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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Royal Rumble' LIVE Coverage! 2008


    The Royal Rumble Match

    RAW Participants: Umaga, Snitsky, Hardcore Holly, Mick Foley, Hornswoggle, Cody Rhodes, Santino Marella, Carlito, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Mr. Kennedy

    Smackdown Participants: Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, The Undertaker, Batista, Kane, Mark Henry, The Great Khali, Jamie Noble, Chuck Palumbo

    ECW Participants: John Morrison, The Miz, Tommy Dreamer, Shelton Benjamin, Big Daddy V


    WWE Championship Match

    Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy


    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Rey Mysterio vs. Edge


    Chris Jericho vs. JBL


    Career Threatening Match

    MVP vs. Ric Flair



    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'Royal Rumble' PPV
    Sunday 27th January, 2008
    Location: Madison Square Garden, NYC
    J.R. and Jerry 'The King' LawlerM
    Micheal Cole and Jonathon Coachman
    Tazz and Joey Styles

    Tonight’s coverage starts with the Royal Rumble commercial. Jack Korpela hosts the Free For All for the Royal Rumble. Jack mentions the Royal Rumble match and what is on the line in the match. We then see the video packages that aired for Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy in the last few weeks. We see a video package for the Chris Jericho/John Bradshaw Layfield match. We next saw the excellent buildup for the Montel Vontavious Porter/Ric Flair match. It was then time to take a look at the final non-Rumble match announced for the pay per view, Edge versus Rey Mysterio. We then see the excellent video package that aired this week about the history of the Royal Rumble match by the numbers.

    The pay per view begins with the start of the Royal Rumble subway commercial that has aired for the last few weeks and then we see a montage of the Royal Rumble graphics. We see a video package of the winners of the Royal Rumble match.

    Michael Cole welcomes us to the Royal Rumble in HD and talks about how we are starting on the Road to Wrestlemania XXIV.

    On the way to the ring, Michael Cole mentions Ric Flair’s first match over thirty-five years ago as he walks to the ring.

    Ric Flair gets on the mic before the match and he says that it has been an honor to wrestle all of these years in Madison Square Garden. There is no place like it in the world and he agrees with everyone who says that. His first match in MSG was in March 1976 before most of the people in the building were born. The level of respect that the fans have paid him over the years is unbelievable. As Flair continues to talk, he is interrupted by Montel Vontavious Porter’s music and Porter comes to the ring.

    Ric Flair versus Montel Vontavious Porter in a Career Threatening Match

    Your referee is “Little Naytch” Charles Robinson. Before they lock up Flair struts and woooos for the crowd. Porter with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Flair woooos at Porter. They lock up again and Porter backs Flair into the corner and he gives a clean break but continues to show little respect for Flair. Flair with an arm bar and hammer lock and Porter makes it to the corner. Porter slaps Flair but Flair chops and punches Porter around the ring. Flair with a shoulder tackle but Porter with a drop toe hold and then he sets for the boot to the head and he connects. Porter with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Porter with punches to Flair’s head. Flair with a chop but Porter with a punch and snap mare into an arm bar. Porter with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow and Porter is clipped by Flair. Flair with more chops but Porter with a side head lock and Flair with an atomic drop. Porter with an elbow and punches in the corner. Flair with a chop but Porter with punches. Porter with a running boot into the corner and Porter thinks he got the three count but the referee says that he did not get the three count because Flair had his foot on the ropes. While Porter argues with the referee, Flair with a near fall with a rollup. Porter with a butterfly suplex for a near fall.

    Porter puts Flair on the top turnbuckle and he hits a superplex for a near fall. Flair with more chops and then he Irish whips Porter into the corner but they bump heads and both men are down. The referee starts to count out both men but they each get back to their feet. Flair with a kick and chop. Flair with an inside cradle for a two count. Flair then gets another two count with a backslide. Flair with chops and punches to Porter. Porter with a jawbreaker and then he tries for the Playmaker but Flair gets out of the hold and he puts Porter in the Figure Four Leg lock and Porter taps out.

