View Full Version : *SPOILER* RAW Results - 14 May (Hampton, virginia)

Dangerous Incorporated
05-15-2007, 04:13 AM
http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/2623/rawie0.gif (http://imageshack.us)

John Cena opens the show by walking out without his WWE Championship belt. Cena says he was announced as the WWE Champion, but he has no title. Cena says Khali left with the belt and he couldn't stop him. Cena says it wasn't the first time he was humiliated, as every week one group tells him he sucks. But he has pride for the business and championship, and it was just taken. He's been face to face with the baddest human beings on the planet, but it's like Khali isn't even human. He can hit him with his best shot to no effect. Cena's voice is breaking a bit like he's on the verge of tears. Khali has never been pinned or submitted. He's erased everyone that's stepped in his way (except Taker) and he can do what he wants, when he wants. Cena's friends are telling him Judgment Day is a bad idea (shoot?). It will be his execution. Cena wants to tell them they are wrong. Cena says if he is in the right frame of mind, he can be a one man wrecking crew. That means Khali has signed up for the fight of his life. And not Judgment Day....Cena wants his belt back right now.

Khali is in the back with the title. He has a new translator. Khali says (through the translator) that no one has brought as much destruction as Khali has in the last few weeks. Replays of his devastation are shown. Was that kid crying because he felt bad for HBK or because Khali was wrestling? Khali says that he will become the new WWE Champion on Sunday. He then does Cena's "You Want Some, Come Get Some" hand motion. He also said it in his own language.

Cena walks to the back. He meets Khali with some punches, but is swatted down. Khali throws a trash can at Cena, then tosses him around. Two handed chokeslam onto one of the carts. He then slams Cena into the door of the loading dock and leaves the champ gasping for air. Commercial.

Jeff Hardy w/ Matt Hardy vs. Trevor Murdoch w/ Lance Cade

Lock up to start. Murdoch powers Hardy into the corner, but does a clean break. Side headlock takedown by Hardy. Murdoch and Hardy trade armdrags. Standoff after some missed clotheslines. Not exactly Malenko-Guerrero, but it's an interesting change. Murdoch with a shoulderblock and elbow drop for two. Hardy dumps Murdoch onto the apron then punches him off. Hardy dives over the top ropes to the floor. Hardy kicks Murdoch into the corner with a mule kick. 4 punches in the corner, but Cade dodges an attempted dropkick. Murdoch covers for two. Another cover gets a near fall. Murdoch with a chinlock. Jawbreaker by Hardy. Hardy with an elbow. Whisper in the Wind connects and gets two. Hardy goes to the top, but Murdoch stops him. Hardy shoves Murdoch off, but Murdoch gets his knees up to block the Swanton for two. Murdoch is in disbelief, and stalls before going for his next move. Hardy takes advantage with a small package and pins Murdoch.

Your winner, Jeff Hardy!

Post match, Cade gets in the ring and looks upset. King says we are about to see the true colors, but Murdoch offers his hand to Jeff, who accepts. Cade and Murdoch walk off without incident.

Snitzky promo. King wonders if the promo means he is coming to RAW?

A replay of Lashley beating down Coachman last week is shown. Shane is consoling Coach in the back, saying he has Shane, Umaga, and the ECW Champion in his corner tonight. Vince is still acting black. Shane O Mac gives Coach a pep talk to pump him up. Coach runs off excited. Umaga breathes heavily and exits. Vince admires his own head dressing. Shane compliments him, but with a hint of sarcasm. Commercial.

Slam of the Week is actually just a roll up, with Santino pinning Chris Masters in his first Intercontinental Title defense.

Intercontinental Title Match: Santino Marella (c) vs. Chris Masters

Santino is now residing in lovely Patterson, New Jersey. Ross reiterates that he has been training for years. Marella goes for a takedown, but Masters pounds him in the back. Masters whips him into the corner and goes for the Masterlock. Santino throws him off. Hip toss by Santino, then a wrist lock. Masters makes the ropes and hits a backbreaker. Irish whip into the ropes followed by another backbreaker by Masters for two. Masters knees Santino in the back. Marella fires back with kicks to the leg, but Masters hits a lariat. He goes for the Masterlock again, but Marella shoves him off. Marella with some strikes. Spinebuster by Masters for two. Santino slips out of a Masterlock and floats around Masters to roll him up for the win.

