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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'Sacrifice' LIVE Coverage! 2008

    Champion Samoa Joe vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle

    A one-night tournament featuring your favorite superstars battling to become the new TNA World Tag Team Champions!

    For the TNA World Tag Team Championship: Featuring Team 3D, AJ Styles & Super Eric, Latin American Xchange, Christian Cage & Rhino, Sting and James Storm, Matt Morgan & Kip James, Booker T, Awesome Kong, Robert Roode, BG James

    One Knockout gets a shot at the Women's Championship - while the runner-up gets her head shaved!
    Gail Kim vs. ODB vs. Traci Brooks vs. Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love vs. Jacqueline vs. Christy Hemme vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. Rhaka Khan vs. Salinas

    TNA Wrestling's newest innovative match - 30 feet high and made of steel!
    For the number-one contender to the X Division Championship
    "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. Curry Man vs. Kaz vs. Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Chris Sabin vs. Johnny Devine vs. Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Consequences Creed

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    TNA Sacrifice PPV
    Sunday, May 11, | Orlando, Florida

    The PPV opened with a video feature based on Scott Steiner vs. Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle for Joe's TNA title.

    They went to video from 7:07 PM of Kurt Angle arriving via limo to the Impact Zone. Jeremy Borash said he was in Korea when Kurt was injured and asked Angle for an update. Angle said his doctor, Dr. Jho has advised him not to wrestle tonight due to the injury. Angle said that if it was up to him, he would wrestle, but he can't afford to do so because he has three cracked vertebrae in his neck. He said he won the Olympics with a broken neck and headlined Wrestlemania with a broken neck, but he's not 25 years old anymore and if his doctor tells him not to compete, he can't.

    They then went to video of Scott Steiner arriving earlier today. Lauren asked Scott his thoughts on Angle not being able to wrestle. Scott said that he didn't know anything about Angle being hurt. He said that he was originally supposed to wrestle Samoa Joe in a singles bout, so it's interesting to see what was gone down, but he still doesn't trust Angle. Lauren was surprised to see not just Rick Steiner but Kevin Nash emerge from Scott's care.

    They went to footage of Jeremy Borash catching Samoa Joe as he arrived at the venue. When asked about Kurt's injury, Joe said that he had heard rumors but now that it's official, it's a shame when anyone goes down to injury, even someone he has issues with. Borash asked Joe what he thought about Nash arriving with the Steiners. Joe looked stunned, then walked off.

    Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed everyone to the PPV.

    Sting & James Storm vs. Team 3D - Deuces Wild Tournament

    Jame Storm opened up with Devon, who charged him and worked him over with punches. Storm cut him off, but was hit with a flying shoulderblock off the ropes. Devon caught him with a running clothesline in the corner, then slammed him in the ropes. Devon dropped an elbow for a two count.

    Ray tagged in and suplexed Storm for a two count. Storm kicked Ray when he ducked his head, but was cut off. Jacqueline got into Ray's face in the ring, so he slapped her in the rear end. Storm went to tag Sting, who reluctantly tagged in. Sting and Ray went back and forth. Sting cleaned house on him before clotheslining Ray to the floor.

    Devon tagged in and caught Sting with a side headlock. They charged and Sting got the better of it, shoulderblocking Devon down. Sting and Storm had words when Storm wasn't happy with the follow-up, allowing 3D to attack Sting. Devon choked Sting and dropped a series of elbows, but Sting kicked up out of an attempted cover. Storm sat on the apron drinking a beer, because he has no interesting in being Tag Team champion, I guess.

    Devon continued working over Sting and nails a headbutt off the ropes. Devon went back to the ropes, but missed a second attempt. Sting began to fire back, while the story was whether Storm cared enough to tag in. Sting went for the the Stinger Splash on Devon, but Ray got into the ring. Sting worked over Ray but missed a Scorpion Splash on Devon.

    3D worked over Sting. Devon brought a table into the ring but Sting nailed 3D with a double clothesline. Sting positioned the table but 3D got in his face. Storm sat on the top turnbuckle waiting to see what would happen next. 3D looked at Sting and Storm, then walked away. Sting grabbed Storm and powerslammed him off the top through the table. 3D pinned Storm.

