View Full Version : WWE - One Night Stand - PPV

05-22-2007, 02:45 PM

Join us for LIVE coverage of this major PPV!
3rd June 8PM / ET


ECW World Title Match
Contested in a Street Fight
Vince McMahon(c) vs. Bobby Lashley

WWE Title Match
Falls Count Anywhere Match
John Cena(c) vs. The Great Khali

World Heavyweight Champion
Steel Cage Match
Edge (c) vs. Batista

Pudding Match
Melina vs Candice Michelle

World Tag Team Champions
Ladder Match
The Hardys vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team

6 Man Tag Team Match
CM Punk, Sandman & Tommy Dreamer
Elijah Burke, Alpha Male Marcus Cor Von & Matt Striker

Stretcher Match
Randy Orton vs. RVD

Lumberjack Match
Kane vs. Mark Henry

Card subject to change


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05-22-2007, 02:47 PM

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UOWForums WWE 'One Night Stand' LIVE Coverage - 3rd June 2007
Location - Jacksonville, Florida
RAW: J.R and Jerry 'the king' Lawler
Smackdown: JBL and Michael Cole
ECW: Tazz and Joey Styles

Video package of the main events tonight.

Only Happens Once A Year 'Extreme Rules' One Night Stand!

One Night Stand 'Extreme Rules brought to us by RAW, Smackdown and ECW

Fireworks go off in the arena with the crowd going nuts. J.R welcomes us to the mayhem. King tells us he has had many one night stands in the past but none as extreme as this lol.

J.R and King promote the Cena and Khali match tonight, then passes us over to Tazz and Joey Styles who promote Lashleys and McMahons match tonight, who then pass us over to Smackdowns JBL and Michael Cole who promote Batista and Edges match tonight.

The bell rings and the ring announcer says the only way to win the following match is to place your opponent on the stretcher. The stretcher was set up at ringside, and there was a "finish line" at the end of the aisle. A person has to be stretchered past the line to win.

Ortons music hits and out he comes cocky as ever and makes his way to the ring.

A video package is shown to promote the upcoming stretcher match. First time I think I remember a video package for the first match.

Back to the arena with Orton watching the big screen and RVDs music hits. RVD makes his way out and to the ring with both Orton and RVD not unlocking eyes, RVD gets in the ring and goes up to orton. RVD and Orton stand off then RVD does his usual RVD with the crowd and kicks Orton, down he goes and here we go ......

Stretcher Match
RVD vs Randy Orton

Van Dam hit a forearm in the corner, then tossed him into the opposite side and kicked him in the head again. RVD hit a forearm and a series of punches in the corner. RVD monkeyflipped Orton, and there was an "RVD" chant. Van Dam kicked Orton in the chest, then hit a kick to the cut. Orton rolled to the apron and Van Dam hit a slingshot legdrop onto Orton's chest on the apron. Orton tried to kick a charging RVD, but Van Dam caught the kick and blasted Orton with a spinkick to the head. Orton reversed a whip, but as he tried a backdrop, Van Dam grabbed him, hit a heel kick to the head, then another spinkick, followed by a corkscrew legdrop. RVD hit a series of forearms and then another kick. RVD went for a backdrop, but Orton went to kick him on the attempt. RVD caught the kick, but Orton hit one (weak) punch to the head and RVD sold it like he had another concussion. Orton went for an RKO, but Van Dam kicked him in the head. Van Dam went to go to the top rope, but slipped and fell to the floor.

