses Lashley into the corner. Henry takes his time before running at Lashley in the corner. Lashley comes out quickly though and they collide. Lashley runs into Henry several times trying to take him down but Henry replies with a hard clothesline. Lashley is down again as Henry stomps him while he’s down. Henry picks up Lashley for a backbreaker. Near fall. Lashley gets to his feet and tries to fight Henry off but Henry headbutts him.

The Finish:
Lashley goes into the ropes and comes at Henry several times trying to knock him down. He eventually gets him down before bodyslamming him. Lashley goes for the Dominator but Henry backdrops him. Lashley uses the ropes to pull himself up and Henry takes a run at him (I use the term run loosely), but Lashely pulls the rope down and Henry goes over the rope. Henry is now out cold and is counted out rather quickly.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

The Aftermath:
Lashley advances. Lashley celebrates in the ring but Henry comes to and pulls Lashley down from outside the ring. He beats down Lashley and splashes him against the ringpost. Henry heads up the entrance ramp and is angry with himself for losing.

Kristal is shown interviewing Rey Mysterio backstage. Kristal says that he’s an underdog champion. Rey says he’s living his dream and that right now he’s on top of the world. He talks about how great Kurt Angle is and that tonight he’s the underdog. He’s learned that he has to stay away from the ankle lock or it’s all over for him. He says that tonight he’s going to give it his best against the wrestling machine. He says that if Kurt wins, and it’s his last night as champion, it was well worth it.

Winners Circle:
Kurt Angle “Winner’s Circle” moment is shown highlighting Angle beating Lesnar at Vengeance 2003 for the WWE Title.

In the arena:
Booker T’s entrance music hits and he makes his way to the ring in a suit with Sharmell. He’s upbeat and waves to the crowd.Booker T is in the ring. Gunner Scott’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Booker starts talking to Gunner and hacks up a lung. Sharmell hands him some nasal spray and Booker uses it. Booker says that he found Gunner an opponent. He says his opponent loves to fight. He’s 100% Irish. His opponent is Finlay. Finlay’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

Finlay vs. Gunner Scott
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
Finlay and Gunner tie up as Booker joins Cole on commentary. Finlay takes control of Gunner right off the bat. Finlay mat wrestles Gunner who is no match for him. Finlay hits him with a couple uppercuts, whips him into the corner but Gunner goes up and over and nails a dropkick. Finlay rolls out of the ring and Gunner goes for a baseball slide but Finlay ties him up in the ring apron. Finlay beats him down and tosses him back in the ring. Finlay continues the beatdown and goes to the top rope for one of those “I don’t know what he’s thinking” moments as Gunner catches Finlay with a leg.

The Finish:
Gunner comes on to Finlay fast and ends up springboarding Finlay out of the ring. Finlay grabs Gunner’s legs and pulls him out of the ring. The ref gets in between them and Finlay goes for his shilelagh. The ref stops him and orders Finlay back into the ring. Booker then leaves the announce table and superkicks Gunner and tosses him back into the ring. Finlay hits his finisher and gets the pin.

Winner: Finlay

The Aftermath:
Finlay then holds Gunner’s feet as Booker gets into the ring ready to lay the smack down on him. Benoit’s music hits and he makes the save as Finlay and Booker bolt. Booker, Finlay & Sharmell make their way up the entrance ramp.

In the arena:
Kristal introduces the Great Khali. His music hits and he makes his way to the ring with Daivari. Daivari says that the Great Khali has destroyed the Undertaker and that Undertaker is afraid of the Great Khali. Khali grabs the mic and well…….doesn’t say one word I could understand. The thing is, I’m not sure if his gibberish talk is intentional on WWE’s part of if we’re supposed to understand him. Tazz actually says that this time he believes that Undertaker is gone for good. I guess he’s the only one.

Winners Circle:
Kurt Angle’s “Winner Circle” moment is shown highlighting Angle’s return to Smackdown where he won the Battle Royal.

World Heavyweight Title Match
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

Kurt Angle’s music hits and he makes his usual entrance. Chimmel then introduces Rey Mysterio. He gets a very good pop. Rey makes a normal ring entrance with some pyro instead of his pop up entrance.

The start:
Angle right away goes for the ankle lock. Rey fights him off and slaps an armbar on Angle. Some quick hold reversals here with Angle getting the upperhand with an uppercut. Rey gets Angle in the corner and does the 10 punches. Angle comes right back at Rey though on a mission. He backbreakers Rey. He stalks Rey and Rey hits the ropes and comes at Angle but Angle belly to belly’s Rey over the top rope.

Mid-match notes:
Angle has Rey tied up in the middle of the ring. Rey fights to his feet and elbows out, hits the ropes but Angle knees Rey on the return. Angle body slams Rey. Angle stalks Rey, gets him up for the Angle slam but Rey reverses, Angle still pursues the ankle but Rey worms out, with Rey eventually hitting Angle with a kick to the head. They both get to their feet slowly and they have a punchout in the middle of the ring which Rey wins by kicking Angle. Rey gets Angle in position for a 619 but Angle backs into Rey with an elbow as Rey is about to deliver it.

Rey is whipped into the corner but Rey hits Angle with a bulldog as Angle comes at him. Angle cannot be kept down though and again goes for an Angle slam, but Rey reverses for a DDT. Near fall. Rey slowly heads to the top rope but Angle gets up quickly and belly to belly’s Rey from the top rope. Near fall. Angle whips Rey into the corner and shoulders him a couple times. Angle goes for a spear in the corner but Rey moves and Angle hits the ringpost and falls out of the ring.

The Finish:
Angle climbs back into the ring but Rey hits a legdrop on Angle as he’s between the ropes. Near fall. Rey kicks Angle as Angle gets to his feet. Angle grabs him for a reverse belly to belly. Angle stalks Rey but Rey quickly puts Angle in position for a 619 before hitting it. Rey goes for the West Coast Pop but Angle catches him and slaps in an ankle lock. He has him in it for only a second or two before Henry comes from behind and lays the beatdown on Angle.

Winner: No Contest

The Aftermath:
Angle rolls out of the ring and Henry does the same ringpost splash that he did against Lashley. He then puts Angle on a table and splashed Angle from the ring apron. Henry laughs as he makes his way up the entrance ramp and Angle cries out in pain.

Report by PWInsider.com