    Winner: Ric Flair

    After the match
    Montel Vontavious Porter follows the referee to the back and argues with him while Flair celebrates in the ring. Flair lets out a woooo for the fans.

    Vince is in his office with Hornswoggle and Vince talks about how Flair appears to be lucky. Vince talks about the luck of the Irish and his grandfather and father. Vince talks about his entire family, and his bastard son. Vince reminds Hornswoggle that it is every man for themselves and that Hornswoggle cannot even trust Finlay. Vince tells Hornswoggle that he is expected to win.

    Finlay enters the office and Vince tells Finlay what he said to Hornswoggle about not trusting anyone. Vince tells Finlay that he cannot trust Hornswoggle either. Hornswoggle hugs Finlay and then they leave the office together.

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about the media coverage in New York for the Royal Rumble. Jim Ross introduces the newest member of the announce team and Jim Ross mentions the XFL. We go to Mike Adamle.

    Mike is at ringside and he says that he was here for Flair’s first match in Madison Square Garden in 1976. Mike talks about the electricity and then he segues into the issues between Chris Jericho and John Bradshaw Layfield. We go to the video package.

    Chris Jericho versus John Bradshaw Layfield

    Jericho and Bradshaw stare each other down before locking up and Jericho backs Bradshaw into the corner and he gives a clean break but the referee holds him back. They lock up again and Jericho is forced into a clean break by the referee. Bradshaw backs into the ropes and the referee pulls Jericho away again. Bradshaw with punches to Jericho while Jericho is preoccupied. Jericho with a flying forearm and take down followed by punches. Bradshaw sends Jericho to the floor but Jericho returns and he punches Bradshaw followed by a series of kicks to the midsection. Bradshaw misses a clothesline and Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho but Bradshaw gets to the ropes immediately and then goes to the floor. Jericho with a baseball slide that takes Bradshaw down outside the ring. Jericho slams Bradshaw’s head into the exposed ringside barrier. Jericho tries for a suplex but Bradshaw blocks it. Jericho sends Bradshaw into the ring apron and then the ring steps as he works on Bradshaw’s back. Bradshaw with a hot shot to a charging Jericho and both men are down.

    Bradshaw is the first man to return to his feet and then he connects with a short arm clothesline. Bradshaw hits another short arm clothesline and then he chokes Jericho on the bottom rope. Bradshaw catapults Jericho’s throat into the middle rope. Bradshaw continues to use the ropes as he chokes Jericho with them. Bradshaw with punches in the corner as Jericho slumps in the corner. Jericho fights back with punches of his own but Bradshaw applies the sleeper as he takes Jericho down to the mat. Jericho gets out of the hold and he clotheslines Bradshaw. Bradshaw with a big boot to Jericho and then he sends Jericho shoulder first into the ring post.

    Jericho goes to the floor and Jericho is bleeding as Bradshaw kicks Jericho in the head and then he punches Jericho. They return to the ring and Bradshaw maintains control as he peppers Jericho with kicks and punches. The referee tries to pull Bradshaw out of the way but Bradshaw continues to punch Jericho. Jericho with a forearm and shoulder tackle to Bradshaw. Jericho with a bulldog and drop kick followed by an elbow drop. Jericho with the Lionsault. Jericho clotheslines Bradshaw over the top rope to the floor and the battle continues on the floor. Bradshaw sends Jericho into the ECW announce table and then Jericho rearranges the announce table. Jericho hits Bradshaw in the head with a steel chair and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield by disqualification

    After the match
    Jericho throws the chair at Bradshaw and then he punches Bradshaw. Jericho gets a cable to return the favor on Bradshaw and he chokes Bradshaw and then uses the ring ropes for more leverage. Jericho gets on the ECW announce table and then he lets go but then he goes for the cable one more time before heading to the back.