Your winner, Santino Marella!

Post match, Masters puts Marella in the Masterlock. Masters says that Marella shouldn't mess with him.

Condemned shill. Who would WWE Superstars put on the island? Cryme Tyme, Umaga, Khali, Melina, and others are among the choices. Who would be the evil producer? Vince, obviously! Maybe if all these people were in the movie it would have done better.

Speaking of Melina, she makes her way to the announcer's table for commentary. She does a split on the desk.

Candice Michelle vs. Victoria

Victoria doesn't even get an entrance. Candice with a snapmare and neck snap. Roll up gets two. Victoria knocks her down and shoves her face into the mat. Victoria stretches Candice on the mat. Candice fights back and does the Go Daddy Elbow Drop for two. Candice with a Satellite Headscissors Takedown. Victoria elbows her and goes for a TKO, but Candice counters and hits a spinning heel kick for the win. That's three wins in a row for those counting at home.

Your winner, Candice!

Post match, Candice motions that she wants the belt. Melina: "What Candice, are you showing us your fat rolls?"

Edge comes out for his farewell to the RAW crowd. The new World Heavyweight Champion has a ton of pyro, too. Edge soaks in the moment for a couple minutes before speaking. Edge says he had the greatest week in history. He could have cashed in MITB on Cena, but been there, done that. He chose to cash it in on the Phenom. Replay of the short match is shown. Awesome angle. Edge thought about leaving the crowd with one last Edge match. But one, the people don't deserve it, and two, Khali has already left the building. Not to mention in six days he defends the belt against Batista. Edge did in three seconds what Bats couldn't do in three months...beat the Undertaker, so he's not worried. Instead of a match, Edge decided to leave as World Heavyweight Champion.

Before he can walk away, Shawn Michaels comes to the stage. He 'plugs' a new HBK hat. Shawn wants Edge to just leave. Edge tells him to shut up and stop the excuses. Shawn wants a match, the people want a match, so Edge suggests they fight tonight.

Lashley is with Todd Grisham in the back. Todd wants his thoughts on his title match at Judgment Day. Before he can answer, Shane comes up to him clapping and reminds Lashley of the no touching stipulation. Shane does the old finger in face/I'm not touching you bit. He wishes Lashley luck in his match against the Coach.

Shane, Vince, and Umaga come to ringside to be in Coach's corner. JR and King mention the honorary doctorate Vince got on Sunday.

Jonathan Coachman vs. Bobby Lashley

Vince taunts Lashley by holding the belt up in the ring. Coach slaps Lashley. Lashley slaps him back then pounds Coach in the ropes. Clothesline by Lashley. Lashley with forearms to the back. He puts Coach in the Torture Rack and does an Argentine Backbreaker Drop. Spear by Lashley and it's over.

Your winner, Bobby Lashley!

Post match, Umaga and Shane attack, so Lashley can fight back. He throws Shane from the ring, but Umaga hits a throat thrust and beats down Lashley in the corner. Lashley dodges the Whipsplash and hits a spear on Umaga. Vince gets on the apron but runs away. Lashley gives chase, but is blindsided by Shane. Bobby gets up and Shane runs through the crowd. Lashley tries to cut him off and they run around in the back, Lashley grabs Shane's sports jacket, but Shane takes it off and hops on top of a waiting limo. Shane crawls in through the moon roof as it drives off. When Lashley turns around, Vince clocks him with the ECW Title belt.