Orton went to the floor and hit a glassy-eyed RVD with a a pair of forearm uppercuts. Orton took Van Dam in the ring and dropkicked him. Orton stomped Van Dam, including a shot to the head, and rolled RVD near the stretcher. Van Dam grabbed the bottom rope to avoid the stretcher, so Orton pulled him back into the ring and stomped him some more. Orton lifted RVD into an over-the-shoulder backbreaker, then dropped him to the mat suplex style. Orton rolled Van Dam to the floor. Van Dam got up and threw some jumping punches, but was still woozy. Van Dam threw Orton head first into the ringpost. Van Dam staggered up and put Orton on the stretcher. Van Dam got on the apron, did his pose, then hit a corkscrew legdrop off the apron onto Orton on the stretcher. RVD rolled Orton into the ring and hit a slingshot legdrop. Van Dam hit a pair of clotheslines, then went for Rolling Thunder, only for Orton to grab Van Dam and plant him with a powerslam. Orton dragged Van Dam near the apron, and climbed out of the ring. Orton tried to suplex Van Dam out of the ring from the apron, but Van Dam blocked it and dropkicked Orton to the floor. Van Dam loaded Orton onto the stretcher. Van Dam got in the ring and charged off the ropes, diving over the top into a somersault plancha, but Orton moved and Van Dam crashed onto the floor, catching his foot on the stretcher on the way down.

Orton put Van Dam on the stretcher and wheeled it near the line, but Van Dam started to get up. Orton hit some punches, but Van Dam kicked Orton in the head from the stretcher. Van Dam rolled off, Orton fell onto it, and Van Dam pushed Orton and the stretcher across the line to get the win at the fifteen minute mark.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Van Dam celebrates towards the ring as Orton gets up very pissed and runs to Van Dam and smashes him in the back knocking RVD. As RVD is holding on to the ring post, Orton climbs on to the ring side and runs toawrds RVD and smashes a ferocious kick to the head that sends RVD flying over the barrier into the crowd. Orton goes over the barrier and picks RVD up, pulls his head back over the barrier and does a DDT to the ground from the top of the barrier (funny note, the sound went out, maybe some fans carrying on to much, who knows but this is a ppv). The ref stops Orton from carrying on as he calls for the EMTs. The EMTs come out and places RVD on the stretcher as Orton looks on with his stern eyes. They show replays of the ferocity of Ortons hits as the EMT rolls RVD out of the arena. Orton stands and does his pose with the crowd booing.

Vince is talking to Shane about Lashley and saying how it will be Lashleys Last Night Stand. Vince gets serious to Shane and says he has been having a premonition that something bad is going to happen. Shane asks Vince if he is talking about the match tonight and Vince says no and Shane reminds Vince that he and Umaga will be out there tonight to back him up.

Gillette young gun nascar is shown in the aarena to promote the premiere of Fast Cars Superstars this Thursday.

In the ring the announcer says the next match is the tag team tables match and to win an opponent from the other team must be thrown through the table.

Sandmans music hits and makes his way to the ring through the crowd with his head bleeding.

Tommy Dreamer arrives normally from the back and makes his way to the ring.

Matt Striker comes out and makes his way to the ring.

All the New breed come out and make their way to the ring and here we go .....

6 Man Tag Team Match
Tables Match
CM Punk, Sandman & Tommy Dreamer
Elijah Burke, Alpha Male Marcus Cor Von & Matt Striker

Cor Von started with Dreamer, as the teams are tagging in and out. Cor Von hit a shoulderblock, but missed an elbowdrop. They traded holds on the mat, then Striker distracted Dreamer and Cor Von hit a double underhook suplex. Burke tagged in, and worked over Dreamer with punches. Burke hit a kneedrop, but missed a splash in the corner. Dreamer hit a bulldog and tagged in Sandman, who hit a flapjack. Burke hit a knee to the gut and tagged in Striker. Sandman hiptossed him and tagged in Punk, who hit some knees to the chest, then a jumping knee and a bulldog. Dreamer tagged in and elbowdropped Striker as Punk gave him a side slam. Dreamer and Punk did the old Dudleys "Get The Tables" bit. Dreamer went to the floor for a table, but Cor Von attacked him, so Punk jumped from the ring and hit a tope. In the ring, Sandman was going for his cane, but Burke hit him. Punk hit Burke with a springboard clothesline. Striker ran from Sandman, but Sandman chased him to the floor and caned him. A table was set up on the floor, and Dreamer & Sandman went to suplex him through it, but Cor Von and Burke moved the table.