    Lillian Garcia announces the result of the match and the crowd shows their disapproval.

    Ashley Massaro is walking in the back and she knocks on Maria’s locker room door. Santino comes out says that Maria cannot talk now because she is getting ready for the first High Definition Kiss Cam. Santino says that Maria cannot say no to anything or anyone. Ashley suggests that is the reason why Maria is still with Santino. Santino tells Ashley that Maria is not interested in her or the ‘Boobie Magazine.’ Santino then says that he wishes that he could vote her out of the WWE just like they did on Survivor.

    We return to Cole and Coach and we are now 63 days from Wrestlemania. It is time for the Rey Mysterio/Edge match and we go to the video package.

    Edge versus Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Title

    Before Rey comes to the ring, Vickie Guerrero is wheeled to the ring in her wheelchair by Teddy Long. The Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder come to ringside as Cole and Coach wonder if there are ulterior motives.

    Edge pushes Rey into the corner as the match begins. They lock up and Edge with an arm bar and he works on Rey’s wrist. Rey with forearms and then he hits a springboard head scissors. They lock up again and Edge with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Rey with a single leg trip and a drop kick for a near fall. Rey with another near fall and Edge backs into the ropes to slow things down. Edge with a kick and punch to Rey. Rey ducks through Edge’s legs but Edge throws Rey out of the ring. Rey tries to get back in but Edge with a baseball slide. Hawkins and Ryder approach Rey while the referee was distracted, but the referee sees them before they can attack Rey and Hawkins and Ryder are sent to the back by the referee.

    Rey with a head scissors that sends Edge into the ropes and Edge goes to the floor when Rey sets for a 619. Rey hits a pescado onto Edge. Rey with a springboard seated senton when they return to the ring for a near fall. Rey with a kick and chop. Edge sends Rey into the turnbuckles but Rey lands on the middle turnbuckle. Edge with a kick to the leg and Rey goes down. Rey goes to the floor and Edge goes after him. Edge with a kick to the leg and then he rolls Rey back into the ring. Edge works on Rey’s leg. Edge with a single leg Boston crab on Rey after Rey could not stay on his feet when Edge Irish whipped him. Rey with a kick to get out of the hold. Rey with an enzuigiri and Edge falls into the ropes. Rey tries for the 619 but Rey was too slow and Edge hits a power slam for a near fall. Edge with an ankle lock and then he goes to the knee. Rey with a kick to the head. Edge kicks Rey in the leg after the referee checks on Rey’s knee. Rey cannot get up and then he goes for the knee brace.

    Rey kicks Edge in the knee but Rey with a bulldog off a wheelbarrow move and both men are down. Rey with chops and kicks as he continues to hobble in the ring. Edge with a sunset flip but Rey rolls through with a kick for a near fall. We see Vickie applaud Edge’s escape from the near fall. Edge with an Irish whip into the corner but Edge charges into a boot. Rey with a senton counter out of a potential power bomb attempt by Edge. Rey goes to the apron and then he goes up top but Edge punches Rey. Rey with forearms that knock Edge off the top turnbuckle and Rey with a double stomp for a two count. Rey with a rana that sends Edge out of the ring. Rey slides under the bottom rope and hits a DDT on the floor. Rey rolls Edge back into the ring and Edge kicks out at two. Edge with a boot to a charging Mysterio. Edge sets for the spear but Rey moves when Edge approaches. Rey with a head scissors that sends Edge into the ropes. Rey with a 619 and then Rey goes up for a splash and Vickie pulls the referee out of position. Rey sends Edge into the ropes again when Edge tries for a spear while Vickie argues with the referee. Vickie takes the impact of the 619 and then when Rey tries for a springboard move but Edge with a spear for the three count.

    Winner: Edge

    After the match
    Edge, Hawkins, and Ryder check on Vickie outside the ring along with the referee.