    Winners Team 3D!

    Lauren asked Frank Trigg about Kurt Angle's injury. Trigg said he was concerned about the injury because Angle is someone who is known for taking risks and working with injuries, but after suffering the injury and trying to guy through it with rest and workouts, Angle had to pull out. It was a case of not giving the fans his best and being out for months, as opposed to hopefully just being out a few weeks. Lauren asked Trigg what he thought the outcome of the TNA title bout would be now. They were linking Trigg and Angle as friends as Trigg said that he was concerned about Angle's injuries after all Angle has done to help him prepare for MMA bouts. He predicted Joe.

    Rhino & Christian Cage vs. Robert Roode & Booker T - Deuces Wild Tag Team Tournament

    Roode was furious when he found out Booker was his partner and security had to get between them, so it's two straight matches with dissension among partners, Christian and Roode went back and forth to open the bout. Roode took control and they put over that Roode didn't want to tag Booker, preferring to control the bout himself. Roode caught Cage in the corner with a clothesline, then hit the rolling snap mare.

    Booker offered to tag and Roode ignored him. That led to Cage starting to fire back, but being caught with a spinebuster. Booker finally tagged in and went for the Axe kick but Cage avoided it and slammed him on the back of his head. Rhino tagged in but Booker caught him with a leg lariat. Roode blindtagged in as Booker was clotheslined to the floor. Roode took over on Rhino and went for the Payoff, but Rhino avoided and caught him with the gore for the pin.

    Winners: Christian Cage and Rhino!

    After the match
    Cage embraced Rhino and Booker after the bout and raised their arms, then attacked them with a steel chair, leaving them both laying. I didn't see that coming. They were playing up that Booker's had a new attitude due to the frustration of the Roode feud and Sharmell being laid out.

    Scott Steiner was having words with Kevin Nash. Steiner was trying to get Nash to help him against Joe. Nash openly said Joe was his meal ticket. Wow, Joe looks like such a loser if he doesn't tell Nash to hit the bricks after that aired. Steiner offered Nash the first title shot. Nash said he would consider it. So, the storyline isn't about who's better but which side Nash will end up with - his admitted meal ticket or the guy who wants him to turn on the meal ticket.

    Matt Morgan & Kip James vs. - LAX - Deuces Wild Tournament

    Hector Guerrero came to the ring with LAX. No Salinas. There's some intrigue to Hernandez vs. Morgan, but poor Homicide being paired with Kip. Kip grabs Homicide and drops him on the top turnbuckle. He turns his back and when he turns around, Homicide hits a missile dropkick. Hernandez takes out Kip with a shoulderblock into the ring. Kip goes to the floor, when Homicide hits the tope con hilo.

    Morgan grabs Homicide and tosses him through the ropes back into the ring. Morgan tags in and overpowers him. Morgan goes to the ropes and does the Undertaker Old School rope walk. Kip tagged back in (didn't he and Morgan hate each other?) and unloaded with rights, then missed a splash in the corner. Homicide tagged in Hernandez, who nailed a running charge in the corner.

    Morgan hit the ring without a tag and they start going back and forth. Hernandez hits a flying shoulderblock after rebounding taking him down. Kip attacked Hernandez, who came back to pin Kip.

    Winners: LAX

    Jeremy Borash asked AJ Styles what his strategy was against Awesome Kong. Styles said he didn't know because she was a woman, he thinks. Kurt Angle barged in demanding to know whether Styles was seeing Karen Angle or not. He reminded Styles he was still his boss and was mad that AJ didn't check on him when he hurt his neck. He asked again whether he was seeing Karen. AJ said, "I'm not going to answer that. Take care of your neck.

    AJ Styles & Super Eric vs. TNA Knockout champ Awesome Kong & BG James

    Styles and Eric worked over BG, who tagged in Kong. Styles and Kong faced off. They locked up and Styles pushes Kong into the corner. He gave her a clean break and shoved her hair back. Kong shoved him back and scored two close near counts. Kong nailed the spinning back fist. Styles grabbed the ropes to keep from falling, then kicked her. Kong grabbed Styles' crotch. She tagged into BG, who hit an inverted atomic drop.

