View Full Version : iMPACT! Taping Spoilers 5/17 & 5/24

Flair Country
05-15-2007, 03:45 AM
TNA Impact for 5/17

- Kurt Angle came to the ring wearing the new TNA Title belt. Angle got on the mic and said that he did what he said he was going to do eight months ago, and that he was head and shoulders above the rest of the wrestlers in TNA, and he was the "TNA World Champion". Sting came out and said that Angle was the "real deal" since he made him tap out at Sacrifice, but Sting points out that he had Christian Cage pinned, and he wonders which came first, the three count or the tap out. Sting said there was a big fat question mark over the title. Christian, with Tomko, came out and said both men have a legitimate claim for the title. However, he also points out that he had 500 pounds of wrestlers on top of him, plus two referees and Jim Cornette working against him, and that they still couldn't beat the "instant classic". Christian says since there is a dispute with the match, the title should stay with the champion and go back to him. Christian said he was coming to the ring to take his belt back. Jim Cornette came out and said that there was a lot of controversy at Sacrifice, but one thing that isn't disputed is that Christian was flat on his back, and he is not the champion. Cornette said that the TNA belt represented the best in the world, and that it wasn't Christian's belt, Sting's belt or Kurt Angle's belt. Cornette pointed out that Sting tapped out, and that Angle was awarded the belt by a referee that wasn't the assigned official for the match. Cornette wondered if that was the best he could get out of the three of them. He said he wanted a "money player" on top of TNA, and that there were a bunch of hungry people in the back. Cornette said there was no glass ceiling in TNA, and he ran down a list of top contenders in TNA. Christian interrupted and said he beat all of the top contenders, and Cornette said he would have to beat them again if he wants to be champion. Cornette said Christian, Sting, Angle, Samoa Joe and Rhino are amongst the top stars in the company, so those five, along with five others, will be meeting in qualifying matches to see who would be in the King Of The Mountain match for the TNA World Title at Slammiversary.

- Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley defeated Tiger Mask IV & Jerry Lynn when Shelley pinned Tiger Mask. After the match, Shelley & Sabin attacked Lynn, bringing out Bob Backlund. Shelley & Sabin attacked Backlund, and Jay Lethal made the save.

- Christopher Daniels defeated Raven in a First Blood match when Daniels used a broken kendo stick to draw blood from Raven. After the match, Serotonin came to the ring, and Kaz told Raven to assume the position for his beating. The other members stopped Kaz from caning Raven, and then Raven spat in the face of Kaz and told him to leave the ring.

- Eric Young came to the ring, followed by fans who surrounded the ring. Young thanked Jeff Jarrett for telling him to stand up for himself, and he thanked the fans for standing up for what they believe in. Young says he is now a free man, which brings out Robert Roode & Traci Brooks. Roode said he still owns Eric Young, and gives him some advice. Roode says Young should hire an attorney, because he is going to sue him for everything he is worth. Roode gives Young some papers, then punches him. Young fights back, but Roode gets the better of him. Stomper the Kangaroo stops Roode from assaulting Young further, and Traci pulls Stomper off the ring apron so Roode can escape and they leave. Stomper did not reveal who (if anyone) was in the suit.

- Kurt Angle defeated Rhino in a King Of The Mountain match qualifier. Angle pinned Rhino with an Angle Slam after Angle kicked Rhino on a Gore attempt.

TNA Impact for 5/24

- The show opens with Jim Cornette in his office with Leticia. He announces that Samoa Joe vs. Sting would take place as a King Of The Mountain Qualifier. The Steiner Brothers came in and demanded Team 3D.

- Team 3D were in the ring with the new TNA tag belts. The Steiners came out, and Brother Ray said it was a pleasure to be in the ring with one of the best tag teams ever, and if it wasn't for the Steiners, they probably wouldn't be in the wrestling business. Scott tells Ray that he already knows how great they are, then asked Ray to name a team they beat for the WWE Tag Titles that the fans actually know. Scott then said that he and Rick were the first WCW Tag Team Champions, and the whole time they were in WCW, they never saw Team 3D on any roster. Scott said that the WCW Tag Titles that Team 3D won were part of an abortion by Vince McMahon that nobody watched. Scott said he and Rick defended their titles around the world, and were IWGP Tag Team Champions in Japan, where they wrestled in the Tokyo Dome. Scott said Team 3D was known for wrestling in a Bingo Hall. Scott said if Team 3D wants a legacy, they should put the titles on the line against the Steiners. Rick Steiner pulled out a list of teams he and his brother had beaten. Brother Ray wanted to know why the Steiners are mad at them. He said Team 3D knows the Steiners are a great tag team. Devon gets on the mic and says that they put the Steiners on a pedestal, but one team the Steiners never beat was Team 3D. Scott said they would kick Team 3D's ass, and Brother Ray said he hopes they do, so Team 3D can say they took everything from the Steiners and then beat them.

- Basham & Damaja, with Christy Hemme, defeated Lance Hoyt & Kip James when Hoyt took Christy to the back and Basham got the pin on James.

- Christian Cage & Tomko defeated LAX. Tomko gave Hernandez a boot to the face as he was about to give Christian the Border Toss. Tomko then clotheslined Hernandez, and Christian followed with a frog splash for the pin. Post-match, LAX confronted Hector Guerrero, but Chris Harris & Rhino came out to back up Hector.

- Samoa Joe defeated Sting in a King Of The Mountain match qualifier. Christopher Daniels came out to help Sting, but Sting didn't want his help. Daniels hit Sting from behind with a baseball bat, allowing Joe to give Sting a Samoan Drop for the win.

Xplosion Matches:

- Senshi defeated Homicide with the Backlund Bridge.

- Eric Young & Petey Williams defeated Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley when Young rolled up Shelley for the pin while Williams gave a Canadian Destroyer to Sabin.


05-15-2007, 08:03 PM
wow very suprising impacts i never would have guessed sting would not be in the King of the Mountain match i guess daniels vs sting is gonna happen at slammiversary

05-22-2007, 10:45 PM
daniels goes heel? interesting... didnt see that coming.