    Ric Flair is in the locker room and Ken Kennedy applauds Flair as he comes out of the shower. Kennedy gives Flair a woooo. Kennedy says that after he wins the Royal Rumble tonight, that since he will have so much time on his hands until Wrestlemania . . .

    Kennedy is interrupted by Shawn Michaels’s arrival. He says that he will see Flair and Michaels later. Michaels talks about how a trash talking blonde with a catchphrase will never work. Flair tells Michaels that nobody will beat him in his quest for the title. Batista and Hunter enter the locker room as well and Michaels says that it has gotten a little awkward. Hunter says that tonight, the best man will win and Michaels tries to separate Batista and Hunter. Michaels says that the best man will win wearing the new Shawn Michaels shirt. Hunter says that he hates shilling. Michaels gives Flair his shirt.

    We see Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton in the back getting ready for their match.

    Maria comes out for the Royal Rumble kiss cam. Ashley comes out and she tells Maria that she got a call from Hugh Hefner and says that Hugh wanted to know if Maria wanted to pose for Playboy. Santino Marella comes out with someone under a black tarp. Santino says that the answer is no. Nobody wants to see Maria with no clothes on. He tells her not to listen to the fans because they have nothing to cheer about. Santino mentions the Mets and Yankees and then makes reference to the mosquitoes in Cleveland. He calls them chokers. He says the Knicks and Rangers are not good enough to choke. Santino says that the only team the fans can cheer for play in New Jersey. The crowd starts a “Let’s Go Giants” chant. Santino says that nobody cares about the Giants. Ashley tells Santino that this is not a decision for Santino to make, it is for Maria to make. Maria hesitates and then she asks the fans if they want to see her pose for Playboy. Santino says the fans are sheep and they will cheer for hepatitis if someone asks for it. Santino has a special present for Ashley. Since the fans like to see the boobies, we see Big Dick Johnson with a Patriots tattoo across his chest and a cut off Brady shirt. Ashley slaps and hits Big Dick Johnson with rubber chickens.

    We see a Wrestlemania commercial with a Baywatch theme and Kelly is the lifeguard who saves the man in the water. When it was time for mouth to mouth, Kelly is replaced by Mae Young.

    Mike Adamle talks about Jeff Hardy’s quest to win the title and how he will do anything to make history. It is time for the Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton video packages.

    Jeff Hardy versus Randy Orton for the WWE Title

    The referee gives his final instructions before the bell rings. Hardy and Orton lock up and they fight around the ring in the collar and elbow tie up. Orton with a clean break but Hardy pushes Orton. Orton with a side head lock but Hardy with a shoulder tackle. Hardy with a side head lock and take down. Orton tries for a few rollups while Orton tries to get out of the side head lock. Orton gets Hardy into a head scissors while Hardy maintains the side head lock. Orton gets out of the hold. Hardy with a reverse atomic drop followed by a leg drop and drop kick for a near fall. Orton with a knee to the midsection and then he slams Hardy’s head into the turnbuckle followed by punches. Orton tries to rile up the Hardy fans in the crowd. Hardy with a kick to Orton and then Orton is clotheslined over the top rope to the floor. Hardy with a baseball slide that sends Orton into the ringside barrier and Orton is down. The referee starts his count and then Hardy with a pescado onto Orton. Orton grabs his belt and he heads towards the entrance but Hardy stops him. They return to the ring and Orton with a standing drop kick when Hardy tries for a springboard move from the apron and Hardy goes to the floor and he hits the apron. Orton goes out after Hardy and hits a suplex on the floor. Orton rolls Hardy back into the ring and gets a two count. Orton with a kick to Hardy and then he stomps on Hardy before choking him. Orton with a series of knee drops for a near fall. Hardy tries to get back to his feet and Orton helps him up before connecting with a forearm. Hardy with a series of kicks and then he sends Orton over the top rope to the floor. Hardy goes to the apron and hits a flying clothesline from the apron.