    BG locked in a bear hug, but AJ broke it. Kong tagged in and teased an Awesome bomb, but Styles rolled through for a sunset flip attempt. BG tagged in. He controlled Styles, who came back with the Pele Kick. Super Eric got involved and slammed Kong onto BG. Nothing like totally ruining your top female star's gimmick. Styles went for a springboard forearm but slipped and crashed into the ring. He regained his bearings and small packaged BG for the pin.

    Winners: AJ Styles and Super Eric.

    Mike Tenay said Jim Cornette will have a special announcement about the main event later tonight.

    They are setting up the Terror Dome.

    Lauren interviewed Rick Steiner asking why he was there tonight. Steiner said his brother had a huge TNA title match tonight and Scott asked him to be there for him, so he is. Lauren said every time the Steiners are together, there's trouble and wondered what type of support he was there to provide. Steiner said he was just there to be there for his brother and starting barking. Lauren looked like she had no idea what in the world he was doing.

    Terror Dome Match: Curry Man vs. Consequences Creed vs. Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal vs. Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Shark Boy vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Kaz vs. Johnny Devine

    You have to escape the top of the dome in order to win the match and get an X-Division championship bout in the future if you win. The Terror Dome is bright red and isn't especially pleasant to see on camera. You can't really see inside the cage when they are on the hard camera shot.

    All of the competitors are wearing gloves to help them climb, explained by the announcers as protection from the sharp pieces of steel in the structure.

    Jim Cornette came out and announced that the winner of the Terror Dome would get the third spot in tonight's main event in the Joe vs. Steiner match. I actually think this is a great way to springboard someone to the next level, so works for me.

    Everyone brawled or tried to climb the cage. Creed hit a somersault clothesline on Curry. Rave threw Dutt into cage. Kaz hit a kryptonite krunch on Devine. The Machineguns worked over Lethal with some double team moves. They are smartly sticking to handheld camera shots.

    They did a cool spot where Creed, hanging upside down from the cage, swung Kaz off the top into an Alabama Jam on Rave. Creed then took out Kaz. Lethal and Dutt helped each other against the Guns. They did a cool looking Tower of Doom spot. There's a lot of cool spots here, way too much to follow.

    Dutt tried to climb up but Curry grabbed him and they battled. Shark Boy began climbing up but Sabin followed. Shark hit a stunner off the ropes. Everyone ended up in the center of the ring, setting up a Curry powerbomb of Dutt onto everyone. Crowd loved the move but they sort of gave it away with a camera shot of everyone standing there. They might want to edit that shot when they release the DVD.

    Rave tried to climb the cage but Curry caught him with the Spice Race off the top. That was awesome. The crowd was chanting, "This is awesome" so I guess they agree. Curry kicked off Kaz as he tried to scale the cage. Kaz caught up to him again and hit what they called a reverse Flux Capacitor.

    Kaz continued to scale up the cage but Devine met him on the top rope. He hit a backcracker off the ropes onto Kaz. Devine nailed Devine Intervention on Creed. It looked sick as hell. Devine made his way to the ceiling, but Kaz yanked him down onto everyone in the ring, who went down like bowling pins.

    Kaz continued to climb across as everyone tried to grab him and finally escaped. Kaz is going to the main event tonight.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed TNA champion Samoa Joe. Joe said that Kaz earned his spot, but Joe promised to retain his championship. Borash asked him about Nash and Joe cut a a great promo saying he hasn't seen or spoken to Nash and doesn't care. He said they can bring Scott, Rick, Nash or an army because he was going still be World champion

    Deuces Wild Semi-Final: Team 3D vs. Christian Cage & Rhino

    They played up that Rhino and Cage were still suffering from the effects of Booker's attack. Ray took over on Cage immediately, going right after the back of his neck. Rhino finally tagged in and got some offense on Devon, but Ray grabbed him by the hair and slammed his head backwards onto the mat. 3D continued to beat on Rhino's neck and head. Rhino came back with a spinebuster on Devon.