Carlito vs. Val Venis

Lock up to start. Val takes down Carlito, but Carlito comes back with a wristlock. Val slams him to the mat, then hits a running knee to the gut. He hits another and a Side Russian Leg Sweep for two. Clothesline by Carlito and he punches Val on the mat. Carlito dumps Val out of the ring. He drives Val into the apron a couple of times. Carlito covers in the ring for two. Carlito gets several kidney shots as the crowd chants for Flair. Val punches back, but Carlito blocks a charge and hits a middle rope dropkick for two. Carlito works the back. Val kicks Carlito in the face, dodges a charge and goes for a school boy for two. Jawbreaker by Carlito, but Val comes back with some clotheslines and an elbow drop for two. Carlito backflips over Val, but Venis catches him and scores with a Uranage. Val goes up top for a Money Shot, but Carlito rolls out of the way. When Venis gives chase, Carlito throws him into the second turnbuckle. Backcracker and it's over. Surprisingly good match.

Your winner, Carlito!

As soon as the match is over, Flair runs out, but Carlito escapes through the crowd. Flair struts in the ring.

Michaels is stretching in the back when Orton comes up to him. HBK tells Orton to get to the point. Orton says he thinks he can beat him. Michaels implies he isn't doing anything on Sunday. Orton challenges him to a match at Judgment Day. Shawn accepts.

piece on Timbaland's music video with the Divas is shown. It's in the style of Sin City and premieres next Monday on RAW.

A replay of Khali's beatdown on Cena is shown. JR wonders if the FU or STFU is physically possible.

Shawn Michaels vs. Edge

For storyline purposes, HBK has a concussion. Michaels gets an early headlock. Edge throws him off, but Michaels hits a shoulderblock and side headlock takedown. Edge stands up and breaks the headlock. Edge powers Michaels into the corner and gets a sucker punch in on the break. Another right hand knocks HBK down. Edge punches him in the corner. Michaels counters a back body drop attempt with a swinging neckbreaker. Shawn takes Edge from pillar to post. Edge kicks Michaels on the rebound. Edge punches Michaels some more. He bounces off the ropes, but HBK throws him over the top rope. He leaps off the apron with a Lou Thesz Press on the floor. Commercial.

Back from the break, Edge has the advantage. Michaels is on the mat and Edge stomps on his head. During the commercial, Edge got a reverse hot shot that slingshots HBK to the mat face first. The ref asks Michaels if he wants to continue as Edge keeps up the assault with another boot to the head. Michaels tries to punch back but is knocked down. Edge kicks him in the head again. Michaels punches out of a cravate, but Edge connects with a big boot for two. Edge goes to the floor so he can get some leverage on the elbows to Michaels' head. Edge with some more shots in the corner. Neckbreaker by Edge for two. Chinlock by Edge. Michaels fights out and drives Edge into the corner. He's out of energy, though, and Michaels knocks him down with a right hand. Edge goes to the top rope, but HBK crotches him. Edge recovers and headbutts Michaels to the mat. Edge misses a cross body off the middle rope. Both men get up at the count of five and trade punches and chops. Michaels with the flying forearm, inverted atomic drop, and a right hand. Scoop slam and Michaels goes for the elbow drop. He hits it and tunes up the band. Sweet Chin Music connects and Shawn Michaels gets the clean pin over the World Heavyweight Champion (reading between the lines, RAW is superior to Smackdown for all intents and purposes).

Your winner, Shawn Michaels!

After the match, Orton comes out. He and Michaels brawl on the mat. Orton with a thumb to the eye and low blow. Orton kicks Michaels in the head to knock him out. Orton glares at the fallen Michaels, who is not moving, to end the show.

Judgment Day takes place this Sunday night, and PWInsider.com will have bell to bell coverage. The announced card is:

WWE Championship Match: John Cena (c) vs. The Great Khali
World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge (c) vs. Batista
ECW World Title Match: Vince McMahon (c), Shane McMahon, & Umaga vs. Bobby Lashley
US Championship Best 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Chris Benoit (c) vs. MVP
Elijah Burke vs. CM Punk
Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton
Ric Flair vs. Carlito

Source: PWInsider

05-15-2007, 04:50 AM
How is this a spoiler? It aired live and this was posted afterwards...

Dangerous Incorporated
05-15-2007, 05:15 AM
:lmao: Cuz the rest of the world apart from the US hasnt seen it ie here in OZ!!! Relax dude :)