    Hardy rolls Orton back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Hardy with an Irish whip and then he charges into the corner but Orton moves out of the way and Hardy goes shoulder first into the ring post. Orton with a body scissors and reverse chin lock. Hardy returns to his feet but Orton with a power slam for a two count. Orton returns to the reverse chin lock. Hardy and Orton with forearms to the back but Hardy hits a leaping clothesline and both men are down. Hardy with punches to Orton and a running forearm and clothesline followed by an elbow. Hardy backs Orton into the corner and then he hits Whisper in the Wind but can only get a two count. Hardy with a mule kick and he sends Orton into the corner and Hardy with the delayed baseball slide in the corner. Hardy goes up top but Orton rolls to the apron. Hardy hits a missile drop kick that knocks Orton off the apron. Hardy goes up top again and hits a moonsault onto Orton on the floor. The referee checks on both men.

    Hardy rolls Orton back in and Hardy returns to the ring. Hardy gets his second wind and he waits for Orton for the Twist of Fate but Orton counters and he hits the RKO for the three count.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    After the match
    We see Jeff Hardy in the ring as he realizes that he fell short but then he
    salutes the crowd and he gets an ovation for his performance

    Joey Styles and Tazz make their show debut as they talk about the result of the WWE Title Match. Joey talks about the Royal Rumble match. Tazz points out that the last seven winners have won the main event at Wrestlemania. We go to the excellent Royal Rumble Match by the Numbers video package.

    Royal Rumble Match

    Entrant Number One: Undertaker and Entrant Number Two: Shawn Michaels

    Taker is ready to punch Michaels but Michaels moves and he chops Taker. Taker with an Irish whip and Michaels with the Michaels flip. Taker with a vertical choke of Michaels and Michaels is sent into the corner. Taker with punches and head butts in the corner. Taker Irish whips Michaels and Michaels lands on the top turnbuckle and Taker kicks him. Taker goes for a big boot into the corner but Michaels moves out of the way and Taker goes to the apron. Taker grabs a charging Michaels but the throat and returns to the ring. Taker with a big boot to Michaels.

    Entrant Number Three: Santino Marella

    Michaels with Sweet Chin Music from Michaels and then Taker eliminates Marella. Michaels tries to eliminate Taker but Taker stays in. Taker goes Old School but Michaels tosses Taker across the ring. Michaels with a reverse atomic drop and chops followed by another reverse atomic drop and chop. Michaels with a flying forearm and kip up

    Entrant Number Four: Great Khali.

    Taker with a choke slam to Michaels. Taker punches Khali as Khali enters the ring. Khali with the chop to the top of the head. Khali slams Taker’s head into the corner and he connects with kicks in the corner. Khali punches Taker but Taker responds with punches of his own. Khali sets for a choke slam but Taker grabs Khali by the throat. Khali backs Taker against the ropes but misses the chop. Taker eliminates Khali and Michaels tries to eliminate Taker again. Michaels goes up in the corner but Taker tries for the Last Ride. Taker and Michaels go to the apron.

    Entrant Number Five: Bob Holly.

    Holly goes after Taker and Taker punches Holly and then works him over in the corner. Holly with punches to Taker but Taker with a big boot. Michaels tries to eliminate Taker again but Taker gets Michaels on his shoulders. Michaels holds on to the ropes and Holly kicks Taker. Michaels with chops to Holly and Holly responds with chops of his own

    Entrant Number Six: John Morrison

    Morrison goes after Taker, Michaels, and Holly. Morrison avoids Taker when his back is not turned. Michaels tries to eliminate Morrison but Morrison rolls back in. Michaels slams Morrison while Taker chokes Holly. Michaels goes up top for the elbow drop and then he sets up for Sweet Chin Music and Morrison blocks it.

    Entrant Number Seven: Tommy Dreamer.

