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View Full Version : OVW Taping Results.....Major Title Change

05-04-2006, 09:00 AM
Another week of a slightly less than capacity crowd. The crowd was hot for the action however.

Our first dark match saw the team of Beth Phoenix & Maria (aka Venus) defeat Serena & Shelly. The crowd was again loudly behind Serena in this match. Serena and Beth put on a clinic while in the ring together tonight, anyone wanting to wrestling should see their work together. Beth eventually baits Shelly into the ring allowing for Serena to be overwhelmed by b both heels. Serena eventually gets the better or Maria and tags in Shelly. Shelly goes to work on Beth, Serena spears Maria to the floor. Beth goes for the Beth Valley Driver, Shelly gets free, and tries for the unprettier. Sousay then hits the ring and hands a leather binder to Maria. Sousay distracts the ref allowing Maria to take out Shelly. Beth covers for the win. Post match Shelly calls all three of the heels back into the ring. The faces get the better of their foes and celebrate to the back.

The second dark match was Chuck Evans with a quick win over Pat Buck. It wasn't quite a squash as Buck got in some offense but he couldn't overcome the powerful arsenal of Evans who finished off Buck with a power slam.

TV opened up with Boris gaining a submission victory over Mikey Batts. This was short, as most of Boris' matches have been of late. This is the most offense I have seen against Boris yet though. Mikey tried to hit several punches but Boris just knocked Batts backward. Boris then told Batts to kick him and laughed off his offense. Several seconds later Mikey was tapping to the standing arm bar. A lot of RUSSIA chants tonight.

Kasey James & Roadkill (w/ Michelle McCool) defeated The Untouchables. The heels didnt even wait for the bell to attack Kasey and Roadkill. The crowd quickly began chanting for Kasey as the heels isolated him. Kasey got his legs up on a cross body attempt by Domino and hit the hot tag to Roadkill. Roadkill was about to hit the Death Valley Driver on Domino when Deuce broke it up. Roadkill dispatched Deuce, splashed Domino and nailed the DVD this time around. Roadkill goes to cover only to be hit with one of Cherry's skates by Deuce. Kasey takes out Deuce and Cherry climbs in the ring to check on Domino. Tris brings in McCool who cat fights with Cherry. Domino tries to DDT McCool but Kasey blasts Domino with his loaded boot. Roadkill then covers for the pin.

Seth Skyfire retained his TV Title over Jack Bull. The match started out with most of the offense by Jack Bull, Seth getting little offense of his own and having several near falls scored against him. Then The Miz and Roni Jonah hit ringside, this seemed to ignite the offensive fires in Seth. Seth was in control until Miz and Roni started making out at ringside. Seth attacked Miz outside and was nearly counted out. Bull took the mic and said this was "Typical hedonistic behavior from Louisville demon worshipers." Bull said he would take on Seth anywhere anytime in a no DQ match for the title, and that was "No Bull." Seth hit the ring again, low blowed Bull and put him into an inside cradle to win.

CM Punk defeated Brent "Gunner Scott" Albright in a strap match to win his first OVW Southern Heavyweight Championship. Albright started out stalling, not wanting to get locked into the strap. The ref had to begin a 10 count on Albright before he would finally allow himself to be fastened in. The two started out in a tug of war, twice Punk would let go of the strap causing Albright to fall under his own force. They then traded going to the outside several times. Albright had ducked out from Punk's offense one too many times so Punk slid out and pulled Albright by the strap into the ring post. The strap came off due to this, the ref re-attached the strap and Albright was back in first. He hit a baseball slide on Punk to keep him out of the ring. Punk however gets up and begins whipping Albright with the strap. Albright tries to hit an ax handle smash from the second turnbuckle but Punk pulls him down into the barricade. Punk pulls Albright back into the ring and begins choking him with the strap. Albright begs for mercy then low blows punk. Albright chokes Punk with the strap then uses it to deliver a neck breaker. Albright hits two turnbuckles before Punk stirs. A belly to back suplex gives Albright time to get two turnbuckles again. This time Albright whips Punk with the strap and gets three turnbuckles. A low blow by Albright and then he spits on Punk for good measure only good for three turnbuckles. Punk uses the strap to pull Albright into a slam but Albright manages to get to his feet first and hit's three turnbuckles again. Punk racks Albright with the strap as he approached the 4th turnbuckle, then whips Albright into the corner to deliver a high knee followed by a face buster. Punk then whips Albright with the strap before tying it around Albright's neck. Punk then drags Albright around to all four corners to win the match.

Post match as Punk celebrates on the announce table, Shad Gaspard blindsides Punk. Shad picks up the belt and stares at it before dropping it on Punk and leaving him in a heap on the floor.



05-05-2006, 12:13 AM
Congratulations To Cm Punk For Winning The Belt, Because Now He Is Going To Be A Big Target For The Rest Of The Ovw Roster!

05-10-2006, 03:28 AM
I like OVW shows, they seem raw and more fun than WWE. Good on Punk.

Still 2nd Place
05-10-2006, 05:03 AM
I love to hear things like this Punk is one of my top guys I think he is a star on the rise and if given the chance he will be just that I think he will make agood OVW champ ...dose anyone know if there some photos of him with the belt

05-10-2006, 09:02 AM