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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE Summerslam LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 17th Aug, 2014

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    WWE World Heavyweight Championship
    John Cena (c) vs Brock Lesnar

    Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns.

    WWE Divas Championship
    AJ Lee (c) vs Paige

    Lumberjack Match
    Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    Miz (c) vs Dolph Ziggler

    Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt

    Stephanie McMahon vs Brie Bella

    Flag Match
    Jack Swagger vs Rusev

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Summerslam Report / Results - 17th Aug, 2014
    Location - Staples Center, Los Angeles, California
    Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole


    The panel is Ric Flair, Alex Riley, Renee Young and Booker T. Flair mentioned UFC's Ronda Rousey was in attendance.

    They discussed the main event. Riley said that Brock Lesnar is pretty much a part time talent now and wondered what that would mean for the WWE championship if he won.

    They aired a promotional video on Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon.

    The panel discussed the bout. They had a graphic for Booker's "Shucky Ducky" line.

    They introduced the commentary team.

    Rob Van Dam vs Cesaro

    Cesaro had control early but RVD nailed a monkey flip. He drilled Cesaro with several rights but was caught with a knee to the mid-section. RVD nailed a rana but Cesaro went to the floor. Van Dam missed a tope when Cesaro walked away but Van Dam landed on his feet and drilled Cesaro with a kick, then hit Rolling Thunder on the floor.

    Van Dam worked over Cesaro in the corner but got a thumb in the eye and was stomped down. Cesaro nailed a gutwrench suplex. They went to commercial and when they returned, RVD was in a chinlock. He fought his way out but was drilled with a knee to the back then hit with a big double stomp for a two count.

    Van Dam came back with a clothesline and used a leg scissor takedown for a two count. RVD hit the split-legged moonsault for a two count, then nailed a thrust kick that sent Cesaro to the floor. RVD nailed a moonsault off the apron to the floor.

    RVD went to the top but was nailed by a leaping uppercut. Cesaro went for a superplex but was shoved off. RVD set up for the Five Star Frogsplash but Cesaro leapt up and drilled him with another uppercut. RVD knocked him down and went for it again but again Cesaro drilled him. Cesaro went for a superplex but was shoved off. Van Dam finally went for the move but was drilled with an uppercut as he came down.

    Cesaro covered RVD for a two count. He went for the Neutralizer but RVD backdropped him over only to be kicked hard in the face. They went back and forth with some really good, stiff back and forth action before RVD finally nailed a big kick and hit the frog splash for the pin.

    Winner: Rob Van Dam

    They aired a vignette featuring a contest winner training as a WWE star and had him make a cameo with the panel.

    They aired a great John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar video.


    The show opened with Hulk Hogan coming out to welcome everyone to Summerslam. He said he can’t think of a better way to kick the show off without Hollywood Hogan. He said this is where dreams are made and Superstars can etch their name in the WWE history books. He said that if you aren’t here in LA, you are watching the WWE Network. He said that he knows that you paid “$9.99” for the Network. He plugged all the other PPVs that are coming up in the next six months. He gave his trademark “run wild on you.” So, we opened the show with a commercial.

    They then had the official opening for the PPV which was very Grindhouse-inspired.

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler

    Miz said that in a summer filled with talking turtles, talking robots, now Hollywood has a real star. He said that Drax the Destroyer and Hercules wish they had his moneymaker of a face. He said he was going to take Dolph Ziggler and make him a loser like the Lakers.

    They showed Maria Menounos at ringside.

    Ziggler ran Miz out of the ring when Ziggler went for a punch to the face. Ziggler caught him with a Thesz Press and Miz ran off again but Ziggler nailed him and rolled him up for a two count. Ziggler began working over his back. Miz reversed an whip into the corner and sent him HARD into the buckles.

    Miz gained control with a hard kick and a big clothesline in the corner. Miz came off the top with a double axehandle. Ziggler made a comeback with a splash in the corner and a neckbreaker for a two count.

    Ziggler went for the Famouser but Miz moved and tossed him over the top. Ziggler skinned the cat but Miz avoided a superkick. He took Ziggler down and went for the figure four but was kicked off and nailed with a superkick for a two count.

    Miz tried to walk out but Ziggler nailed him with a dive. Ziggler tossed him back in the ring but was nailed as he returned and locked in the figure four. Ziggler got to the ropes but Miz kicked him from behind in the leg and nailed the Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall. Good match so far.

    Miz argued with the referee but was caught with the Zig Zag.