    Dreamer punches Michaels and then he goes after Taker. Dreamer clotheslines Morrison and then he runs into a boot from Taker. Michaels tries to suplex Morrison over the top rope to the floor and Morrison is on the apron but he is able to get back into the ring. Morrison with a European uppercut to Holly. Morrison tries to eliminate Holly and Morrison tries to get rid of Morrison as well

    Entrant Number Eight: Batista

    Batista with a spinebuster to Dreamer followed by clotheslines to Holly and Michaels. Batista with a back body drop to Morrison. Taker and Batista square off but Dreamer tries for a DDT on Batista but Batista eliminates Dreamer. Holly tries to eliminate Michaels but Michaels gets off the turnbuckle. Morrison gets speared by Batista. Taker with boots to Batista and then he chokes him in the corner. Michaels tries to get rid of Holly.

    Entrant Number Nine: Hornswoggle.

    Hornswoggle sees Taker in the center of the ring and he freezes. Hornswoggle goes under the ring. Batista with a spear to Taker and then he tries to eliminate Taker. Holly chops Morrison while Taker works over Batista. Holly with a suplex to Morrison and Michaels chops Holly. Holly with a back body drop to Michaels and then he clotheslines Michaels to the apron and Michaels returns to the ring

    Entrant Number Ten: Chuck Palumbo

    Chuck goes after Batista with chops and punches. He punches Michaels and Holly as well. Palumbo punches and chops Michaels. Holly chokes Batista in the ropes. Morrison is able to save himself. Taker backs Palumbo into the corner and he head butts Palumbo. Michaels tries to eliminate Morrison in the corner but Morrison with a head scissors

    Entrant Number Eleven: Jamie Noble

    Noble has his ribs taped and he goes after Palumbo. Noble with kicks and punches to Palumbo as he works over Palumbo in the corner. Palumbo sends Noble to the apron and then Palumbo with a boot to the ribs to eliminate Noble. Taker with a back elbow to Palumbo. Batista with shoulders to Holly in the corner. The medical staff checks on Noble outside the ring

    Entrant Number Twelve: CM Punk

    Punk with a running boot to Palumbo, Michaels and Morrison. Taker grabs Punk but the throat but Punk with kicks. Punk tries for a bulldog on Michaels but Taker with a clothesline to Punk. Palumbo tries to eliminate Punk but Punk sends Palumbo to the apron and Punk with a running knee to eliminate Palumbo. Michaels tires to suplex Punk to the floor but Punk blocks it.

    Entrant Number Thirteen: Cody Rhodes

    Rhodes goes after Punk and sends him to the apron. Rhodes goes after Taker and punches him. Taker grabs Rhodes by the throat but Rhodes with a punch and drop kick. Batista with a back body drop to Michaels. Taker with an Irish whip to Rhodes

    Entrant Number Fourteen: Umaga.

    Umaga with clotheslines to everyone but Holly who chops Umaga. Umaga sends Holly over the top rope to eliminate him. Umaga works over Batista in the corner. Umaga with a running butt splash into the corner. Rhodes tries to eliminate Michaels but Shawn returns to the ring from the apron. Morrison and Rhodes exchange punches, forearms, and chops.

    Entrant Number Fifteen: Gene Snitsky

    Snitsky goes after Morrison and Punk before turning his attention to Michaels and Rhodes. Snitsky with a short arm clothesline to Rhodes and a punch to Morrison. Snitsky with boots to Morrison. Rhodes sends Snitsky over the top but he stays on the apron and Punk cannot help Rhodes. Morrison puts Michaels on the top rope but Michaels punches Morrison. Morrison punches Punk as the former ECW champions battle.

    Entrant Number Sixteen: Mike Mizanin

    Morrison and Mizanin work over Punk as Taker tries to eliminate Umaga

    Entrant Number Seventeen: Shelton Benjamin.