Everyone was brawling on the floor, then Burke and Cor Von got Punk in the ring. Cor Von powerslammed Punk and Burke hit an elbowdrop out of the corner. Burked ordered Striker to put a table in the ring. Striker set up a table in the corner and the New Breed worked over Punk. Dreamer saved Punk as Cor Von was going to slam him through the table. Dreamer and Sandman cleaned house, sending Burke and Cor Von to the floor. Sandman went for a top rope Frankensander, but Striker shoved Sandman to the floor. Dreamer gave Striker a spinebuster, then Burke tackled Dreamer. Punk gave Burke an enzugiri, but Cor Von powerbombed Punk. Cor Von put Punk on a table in the ring and went for a V Bomb, but Sandman caned Cor Von from the apron. Cor Von fell to the floor. Striker pulled Sandman off the apron, and Sandman hit his head on the steps. Striker was climbing the ropes, with Punk still on the table. Dreamer gave Burke a piledriver and put him on the table, as Punk rolled off and caught Striker on the top rope. Punk superplexed Striker off the top rope and through the table, with Burke on it, for the win at the seven minute mark.

Winners: CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman

Punk, Sandman and Dreamer celebrate in the ring, get out, well fall out and stumble a bit then make their way to the back as they celebrate some more.

Ad for RAW, Smackdown and ECW draft 1 week from tomorrow.

Edge is shown getting ready as Orton walks in to the locker room and says toonioght is a special night as 2 former partners, Edge and Batista in a steel cage match. Edge asks what he wants and Orton said it does not matter, he says in the span of one month, he has taken out HBK and RVD and that if he gets traded to Smackdown, even though Edge is no legend, Edge will be next. Edge says if ORton does go to Smackdown, Orton will end up like Batista later tonight.

J.R tells us RVD has gotten another discussion and is being taken care of.

Roberts the announcer is in the ring and says the next match is the Tag Team Championship ladder match. First team to climb the ladder, grab the titles, will win.

Hardys music hits, crowd explodes, they dance, they make their way through all the ladders in the aisle on their way to the ring and finally arrive in ring.

As the referee holds up the titles in ring the Worlds greatest tag team music hits and make their way to the ring and here we go ....

World Tag Team Championship
Ladder Match
The Hardys (c) vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team

They started brawling right away, and Matt gave Shelton a bulldog. The Hardys hit a double suplex on Haas. Double hiptoss then fistdrop elbowdrop on Shelton. Haas decked them with a double clothesline, then Haas and Benjamin went for ladders. The Hardys did the same, so we had four ladders in the ring. They had a standoff, then the Hardys dropped their ladders and dropkicked Haas and Benjamin's ladders into themselves. Haas was whipped into a ladder in the corner, then two more ladders were piled on him, then Shelton, then Jeff hit Air Hardy on Shelton's back. Shelton collapsed, and the Hardy's knocked the ladders on him.

Jeff climbed a ladder, but Haas pulled Matt out of the ring, then grabbed Jeff and yanked him off the ladder and to the mat. Big chant for the Hardy's. Charlie began to climb, but Matt pulled him off into an electric chair. The Hardy's climbed a ladder and went for the belts, but Shelton threw another ladder at them, knocking them down. Shelton with a short arm clothesline on Jeff. Haas bridged a ladder in the corner, then he and Benjamin dropped Matt on it with a back suplex. Shelton slammed Jeff, then Haas and Benjamin did a double leg whip, putting Jeff up against the ladder. Haas rammed Matt head first into a ladder. Haas and Benjamin climbed a ladder, but Matt pulled Shelton down and the Hardys yanked Charlie down. Haas rammed Jeff into the ladder twice. Shelton dropkicked a ladder into Matt, then Haas hit Jeff and Matt in the ribs with a ladder.