    Cage tagged in. 3D retreated to the floor, where Cage hit a high cross bodyblock off the top to the floor. Ray threw Cage into the ring steps, which were set up sideways on the floor. Cage fought his way to his meet but Devon took him back down with a neck vice. Cage bit Devon's hand to break the hold. Ray tagged in and struck him in the head again. Ray backdropped him and Ray told the cameras it was about to be 2 down, 1 to go. He went to the turnbuckles but Rhino distracted him, allowing Cage to cut him off and hit a hurancanrana off the top for a two count.

    Cage made the hot tag to Rhino, who clotheslined Devon and nailed an elbow. Rhino shoulderblocked him in the corner, then nailed a belly-to-belly suplex. Ray hit Rhino, then knocked Cage to the floor. Devon went to the top for the Wazzup headbutt but Cage shoved him off. Rhino almost pinned Ray who kicked up. Johnny Devine ran to ringside with a Singapore Cane.

    Rhino and Devon battled inside the ring. Rhino hit an over the shoulder powerslam on Devon. Cage and Ray ended up on the floor. Devine handed the Cane to Ray. Rhino gored Devon but Devine jumped on the apron and half-entered the ring to distract the referee. Ray nailed Rhino with the cane and scored the pin.

    Winners: Team 3D

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Kevin Nash. Nash scoffed at the idea that Samoa Joe should be upset he got a ride from the airport from Scott Steiner. Borash said Joe wanted to choke him out and said he would do that to Nash if they crossed paths tonight. Nash said, "Let's go cross paths with Joe and see if he chokes me out" and went off to find Joe.

    Deuces Wild Semi-Final: Super Eric & AJ Styles vs. LAX

    They claimed Styles hurt his mid-section during the finish of his opening match. Salinas was out for this match. Styles and Homicide started the match. They did some nice back and forth wrestling early - actually the best of the show thus far. It ended with both attempting a high cross bodyblock at the same time and colliding in mid-air.

    Eric and Hernandez tagged in. Since Young is a Super Hero, Hernandez sold for him like he was a super heavyweight. He knocked Hernandez through the ropes and teased a dive, but when he went for it, Hernandez hit a shoulderblock into the ring. Super Eric asked for a test of strength, which Hernandez won early, but Eric bridged off the mat. Hernandez ended up on the floor and Young dove to the floor from the top.

    Styles tagged in. Hernandez powered Styles onto the apron but Styles nailed a flying springboard forearm. Styles and Young began tagging in and out fast as they worked over Hernandez. Styles locked on a rear chinlock. Hernandez broke it. Eric and Homicide both tagged in. Eric evaded some moves but Homicide nailed a hiptoss. Hernandez returned to the fray and LAX double-teamed Eric, nailing the Drive-By. Heeey champ.

    Hernandez held Super Eric for a delayed vertical suplex as Homicide locked on an STF on Styles. Eric kicked up. Styles nailed a great looking spinkick on Homicide and went for the Styles Clash. Homicide fought it off and nailed the Ace Crusher. Eric hit a sledgehammer off the ropes on Homicide. Hernandez took Young out with a clothesline.

    Styles rolled up Homicide with a small package. Salinas distracted the referee, allowing Guerrero to lie, cheat and steal by turning Homicide over. The referee counted the pin, although Styles' shoulder was off the mat the entire pinfall.

    Lauren interviewed "members of Samoa Joe's kin." They said that Joe had the support of the entire Samoan Nation. They noted that they weren't wrestlers but would get involved if needed. BAD IDEA. The last thing we need is a Samoan version of the "Latino Nation."

    TNA Knockout Makeover Battle Royal Ladder Match: ODB vs. Gail Kim vs. Salinas vs. Roxxi vs. Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love vs. Christy Hemme vs. Jacqueline vs. Rhaka Khan vs. Traci Brooks

    The winner will get a TNA Knockouts title shot while the final loser will get their head shaved. TNA has a barber chair at ringside. Everyone battled at the bell. When you really think about this one, wouldn't you want to jump out of the ring to save your hair?