    Benjamin jumps to the turnbuckle and tries to eliminate Mizanin and Morrison. Benjamin goes after Punk but then Michaels with Sweet Chin Music that eliminates Benjamin. Snitsky with a running clothesline into the corner

    Entrant Number Eighteen: Jimmy Snuka

    Snuka with chops to Morrison and Punk followed by Michaels. Snuka with a head butt to Taker. Snuka with a chop to Snitsky and Mizanin. Snuka with a head butt to Mizanin. Snuka with a chop to Batista

    Entrant Number Nineteen: Roddy Piper.

    Everyone waits for Piper to enter the ring and he wants a piece of Snuka. Piper punches Snuka but Snuka does not feel it. Snuka with a chop to Piper but Piper with a thumb to the eye. Snuka and Piper battle and everyone else returns to what they were doing.

    Entrant Number Twenty: Kane.

    Rhodes and Snitsky continue to battle. Kane eliminates Piper followed by Snuka. Kane with punches around and then he choke slams Mizanin. Kane works over Umaga with uppercuts and elbows in the corner. Rhodes with an elbow to the midsection of John Morrison. Taker sets for a choke slam on Kane but then he sees Michaels. Umaga hits Taker from behind.

    Entrant Number Twenty-One: Carlito

    Carlito goes after Rhodes and then he works his way around the ring. Michaels rolls back in one more time. Carlito tries for a back elbow but Punk and Morrison catch him. Carlito uses the ropes. Carlito hits a lungblower on Punk but Rhodes with a bulldog on Carlito.

    Entrant Number Twenty-Two: Mick Foley

    Foley goes after Kane and Morrison as he enters the ring and then he works his way into everyone who comes after him. Foley with a DDT on Kane but Umaga with a Samoan drop on Taker. Snitsky with a boot to Taker followed by a side slam. Morrison with a jumping side kick to Foley. As the bodies are strewn on the mat, it is time for

    Entrant Number Twenty-Three: Ken Kennedy.

    Kennedy goes after Rhodes and he hits the running boot on Rhodes. Kennedy with a flatliner on Mizanin and Punk. Taker sits up and Kennedy with a kick. Kennedy stands over Taker and Taker grabs him by the throat and hits a choke slam on Kennedy. Taker sends Morrison into Snitsky and then he hits a splash in the corner on both of them. Taker with a chop to Morrison.

    Entrant Number Twenty-Four: Big Daddy V.

    Taker pushes Snitky over the top rope and then Michaels eliminates Taker but Kennedy eliminates Michaels right after that. Taker and Snitsky fight outside the ring. Taker hits a leg drop on Snitsky on the announce table. Carlito sends Mizanin to the apron. Rhodes holds on and he tries to skin the cat but Kennedy tries to eliminate him again. Rhodes and Kennedy make it back in.

    Entrant Number Twenty-Five: Mark Henry.

    Big Daddy V with head butts to Punk. Kane and Henry battle in the ring and Henry with a shoulder block. Hornswoggle comes out from under the ring and he pulls Mizanin to the floor to eliminate him. Hornswoggle returns to his hiding place under the ring. Big Daddy V tries to eliminate Kennedy and Morrison.

    Entrant Number Twenty-Six: Chavo Guerrero

    Chavo and Punk battle in the ring and they exchange punches. Morrison is eliminated by Kane. Carlito chops Rhodes but Umaga chops Carlito. Carlito is sent to the apron but he returns to the ring. Henry tries to eliminate Rhodes and Hornswoggle tries to eliminate Rhodes but Henry pulls Hornswoggle in. Henry and Big Daddy V surround Hornswoggle and Finlay comes out with the shillelagh to make the save. Finlay takes Hornswoggle to the back with him. Kane with a boot to Kennedy but Kennedy punches Kane while Henry holds him. Carlito goes to the apron but rolls back in. We are told that Finlay has been disqualified.

    Entrant Number Twenty-Eight: Elijah Burke

    Burke goes after Chavo. Batista is on the floor but they do not know if he has been eliminated. Chavo is sent to the apron but Chavo eliminates Punk. Big Daddy V with a sit out power bomb on Kane. We see that Batista rolled under the bottom rope after a Samoan Spike

    Entrant Number Twenty-Nine: Triple H

    Hunter comes in and he eliminates Cody Rhodes.