Haas and Shelton piled up a ladder on top of another and went for a teeter-tooter spot, but the Hardys broke it up and double hiptossed Shelton on the ladders, then slammed Haas onto the pile as well. The Hardys double clotheslined Benjamin over the top rope and to the floor. The Hardys grabbed the extra large ladders from ringside. They bridged one across the apron and guardrail, then dropped Haas gut first on it. Matt then tried to suplex Shelton out of the ring onto the ladder, but Shelton blocked it and suplexed Matt into the ring. Shelton charged Matt and was backdropped over the top rope and onto the bridged ladder at ringside. Matt put Shelton on the bridged ladder, and Jeff went to the top rope. Haas cut off Jeff and gave him a second rope German suplex. Matt got in the ring and gave Haas a Side Effect. Matt set up the ladder and began to climb up. Haas and Benjamin grabbed him and tipped the ladder, sending him chest first into the top rope. Haas leaned one ladder against another at ringside and put Matt against it. In the ring, Benjamin gave Jeff an exploder suplex. Haas held the ladder Hardy was on, so Matt was on a ladder stretched between the ladder and Haas. Benjamin climbed a ladder in the ring and dove off, straddling Matt on the ladder at ringside. Sick spot.

Haas got in the ring and climbed up a ladder. Jeff came up the other side, hit Haas, then superplexed Haas off the ladder to the mat. Jeff climbed up a ladder and went for the belts. Shelton went for a springboard, but slipped and instead kicked the ladder as he fell, and it tipped the ladder and Jeff fell tot he mat. Benjamin hit Hardy twice with a ladder, then climbed up. Matt got back in and knocked it over, hanging up Benjamin in the ropes. Matt gave Shelton a neckbreaker. Matt set up two ladders and began climbing. Shelton climbed the other one and started punching it out. Haas and Jeff climbed up as well and all four men brawled. Haas and Benjamin knocked over the ladder with the Hardys, but the Hardys landed on their feet. They knocked over Haas and Benjamin and Haas fell into the ropes, while Benjamin went over the top rope and hit the ladder that was bridged at ringside. Jeff gave Haas a Swanton Bomb, while Matt started climbing the ladder. The Hardys grabbed the belts for the win at the 18 minute mark.

Winners: The Hardys

Hardys stand tall on the ladders and celebrate their win. They climb down and celebrate some more as they leave the ring and make their way to the back, stop and celebrate some more with the crowd still cheering them on.

Ad for the new and improved DX fanatic series in June.

An interview with Khali and his translator lol as the crowd say what to everyone Khali says lol. The translator says last night at SNME Khali dominated and since he pinned Cena he can pin Cena in the ring, crowd or anywhere in the arena. After Khali wins he will return for a celebration somewhere lol and that Khali is going to india since he is shown respect there. Atleast they could understand him ... maybe.

Roberts announces in ring the next match is the Lumberjack Match for Kane and Mark Henry. Each lumberjack got their own enterance ...

Chris Benoit
Val Venis
Santino MArella
Balls Mahoney
Stevie Richards
The Miz
Kevin Thorn
Chris Masters
Johnny Nitro
Chavo Guerrero
Kenny Dykstra

Go to JBL and Michael Cole promote the match as Mark Henrys music hits and makes his way to the ring.

JBL continues to say 6 million on the planet and Henry is the strongest, yes maybe he was many years ago lol not now.

As the arena goes red, Kane makes his way to the ring, gets in, sets all hell on fire as Henry and kane continue to stare .. and here we go ...