    Salinas was tossed first, although the cameras missed it to the point even the announcers weren't sure at first. Velvet Sky was tossed out of the ring to the apron by Traci Brooks, and battled to return. She ended up knocked off the apron. Angelina Love then tossed out Brooks.

    Rhaka Khan tossed Hemme out, dropping her on the apron (on her hip no less) and Hemme dropped to the floor. Some of the Knockouts worked over Khan. ODB charged her in the corner. Jacqueline nailed her with a missile dropkick. They finally tossed Khan out of the ring. Jacqueline and ODB were tossed. Angelina was tossed out, leaving Kim vs. Roxxi in the ladder match.

    The ruling was that since Gail Kim has immunity, if Roxxi wins, Angelina will be shaved bald. Love was forced into the barber's chair so she can't escape. They began the ladder match. Roxxi nailed Kim and went for the ladder. Angelina tried to stop her but Roxxi laid her out with it. Kim dropkicked the ladder into Roxxi on the floor and dragged it into the ring.

    Kim set up the ladder but was caught by Roxxi, who went for a powerbomb. Gail turned it into a hurancanrana, then slammed the ladder on Roxxi's head. Kim and Roxxi exchanged forearms. Kim was sandwiched into the ladder.

    Roxxi set the ladder in the corner but was monkeyflipped into it by Kim. Angelina shoved a second ladder into the ring with the idea she wanted Kim to win, since it would save her from a haircut. Kim climbed to the top but Roxxi met her. Kim slammed her head into the top of the ladder, then hit a sunset flip powerbomb into the ring.

    They battle in the ring and Roxxi nails Kim with a spinebuster on the ladder. Velvet Sky hit the ring to attack Roxxi, but was laid out. Roxxi climbed the ladder but Angelina shoved it over and Roxxi hit the ropes. Kim climbed the ladder and retrieved the contract, so Roxxi has to get her head shaved.

    Winner: Gail Kim

    After the match
    Kim, realizing what happened, attacked Love, with the idea that she was going to force her to get her head shaved. Sky and Roxxi joined the fray. They finally forced Roxxi to shave her head. As it turns out, she was busted open as well, with a gash on her forehead. The other babyface Knockouts looked on in horror.

    Kevin Nash entered Samoa Joe's locker room. Nash said he was still on Joe's side. Joe told Nash to go to hell and told Nash that he didn't need him. Nash tried to tell Joe that he was pulling an old school trick by getting inside Steiner's head because Joe using his body and kicking people's asses will only lead to Joe burning himself out. He said Joe needs to use his brain. Joe didn't want to hear it, saying he knows how Nash operates. Nash said he would stay in the locker room until Joe gave him the sign to come out. Joe told Nash that if he came to ringside, he was on the other side and Joe would break him.

    They showed rock band "Saving Abel" at ringside

    Deuces Wild Tag Team championship Final: LAX vs. Team 3D

    Salinas and Hector Guerrero were both with LAX. No Devine.

    They brawled at ringside to open the match. Homicide was tossed into the ring steps. They finally rang the bell when everyone returned to the ring. Homicide got a near fall on Devon. Devon went to the floor and Homicide teased a dive, but Ray shoved him back into the ring. Ray nailed an elbow on Homicide. Team 3D tagged in and out and worked over Homicide.

    Hernandez finally got the hot tag and unloaded with clotheslines and lariats. He hit a crazy running tope over the ropes to the floor on 3D. Devine ran to ringside and pulled a table out. Hector Guerrero attacked Devine and laid him out on the table. Guerrero went to the top and hit a double stomp (called a kick) through the table.

    Ray charged Hernandez, who got a boot up. He went to the top but Ray chopped him. Ray tried a superplex and nailed it. Homicide and Devon battled but Hernandez caught him with the Border Toss. Homicide hit a top rope frog splash and scored the pin

    Winners and new TNA Tag Team champions LAX

    Mike Tenay and Don West were talking about the main event when Eric Young showed up and said he was going to Memphis, TN (site of Slammiversary, well sort of) to look for Elvis.