    Hunter with a jawbreaker to Big Daddy V and then he eliminates Big Daddy V. Hunter with a jawbreaker to Umaga and then he punches Foley. Hunter and Foley exchange punches and then Hunter eliminates Foley and Burke when Hunter sends Foley into Burke. Hunter slams Umaga into the turnbuckles and then he punches Umaga. Umaga misses a splash into the corner and then he sends Umaga into the top of the ring post. Hunter with a Pedigree to Umaga.

    Number Thirty: John Cena

    Everyone in the ring is in shock that Cena is in the match. Cena has some words for Hunter. Henry attacks Hunter from behind. Foley has been eliminated. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle to Henry and then he eliminates Carlito, Chavo, and Henry. Hunter and Cena get ready for their meeting in the ring and they get nose to nose. Hunter punches Cena but Cena punches back. Cena with a kick to Hunter but Hunter with a spinebuster. Umaga with an uppercut to Hunter. Umaga sets for the Samoan Spike but Batista with a spear. Batista eliminates Kennedy. Batista eliminates Umaga with a clothesline. Kane grabs Batista and Hunter but they escape and eliminate Kane.

    We are down to the final three and it is Triple H, John Cena, and Batista. Batista gives the thumbs down to Cena and Hunter. Cena says that he can’t see either of them. Hunter decides to give each of them a crotch chop. The battle is on as all three men battle. Batista with a back elbow to Cena and a clothesline to Hunter in the corner and another clothesline. Cena punches Batista and Hunter joins in. Batista with a double clothesline. Batista charges into a boot but Batista with a spinebuster to Cena. Batista with a spinebuster to Hunter. Batista tries for the Batista Bomb on Cena but Cena with a back body drop. Hunter eliminates Batista.

    We are down to the final two and it is John Cena and Triple H. Hunter points to the Wrestlemania XXIV sign and so does Cena. Hunter with a kick and punch but Cena with punches of his own. Hunter punches and the crowd cheers while Cena punches and the crowd boos. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and then it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he hits it. Cena sets for the FU and he gets Hunter up but Hunter gets out of the hold. Cena and Hunter each hit clotheslines and both men are down. Cena gets Hunter up for the FU and they are by the ropes. Hunter gets back to his feet and he hits a DDT on Cena. Hunter tries to eliminate Cena but Cena holds on to the top rope. Cena with another attempt for an FU. Hunter gets out of the hold but Cena eliminates Hunter with an FU to win the match.

    Winner: John Cena

    Lawler and Ross wonder which title Cena will go after at Wrestlemania as they go to credits.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Flamez -O- Holic flamesoffury's Avatar
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    woooooooooooooooooo mvp vs flair is the first match awesome
    < Thanks Eragon

    < Thanks Joe

  4. #4
    WWE Legend Infinite Vision's Avatar
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    Hopefully Flair vs. MVP will be a good match and not have a cheap finish.
    [SIGPIC]http://www.uowforums.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=1971&dateline=1229274 915[/SIGPIC]

  5. #5
    Main Eventer
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    I hope MVP wins, but we all know Flair will win.

  6. #6
    Flamez -O- Holic flamesoffury's Avatar
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    ive gotten only one stream of rynos to work and its not working that well.. anyone have a working one?
    < Thanks Eragon

    < Thanks Joe

  7. #7
    Main Eventer
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    ^ No, all the streams I tried from Ryan aren't working at all

  8. #8
    WWE Legend Infinite Vision's Avatar
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    Yay for Flair winning! Clean to!
    [SIGPIC]http://www.uowforums.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=1971&dateline=1229274 915[/SIGPIC]

  9. #9
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    Good match between Flair and MVP, at least it didnt end by DQ. JBL/Jericho should be good also
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

  10. #10
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    scratch that, the stream just died
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

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