Lumberjack Match
Kane vs. Mark Henry

A few punches thrown, Kane falls out of the ring and the lumberjacks get scared and move back lol. Kane gets back in the ring. Henry falls out and knocks 5 lumberjacks to the ground and gets back in the ring lol

They exchanged punches, with Kane getting the better of it. Henry rolled to the floor, and Kane followed. Chavo Guerrero got between them, but was swatted away. Henry rammed Kane into the apron, then lifted Kane and rammed him back first into the ringpost. Henry got into the ring, and the heels threw Kane in. Henry hit Kane with a forearm to the back, then a double sledge. Kane came back with an uppercut, then hit another one. Kane ran into a Mark Henry powerslam for a two count. Henry went for the bearhug, but Kane headbutted him away. Kane ran into a Henry bodyblock and fell to the mat. Henry applied the bearhug, and backed Kane into a corner. The referee forced a break. Kane grabbed Henry by the throat, but he couldn't lift him for the chokeslam, as his back was hurting.

Henry reapplied the bearhug. Kane fought it off, and knocked Henry through the ropes and to the floor. Some of the heels were helping Henry to his feet, and Kane got on the top rope and dove off, knocking down Henry and those that were trying to help him. Henry rolled into the ring, and Kane (with a slight lumberjack assist) got in as well. Kane hit some punches and a clothesline in the corner. Kane hit another clothesline in the corner, but was holding his back. Kane went to the top rope and hit a clothesline. Kane went for the chokeslam again, this time hitting it. Dykstra and Chavo ran in and attacked Kane, but Kane knocked Chavo away and chokeslammed Dykstra (no disqualifications tonight). This allowed Henry to grab Kane in a bearhug again. Kane passed out in the bearhug and Henry was declared the winner at the nine minute mark.

Winner: Mark Henry

All lumberjacks are gone as Henry leaves the ring after Kane jobbing again .. *sigh*

Worlds greatest Tag Team and Hardys are shown backsstage getting help as Worlds Greatest Tag Team start getting pissed off, hardy tells them it is over now and to get over it. Then Worlds greatest tag Team begin to attack the Hardys and brawl erupts as everyone coming from nowhere tries to break them up.

wweshop.com ad

Back to the arena and Tazz and Michaerl Cole promote, Puddle of Mudd - Famous - official One Night Stand song. Tazz and Michael Cole start to promote McMahon vs Lashley as a video package begins showing how all this came about.

Roberts announces the Street Fight is next for the ECW title, no count outs, anything goes and no DQs.

McMahons music hits and out he comes with Umaga and Shane. McMahon seems to have a smaller sticjk up his ass tonight with his swagger as they all make their way to the ring.

Lashleys music hits and makes his way to the ring and here we go ....

ECW World Championship
Street Fight
Vince McMahon (c) vs. Bobby Lashley

Styles & Tazz calling this one. Vince was accompanied by Shane and Umaga. At the bell, Lashley dove out of the ring to hit Umaga, but missed badly, with only his foot catching Umaga. Umaga sold it anyway. Shane attacked Lashley on the floor, rolled him into the ring and hit some punches. Lashley picked up Shane and press slammed him over the top rope and onto Umaga. Lashley pounded and stomped Vince down in the corner. Shane ran in, and Lashley threw him out. Umaga and Lashley went at it, but Umaga missed a splash in the corner, hitting his head on the ringpost. Shane ran in with a chair, but Lashley kicked him down. Lashley lifted Vince for a slam, but Umaga hit him with a shot to the throat. Shane DDT'd Lashley on the chair, and Umaga stomped him. Umaga whipped Lashley into a Vince clothesline. Umaga and Shane lifted him up and threw him into another clothesline. Umaga, Shane and Vince kicked Lashley and choked him on the mat. Umaga and Shane whipped Lashley into a Vince kick, then Shane threw him to the floor.