    TNA champ Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner vs. Kaz

    They started off hot. Joe nailed Steiner with an enziguiri, then nailed Kaz with a kick. He clotheslined Steiner down. Kaz tried to fire off the ropes with a bodypress but Joe just walked off. Joe locked on a one-led Boston Crab. Steiner charged but Joe saw him coming and grabbed an armbar. Kaz went after Joe and got caught with a Dragon Screw legwhip.

    Joe clotheslined Steiner over the top to the floor then began jabbing at Kaz. Steiner tripped Joe as he rebounded off the ropes and dragged him to the floor. He whipped Joe into the guard rail, then clotheslined Kaz on the floor. Steiner suplexed Joe on the ramp but didn't really get him over all the way and Joe looked to have smacked the back of his head on the ramp.

    Steiner tossed Kaz back into the ring and worked on him. He saw Joe returning to the ring, so he knocked Joe back to the floor. Steiner hit a Fall Away Slam on Kaz but Joe broke up the pinfall. Joe whipped Steiner into the corner but Steiner got his boot up. Steiner hit a belly to belly overhead suplex on Kaz. Steiner drilled Kaz into the top turnbuckle. He locked in the Steiner Recliner on Joe. Joe fought his way to his feet with Steiner on his shoulders. Kaz, who was still on the top, hit a missile dropkick on Steiner.

    Joe and Steiner recovered first. They exchanged punches. Joe caught Steiner with a snap powerbomb. Steiner was knocked to the floor. Joe went for a dive out of the ring but Steiner nailed him with a lead pipe, hurting Joe's shoulder. Kaz nailed a dive out of the ring on Steiner.

    Kaz tossed Steiner back into the ring for a two count. He springboaded into the ring, nailing a DDT on Steiner. Kaz hit a sweet dropkick on Steiner. Kaz went to the top but Petey Williams crotched him on the ropes. Frank Trigg got off a great line saying, "Ref didn't see it, I didn't hear it." Steiner hit a top rope Frankensteiner on Kaz. He covered Kaz and Joe just barely made the save, returning to the ring to break up the count.

    Joe caught Steiner with an elbow then nailed a leg lariat on Steiner. He hit a front leg whip on Kaz, followed by a senton. He hit the snap slam on Steiner for a two count. Joe locked in a choke on Steiner. Kaz tried to hit a leaping kick but Joe moved then slammed Kaz. Joe and Steiner battled on the apron. Steiner tried to suplex him off the apron but Joe stopped it and put Steiner on the top rope. Kaz knocked Joe to the floor, then tried to go for the Flux Capacitor. Steiner battled him off and they fell into the ring with Steiner on top. Kaz kicked up out of a pinfall attempt.

    They battled back on top and Steiner shoved Kaz to the floor. Joe grabbed Steiner from the top and nailed the muscle buster for the clean pin.

    Winner and still TNA champion Samoa Joe!

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    i hope Gail Kim, Traci Brooks, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, Christy Hemme, Roxxi Laveaux, Salinas AKA the hot ones dont get there head shaved..

    ODB, Rhaka Khan not to worried about them

    ODB needs a hair cut though

  4. #4
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    As long as it isnt Christy Hemme then I dont care who loses their hair

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    The Superczar Glorious Maxxwell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kellie View Post
    As long as it isnt Christy Hemme then I dont care who loses their hair
    I knew you liked Christy lol

    I'm pumped for the PPV, though too poor to buy it :sad:

  6. #6
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    *Spoiler Alert*

    It was just announced that Kurt Angle will not wrestle tonight due to a neck injury.

  7. #7
    The Superczar Glorious Maxxwell's Avatar
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    HOly shit, so its back down to what was original scheduled Joe vs Steiner?

  8. #8
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    That sucks, hopefully Kurt will be back in action soon.

  9. #9
    The Stingers Smartypants Vick Diesel's Avatar
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    Ohh WOW....I'm sorry that Kurt got injured....however...I'm glad that it's just Joe and Steiner...the way it should've been.....I also would like to see Sting and James win the Dueces wild....either Hemme or O.D.B to have their head shaved....I can't stand either one!! :agree:


  10. #10
    Lazarus Rising Vance's Avatar
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    who did 3D defeat in the first match?

    its my life
    imma do what i do
    and if you don't like it
    its cool fuck you

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