    Winner and new WWE Intercontinental champion: Dolph Ziggler

    Tom Phillips interviewed Brie Bella. She said when she was arrested, he had a lot of time to reflect. She said the charges were dropped but when she was in jail, she thought about Stephanie calling Bryan a B+ Player, tormenting her sister Nikki and paying off their physical therapist to lie. She said that she has no choice and she’s going to take out the “she beast” because that’s best for business. Decent promo.

    WWE Divas Championship
    AJ Lee vs Paige

    Paige came out skipping to mock Lee. They recapped all the angles with video clips.

    Lee went nuts early beating her on the floor and sending Paige into the table. Paige sent her off the apron into the guard rail. Paige began beating her with a series of headbutts. Paige liberally yanked at Lee’s hair and had to toss some she ripped out to the mat. Paige nailed a series of knees while Lee was in the ropes and went to the top. Lee fought off Paige and shoved her off to the floor. Lee nailed a clothesline from the top to the floor.

    Lee nailed her with a running knee for a two count. Paige shoved her off and drilled a kick to the face. Paige went for a move but Lee turned it into the Black Widow. Paige was able to counter it into her Rampage DDT and scored the pin.

    Winner and new WWE Divas champion: Paige

    After the match:
    Paige kissed Lee on the cheek and left her in the ring.

    They aired the WWE 2K15 videogame promo with Sting. That would mark his first official appearance on WWE TV, by the way.

    Flag Match
    Rusev vs Jack Swagger

    Lana dedicated the match to Vladimir Putin. She cut a promo on Hollywood being fake like America.

    They brought out a color guard with the U.S. Flag before Swagger’s entrance. Rusev attacked Swagger as he was waving the flag and beat him with a series of right hands. Swagger nailed him and locked on the Patriot Lock before the bell. The referee separated them. Lana began yelling at Rusev who now had to fight on a bad wheel.

    Swagger charged him in the corner at the bell and went right back after the ankle. Rusev went to the floor. Swagger went to the floor and tossed him back in. Swagger went right back after the ankle again. Swagger clotheslined Rusev on the floor.

    Swagger went for the Swagger Bomb off the ropes but Rusev pulled his knees up. The announcers said Swagger was dealing with injured knees so now we had two hurt wrestlers competing. Rusev worked over his back and ribs, dropping a headbutt across it.

    Swagger was trapped in a bear hug. He fired back with elbows and went for a belly to belly suplex. Rusev drilled him and continued working over the back. They battled back and forth. Swagger nailed a big kick and nailed the Swagger Bomb but hurt his ribs and only got a two count.

    Swagger was caught with an elbow as he charged. Swagger nailed his ankle and hit a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Rusev went after the ribs again and killed Swagger with the leaping thrust kick. Rusev went to lock on the Accolade but his ankle was hurt and he had problems getting it on, so he did a one legged version while standing on his knee. This allowed Swagger some room to reverse it into the ankle lock.

    Rusev tried to get to the ropes but was pulled back. He turned over onto his back and nailed a number of shots to the ribs to get Swagger off of him. Rusev nailed a big splash and locked on the Accolade, and Rusev’s expression of pain putting the move on was awesome. Swagger refused to tap but blacked out so the referee called it.

    Your winner: Rusev

    After the match:
    Lana got in Zeb Colter’s face after and gave him a mocking “We the People.” She then ordered Rusev to kick Colter when he wasn’t looking.

    They raised a GIANT Russian Flag as Rusev and Lana stood proudly over the beaten Americans.

    Lumberjack Match
    Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose

    Damien Sandow was dressed as a Lumberjack.

    They began brawling. Rollins drilled him coming off the ropes and began kicking and stomping him in the corner. Ambrose worked over Rollins and clotheslined him over the top. He was tossed back into the ring, where Ambrose stomped him low and tied him up on the mat while ripping at his face.

    Rollins sent Ambrose to the floor. Ambrose began throwing haymakers at the Lumberjacks and returned to the ring of his own accord. He and Rollins brawled and he was sent back out. The Lumberjacks worked him over and tossed him back in. Rollins nailed a series of right hands and slammed him for a two count.

    Rollins locked on a cobra clutch like submission but Ambrose fought back and nailed several clotheslines. He ended up on the apron and suplexed Rollins over the top onto the Lumberjacks on that side of the ring. This sparked a brawl amongst the Lumberjacks as they tried to break up Ambrose and Rollins fighting on the floor.