Vince choked Lashley on the floor with the bell hammer, and Umaga pounded him. Vince then choked Lashley with a camera cable. Lashley was brought back into the ring, and Umaga gave him a Samoan Drop. Vince covered, but Lashley kicked out at two. They held up Lashley, and Vince gave him a spear for another two. Vince choked Lashley, then Shane and Umaga pounded him. The McMahons stretched out Lashley and Umaga went for a splash, but Lashley sat up and pulled Vince into the path of the splash. Lashley went to town on Shane and Umaga, tossing both of them from the ring. Lashley hit Vince with a chair shot to the head, then hit a series of chairshots to the back. Lashley hit a running powerslam, but Umaga pulled him from the ring. Lashley rammed Umaga into the steps, then went for a chair. Before Lashley could use it, Umaga kicked him in the throat. Umaga then splashed Lashley on the floor from the apron. Umaga put Lashley on the ECW announce table, and Shane hit a top rope elbowsmash, putting Lashley through the table. Umaga rolled Lashley back into the ring, and Vince covered him, but Lashley kicked out at two.

Umaga got in and hit a chop to the throat. Umaga beat him down in the corner, then charged and hit the posterior thrust in the corner. Shane McMahon got back into the ring with a trash can, and he and Umaga set up for the Coast To Coast kick. Shane went for the kick, but Lashley moved and the trash can ended up hitting Umaga, how had been holding it at ringside. Lashley speared Shane McMahon, then speared Vince McMahon for the pin at the 12-minute mark.

Winner and new ECW World Champion: Bobby Lashley

lol Sounds like Joey Styles has a heart attack at the pin. Lashley hit another spear on Vince after the match, which they almost missed since they were setting up for replays. Lashley stands tall in the ring as McMahon slowly gets up. Oh and Styles back happy as panties on a Playmate. Lashley celebrates in the ring then makes his way to the back still celebrating.

Ad for Vengeance - Night of Champions, every championship is on the line.

Maria is talking to Santino Marella and then is asked about the pudding match up next and she says she loves pudding. Then goes on to say a very deep analysis of the match lol. Candice walks in and says she will beat Melina in any type of match for the third time and asks for a kiss from Santino for good luck and Maria pushes Santino away and kisses Candice and Candice says thats good luck lol then Santino Marella walks away saying he loves America lol then Simmons walks in and does his usual damn lol very funny.

They show the pudding pool as Candices music hits and walks to the pudding dressed in some lingerie ... yummy.

Melinas music hits wearing a bikini and walks to the pudding pool and here we go ...

Pudding Match
Melina vs Candice Michelle

Candice threw Melina into the pudding filled kiddie pool (complete with whipped cream). Melina was actually fighting with sunglasses on. They rolled out of the pool, and flung pudding at each other. Candice speared Melina into the pool. They rolled out again and Candice cradled Melina for a two count on the floor. I think Melina used an Oriental Spike at one point. Someone did a DDT. Someone did some elbows. Candice was smothering her in the pudding, so Melina tapped (tapped on the pudding) for the win.

Winner: Candice Michelle

UOWForums will have caps up ASAP from this match.

Maria tried to interview Candice, but Melina threw pudding at her, so Maria jumped into the pool and tackled Melina. Then the referee got pulled into the pool. Melina was slipping and falling as she was leaving. Maria and Candice hugged in celebration, and Candice's top almost fell off.

The cage starts to lower as we go to Michael Cole announcing next is batista vs Edge (c).

A video package is shown showing the lead up to tonights cage match for the World heavyweight Title between Edge (c) and Batista.

Edges music hits and makes his way to the ring in a very serious mood. Edge looks at the cage and walks in.

Batistas music hits and does his little dance, squat machine gun, boom and makes his way to the ring staring at Edge and the cage. Batista stops at the ring and slowly makes his way in and here we go ....

