View Full Version : Hasselhoff access rights restored

05-23-2007, 12:21 PM
Mr Hasselhoff has recently appeared in the musical The Producers
A US judge has restored actor David Hasselhoff's right to visit his two teenage daughters, his lawyer has said.

Access was temporarily suspended two weeks ago over a videotape showing the recovering alcoholic apparently drunk.

Mr Hasselhoff, 54, and his former wife, Pamela Bach, 43, both attended a closed court hearing in Los Angeles to discuss the recording and related issues.

"It went very well, the truth was told, and I can't say any more," Mr Hasselhoff said outside court.

Portions of the video showed Mr Hasselhoff, wearing only blue jeans, lying on a floor and clumsily eating a hamburger while one of his daughters scolds him about his drinking.

Mr Hasselhoff and Ms Bach were married in December 1989 but divorced last year.

He had been living in Nevada while appearing in the Las Vegas production of The Producers.


05-23-2007, 05:26 PM
well i hope he leanred his lesson. next time the judge can take the kids away for good.

05-26-2007, 10:43 AM
The only way he will earn is if he is not allowed to see his daughters.

He will screw up this chance again before the year is out...