    Ambrose backdropped Rollins into the crowd but was pulled back into the ring by the Lumberjacks. He hit a dive onto the Lumberjacks, then darted across the announce tables en route to diving onto Rollins. Rollins tried to escape but Ambrose caught up to hit and they battled in the crowd and into the first level of the Arena.

    Kane came out and ordered all the Lumberjacks to stop them as they battled near the middle of the arena. The heels dragged Ambrose off. Rollins tried to escape but was stopped by Sin Cara, who he laid out. Rollins tried to sneak around and get to the stage but the other babyfaces were waiting and carried him back to the ring as if he as crowd surfing, Ambrose came off the top with a big dive onto Rollins, taking everyone out. This is a hell of a lot of fun.

    Ambrose went for Dirty Deeds but Rollins slipped out and nailed a kick. Ambrose nailed Rollins with a Curb Stomp but Kane laid him out. Goldust got in Kane’s face but was laid out. Everyone hit the ring and there was a huge, chaotic brawl.

    The Wyatts tried to attack Ambrose but he dispatched them. Rollins drilled him with the Money in the Bank briefcase and pinned him.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    That was AWESOME.

    Rollins seemed to be bleeding from the mouth after.

    Bray Wyatt vs Chris Jericho

    Jericho and Wyatt began fighting at the bell. Jericho caught Wyatt with a flying forearm but was knocked to the floor as he went for a move off the ropes. Jericho regained control and sent Wyatt into the barricade, then came off the top for a two count.

    Wyatt worked over Jericho on the floor and sent him into the ring steps. He set up Jericho near the ringpost and drilled him into it. Wyatt grabbed Jericho’s arms and snapped him into the ring ropes facefirst. He locked in a side chinlock on Jericho who fought his way back to his feet.

    Jericho made a comeback with an enziguri but only scored a one count. Wyatt came back with a back senton splash He kept working over Jericho but was nailed with a bodypress as he charged for a two count. Jericho was cut off and covered for a two count. Wyatt peppered him with right hands.

    They battled back and forth until Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho. Bray fought his way to the ropes. They battled out to the apron where Wyatt drilled Jericho with a DDT on the apron. Jericho made a comeback and scored several two counts. Wyatt was sent into the ropes and nailed with a good dropkick.

    Jericho went to set up for the Lionsault but Wyatt did the crab walk and that spooked him. Wyatt began talking trash and charged Jericho but was caught with the Codebreaker. Wyatt kicked up and was sent to the floor. Jericho went for a sliding kick but Wyatt drilled him and pulled him to the floor. Jericho was nailed with Sister Abigail into the guard rail. Good match.

    Back in the ring, Wyatt nailed a second Sister Abigail and pinned Jericho clean.

    Winner: Bray Wyatt

    After the match:
    Wyatt took the mic and said, “Poor, poor Chris Jericho. I guess after all, he found out what it means to follow the buzzards.” Wyatt began singing the “Whole Wide World in His Hands” again, so that’s being brought back to the character, which is a good move.

    Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon

    Stephanie McMahon flashed the Four Horsemen sign at Ronda Rousey as she walked past her in the first row, although they didn’t show Rousey. They then showed Rousey and had a graphic for her, but didn’t identify her as a UFC fighter.

    Stephanie backed Brie into the corner at the bell but broke free. They locked up again and again Stephanie backed her into the ropes and forced her half out of the ring. Brie used a takedown on McMahon, who wasn’t happy. They locked up again and Steph was hit with another armdrag.

    Bella went for a waistlock but was drilled with an elbow to the face. McMahon used a series of shoulderblocks in the corner. Brie went for the Yes Lock but Stephanie scrambled out of the ring to the floor. Brie went for a suicide dive but Stephanie nailed her and snapped her down to the floor, then mocked Daniel Bryan’s “Yes!” chant.

    When Bella returned to the ring, Stephanie snapped her with a DDT for a two count. Stephanie grabbed Bella by the hair and said, “You’re my bitch” and snapmared her. McMahon locked on a surfboard and shoved her to the mat, then shoved her boot down in Bella’s face before going back to the surfboard.

    Stephanie charged her but Bella caught McMahon with a Thesz Press. She then caught McMahon with an elbow as McMahon charged her and drilled her over and over with kicks in the corner. Bella tossed McMahon across the ring and pulled her in as Stephanie tried to escape. Bella nailed a series of kicks in the mid-section. McMahon staggered out of the corner and was kicked down. Bella came off the middle turnbuckle with a dropkick for a two count.