World Heavyweight Champion
Steel Cage Match
Edge (c) vs. Batista

Edge ran for the door at the bell, but Batista grabbed him and flung him across the ring. Edge climbed up the cage, but Batista pulled him down. Batista hit some shoulderblocks in the corner, then hit a forearm uppercut after whipping him across the ring. Edge climbed the cage again, but Batista got up on the top rope with him and beat him down. Batista pounded Edge in the ring, then hit a shoulderblock for a two count. Edge tried to fight back, but Batista out punched him and then hit a clothesline for a two count. Edge hit some punches, then went to climb up the cage again, but Batista pulled him back into the ring and hit a clothesline from behind. Batista suplexed Edge for a two count. Batista started to climb up the cage, kicking away Edge as he tried to stop him. Edge ended up dropkicked Batista's legs as he stood on the top rope, and Batista fell between the ropes and cage. Edge hit a shoulderblock between the ropes, then rammed the back of Batista's head into the cage. Edge hit a baseball slide into Batista, then kicked him and drove a knee into his midsection.

Edge crawled for the door, but Batista pulled him back in. Batista went for a slam, but Edge floated over and drove the back of Batista's head into the mat. They went to the ropes again, and Batista pulled Edge down with a superplex into the ring. Batista climbed up the cage, but Edge met him there. Batista rammed Edge into the support beam, and Edge fell into the mat. Batista jumped off the top rope for a shoulderblock, but Edge dropkicked him as he came down. Both men were slow to get up. They charged each other, Edge looking for a spear, Batista looking for a shoulderblock, and they collided. They slowly got up, and Batista rammed Edge back first into the cage. Batista hit a clothesline, and got a two count with a sidewalk slam. Edge went for a dropkick off the ropes, but Batista swatted it away. Batista catapulted Edge into the cage and got a two count. Batista whipped Edge across the ring and hit a clothesline, then lifted him up and rammed him into the cage. Edge sidestepped a Batista charge and Batista ran into a corner where a turnbuckle cover had previously been pulled off. Edge hit a spear for a two count. Edge was bleeding from the mouth.

Edge started to climb up the cage, but Batista pulled him off and into a spinebuster for a two count. Batista lifted Edge for a powerbomb, but Edge grabbed the cage and pulled himself up on it. Edge got on top of the support beams, but Batista got onto the top rope and grabbed Edge, pulling him down inside the cage. They were on the top rope, and Edge hit two kicks to the groin. Batista fell, crotching himself on the top rope, and then fell into the ring. Edge fell down, then climbed back up, boosting himself over the top of the cage. Batista was crawling for the door, but Edge dropped to the floor at the fifteen minute mark. Batista had his hands on the floor before Edge dropped, but as noted by the announcers, it is "both feet" that must touch the floor first.

Winner: Edge

Edge looks surprised he has won or is just buggered and celebrates his win as batista is really pissed off and runs after Edge who runs away through the crowd. Batista stops and falls on to the title Edge left behind on the announce table. Batista stares at the title in anger, disbelief and probably every other emotion you can think of. Batista slams the announce table a few times and heads to the back.

SummerSlam ad for Aug 26th.

J.R announces At&T ad for being WWEs wireless partner.

Video package highlighting the lead up too tonights WWE Championship match.

Roberts announces the next match, Falls Count Anywhere match for the WWE title, rules are pins can be in the ring, outside the ring or anywhere in the building.

Khalis music hits and makes his way to the ring screaming along the way with his translator. We are reminded that Khali is yet to be pinned and that is the only way he can lose tonight.

Cenas music hits, crowd goes nuts, holds title high then makes his way to the ring continuing to stare at khali and his title .... here we go ...

WWE Championship
Falls Count Anywhere Match
John Cena(c) vs. The Great Khali

Cena kicked at Khali's leg at the bell, circling him. Khali caught a kick and clubbed Cena in the back of the head. Khali rammed Cena into the turnbuckle, then kicked him and elbowed him in the side of the head. Khali hit a headbutt. Fans are chanting for Cena. Khali kicked Cena in the gut, then whipped him across the ring into the opposite corner. Khali punched Cena in the head, and Cena collapsed on the mat. Khali stood on Cena's head. Khali hit a boot to the face, and hit what was a slow motion spinning leg lariat. Khali scooped up Cena and slammed him, but Cena knocked Khali's leg out and hit a variation of the Throwback. Cena went to the top rope, but Khali chopped him and knocked him to the floor. Khali stood on Cena with one foot on the floor for a two count. Cena fought back with punches, but Khali side stepped a charge and Cena went into the ring steps. Khali rammed Cena into a TV monitor at ringside. Khali went for a chop, but Cena blocked it, so Khali threw Cena over the guardrail and into the crowd.

Khali followed Cena into the crowd, hitting a punch. Khali whipped Cena into the sound desk, but Cena picked up a monitor and hit Khali in the head with it. Cena went for the FU, but couldn't lift Khali, who knocked him down and hit a forearm to the back. Khali hit another forearm and kicked Cena in the back. Cena used the camera boom, pushing it into Khali to knock him down and get a two count. Cena lifted Khali for the FU, but Khali elbowed out of it. Khali pressed Cena and threw him onto the deck of a crane that was part of the stage set. Khali went for the double chokeslam, but Cena raked his eyes. Cena lifted Khali and threw him off the crane with an FU to the floor (for reference purposes, the drop was about the same as from the second rope to the floor). Cena got the pin on the floor at the ten minute mark.

Winner: John Cena

Super Cena celebrates.

Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage TNAs PPV 'Slammiversary' and WWEs next PPV 'Vengeance'. No spoilers in the shoutbox please. Come back now all, ya hear!

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06-03-2007, 11:57 PM
Best part of this PPV is that theirs no D/Q, and looking forward to the matches that have stimulations to em. Especially the ladder match.

06-04-2007, 12:13 AM
I really want to see McMahon lose that title.

06-04-2007, 01:13 AM
RVDs doing this concussion thing a little too good

06-04-2007, 01:25 AM
RVDs doing this concussion thing a little too good

Probably just a little too high

06-04-2007, 01:34 AM
Fuck RVD. Orton > RVD

06-04-2007, 01:37 AM
lol YaY i bet on RVD ... thankyou Vince for the tip lol

06-04-2007, 02:16 AM
Every match has been very predictable so far tonight, I'm 3-0.

Notorious Cow
06-04-2007, 02:33 AM
OMG cum on Kane losing to a bear hug??? WTF

06-04-2007, 02:35 AM
It's a bear hug from the Worlds Strongest Man

06-04-2007, 02:38 AM
Its a bear hug from the worlds fattest sweatiest man. I'm surprised kane didn't just slip out or get sucked into his fat. 4-0

06-04-2007, 02:38 AM
Poor Kane :(

06-04-2007, 02:47 AM
I can't believe how many people actually bet on Kane in that match. When does Kane ever win on PPV's? He is like the guaranteed loser of the night anytime he shows up.

06-04-2007, 03:04 AM
Poor Kane :(

i was thinking that to :sad: Mark Henry BOOOOOO on you :hmm:

06-04-2007, 03:08 AM
It is gettting ridiculous for Kane now unless they plan to keep this feud going for a while but from what I heard Henry will be going for a title and i do not see Kane in the run for that :(

06-04-2007, 03:10 AM
Candice and Maria Kiss = Hotness...That makes the PPV great.

06-04-2007, 03:34 AM
Candice and Maria Kiss = Hotness...That makes the PPV great.

Funny segment.

06-04-2007, 03:59 AM
So goes SuperCena

06-04-2007, 04:01 AM
I lost count of the number of mistakes Shelton made and that includes with his partner lol

06-04-2007, 06:29 AM
good coverage once again man.

06-04-2007, 10:23 AM
Pretty predictable PPV, atleast they didn't pull off an upset and let Vince regtains the title. :shifty:

Flair Country
06-04-2007, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the PBP LD. Good job as always man.

06-04-2007, 09:55 PM
Pretty predictable PPV, atleast they didn't pull off an upset and let Vince regtains the title. :shifty:

If Vince had won I would have been so pissed lol and thanx guys.