    Stephanie tried to get out of the ring again and was pulled down. Bella mounted her and began ground and pound. Triple H ran out and got on the apron. Nikki Bella followed. Stephanie used the distraction to go for the Pedigree but Bella turned it into the Yes Lock.

    HHH pulled the referee out and nailed him. He began yelling at Nikki Bella. Brie hit a sliding kick to the outside on HHH. The crowd loved that and chanted, “Yes.” Stephanie tried to climb out of the ring but Nikki stopped her and backed her up. Stephanie was now trapped between them but Nikki turned on her sister and nailed her with a forearm.

    Stephanie locked on the Pedigree and nailed Brie with it. The referee returned to the ring and scored the pin.

    Winner: Stephanie McMahon

    Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton

    Orton went after Reigns but was cut off and worked over. Reigns snapped him into the corner but was shoved away. Roman nailed a big right hand then kicked him over the top to the floor. Roman followed him and slammed him into the guard rail. Reigns whipped Orton but it was reversed and Reigns was drilled into the ring steps.

    Orton tossed Reigns back into the ring and cinched in a side chinlock. Reigns broke free but was grabbed by his hair and snapped backwards to the mat. Orton stomped on Reigns’ hand and foot, holding his foot there after the move. Reigns fired back but was sent into the corner. He kicked Orton away and went to the top but Orton nailed him and worked him over on the turnbuckles.

    Orton went for a superplex and nailed it. Randy was fought off and was caught in a sleeper but countered it with a sideslam. They went back to the chinlock. They battled to the floor. Reigns nailed his dropkick on the apron. They sent each other into the guard rails. Orton regained control, sending Reigns into the ringpost and covered Reigns for a two count.

    Back on the floor, Reignss was slammed on the announcer’s table and sent into the ring steps. Reigns snapped Orton’s throat across the rope as Orton reached for him in the ring. He sent Orton to the corner and brought him to the top. Orton drilled him but was caught for a Samoan Drop off the top scoring a two count.

    Reigns nailed Orton with the Superman Punch and set up for the spear but was caught with the powerslam for a two count. Orton nailed the hanging DDT off the ropes. Orton set up for the RKO but was shoved off. Reigns leapt for the spear but Orton caught him with the RKO. Reigns kicked up at the last minute. Good sequence. Orton was shocked he didn’t get the win.

    Orton went for the punt but Reigns got out of the way and speared him for the pin.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    Video package for Cena and Lesnar.

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship
    John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar

    They began brawling right away. Cena took him down and worked him over, then hit the F5 for a two count. The crowd began screaming the dueling chants as Cena tried to pull himself to his feet.

    Lesnar threw him with a monster German suplex. Cena was beaten with strikes and knees. He tried to fight back but to no avail. Brock tossed him with a hard suplex. Cena fought back with a series of punches in the corner but was laid out by Brock. Lesnar continued working over Cena. Cena fought out of a chinlock and was slammed back to the mat.

    Brock kept throwing Cena around the right with German suplex after German suplex. Lesnar kept mauling Cena and told the referee to see if Cena had enough. Cena pulled himself up and Lesnar went for another German. Cena nailed a series of elbows and several moved but was caught for an F5. Cena reversed it into the AA but Lesnar kicked up.

    Lesnar sat up, mocking the Undertaker and began bouncing in the ring, laughing at Cena as Cena was still down, exhausted in the corner. Cena charge but was caught and mounted by Lesnar, who beat the frigging hell out of Cena. The referee told Brock to back of and asked Cena if he should call it.

    Lesnar hit Cena with a series of rolling German suplexes with the last one releasing Cena as if he was thrown out of a car. Cena got up and Lesnar went back for another series of German suplexes. They teased referee Charles Robinson was going to call the match.

    Cena used a drop toehold and locked on an STF. Lesnar reversed it and beat Cena with a series of punches, then hit the F5 and scored the pin.

    Winner and new WWE World Heavyweight champion: Brock Lesnar

    After the match:
    As they left, Paul Heyman told Brock that he "conquered the WWE Universe."

    We go to credits.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I hope Stephanie wears a little tight outfit lol

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Poor ol Cesaro. I do not ,mind RVD winning but Cesaro is just being screwed over and over again.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Be interesting to see the new belts.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    HaHaHaHa Chants of 'You can't wrestle' to Miz

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  8. #8
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Has ZIGGLER just got a push? Am I dreaming?

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Role Model View Post
    Has ZIGGLER just got a push? Am I dreaming?
    I do not care, MIZ lost, a great start to Summerslam lol

  10. #10
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Roman Reigns is debuting a new vest tonight guys.

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