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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'No Mercy' LIVE Coverage! 2007

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage

    No Mercy
    Sunday 7th October, 2007 - 8 PM | US EST


    WWE Championship
    Randy Orton vs ??

    World Heavyweight Championship - Punjabi Prison Match
    Batista (c) vs. The Great Khali

    ECW Championship Match
    CM Punk (c) vs. Big Daddy V

    Triple H vs. Umaga

    Rey Mysterio vs. Finlay

    WWE Women's Championship Match
    Candice Michelle (c) vs. Beth Phoenix


    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'No Mercy ' PPV
    Sunday 7th October, 2007 - 8 PM | US EST
    Location: Chicago IL
    J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Michael Cole and JBL
    Joey Styles and Tazz

    Opening segment showing John Cena getting hurt last wwek on RAW with a biblical touch. They show tonight a new champion will be crowned showing many superstars faces.

    We are live at the arena, no fireworks go off but Vince McMahon and William Regal come out to the ring.

    J.R finally welcomes us with Jerry Lawler.

    A covered pedestal is in the ring. Vince McMahon announced that John Cena would be out for six months to a year, and that he was no longer the WWE Champion. Vince McMahon guaranteed us that history would be made, and that we would have a WWE Championship match tonight. Vince heeled the crowd a bit, then said he "makes decisions for you" because he "knows what you want". The fans chanted "Y2J" and Vince said "I'm not going to give you that". Vince uncovered the pedestal, and the WWE spinner belt was on it. Vince then announced that Randy Orton was the new WWE Champion. Randy Orton came out and held up the title belt as tons of pyro went off.

    William Regal congratulated Orton on being the new champion. William Regal said that Orton must defend the title tonight, and said that Orton would be allowed to decide which WWE star he wanted to defend the title against. "Y2J" chants started, and Vince told the crowd to shut up. Orton said he would not be defending the title tonight against John Cena. Orton said he was supposed to have a Last Man Standing match with Cena, but due to Cena's injury, that would not happen. Orton told Cena that it saved him the "embarrassment" of being defeated. "You suck" chant, and Vince told the crowd to shut up and show the champion respect. Orton said getting the title was a "long time coming" and that no one deserves to be WWE champion more than him. Orton bragged about putting Cena on the shelf, and said that there was "no one in the business that comes close to being..." and was cut off by Triple H's music.

    Triple H came out to a huge ovation. He entered the ring and gave Orton a "golf clap". Triple H said he wanted to congratulate Orton on being the new WWE Champion, and that he knew Orton would be a "fighting champion". Triple H challenged Orton to defend the title against him "right here, right now". Orton said "No", and Triple H said he figured on that, saying Orton wouldn't want his second title reign to be shorter than his first. Vince reiterated that Orton said no. Triple H asked the crowd if they wanted to see it. They cheered. Triple H pointed out that Vince said he "gives the people what they want". Triple H noted that perhaps Vince was scared to give the people what they want, and that Vince was gutless and a coward. Triple H said Vince has "no balls". Triple H kept pushing Vince's buttons, including calling him an "old man" and that instead of grapefruits, he had "shriveled raisins". He got to Vince, who said "You're on!" and called for the referee. So much for Orton picking! First match of the night will be Triple H vs. Randy Orton.

    WWE Championship Match
    Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H

    Orton ambushed Triple H as Vince distracted him, but Triple H quickly hit a back elbow and pounded Orton. Orton tired to go to the floor and leave, but Triple H went after him and tossed him back in the ring. Orton kicked Triple H as he got back in the ring, but Triple H ducked a clothesline and hit a jumping knee. Orton floated over a vertical suplex and hit a side backbreaker. Orton hit some punches on the mat, then choked Triple H in the corner. They exchanged punches, then Orton reversed a whip and hit a powerslam for a two count. Orton did a variation of the Garvin Stomp, then hit a kneedrop to the chest for a two count.

    Orton applied a chinlock, but Triple H got to his feet. Orton went for a backdrop, but Triple H kicked it away and hit a clothesline. Triple H hit two clotheslines in corners, then a running forearm to the back of the head for a two count. Triple H put Orton on the top rope and set up for a superplex. Triple H nailed the superplex for a two count. Triple H ran into an Orton elbow, but then Orton ran into a Triple H spinebuster for a near fall. Orton left the ring, but Triple H went after him and tossed him back in. Orton kicked Triple H as he was climbing in, then nailed a DDT with Triple H's feet hanging on the second rope. Orton got a two count, then measured for the RKO. Triple H kicked it away and went for a Pedigree, but Orton backdropped out of it. Orton missed a kneedrop, and Triple H applied a figure four leglock.

    Orton made the ropes to force the break. Orton grabbed Triple H by the trunks and pulled him through the ropes and to the floor. Triple H got on the apron and yanked Orton throat first across the top rope. Triple H went to the top rope, but Orton crotched him and Triple H fell into the ring. Orton charged Triple H, but Triple H moved and Orton ran shoulder first into the ringpost. Triple H cradled Orton and got the three count at the eleven minute mark. The crowd went nuts for the pin.

    Winner and new 11th time WWE Champion: Triple H.

    Randy orton is stunned and walks away looking stunned towards the back as Triple H cwelebrates his win in the ring with the crowd cheering. Triple H celebrates for what seems like an eternity and continues to pump the crowd up and looks like he is going to explode as he does his tance a million times. Finally Triple H leaves the ring and heads to the back.

    Randy Orton is stunned and shocked as he walks around and bumps into Vince McMahon who stares at him and then walks off.

    Wrestlemania XXIV ad

    Lilian Garcia is in the ring and announces a special bonus 6 man tag team match.

    Jeff Hardys music starts and out comes Jeff Hardy, Paul London and Brian Kendrick.

    Out next are Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Then they get on the mic and tell the guys in the ring that what happened last wee on RAW was luck and say they have a new partner and out comes Kennedy. Kennedy carries on the mic that comes down at the top of the ramp.

    They head towards the ring and here we go ..

    Jeff Hardy, Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch & Mr. Kennedy.

    Kendrick hit Cade with a crossbody block to start, then London tagged in with a sunset flip for a two count. Murdoch tagged in, then Hardy tagged in and hit a leg lariat in the corner and a jawbreaker, but Kennedy tagged in and went on offense on Hardy. Kennedy missed a kick in the corner and Jeff tagged Kendrick, while Kennedy tagged Cade. Kendrick hit some kicks, but Murdoch held the ropes open as Kendrick went to bounce off them and Kendrick fell to the floor.

    Cade slammed Kendrick in the ring, and Murdoch tagged in and Cade lifted him into a legdrop on Kendrick for a two count. Murdoch stepped off the middle rope for a trio of kneedrops to Kendrick's gut. Kennedy tagged in and stomped Kendrick, then hit a running kick to the head that almost knocked Kendrick to the floor. Kennedy pulled him to the center of the ring for a two count, then applied a cravate. Kennedy pulled Kendrick into his corner and tagged in Cade. Cade set up for a superplex, but Kendrick headbutted and kicked Cade away and hit a flying DDT. Murdoch tagged in, but Kendrick made the hot tag to Jeff Hardy. Jeff hit Murdoch with a flying forearm and a Swingblade clothesline, then dropped Murdoch with a gourdbuster. Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb, but Cade broke up the cover. London ran in and gave Cade a rana. Kennedy tagged in, but Hardy gave him a mulekick. London tagged in and hit a springboard dropkick on Kennedy. London hit some kicks, while on the floor, Jeff missed a dive on Cade off the security wall. London tried to climb the top rope, but Murdoch went to stop him. Kendrick took Murdoch off the apron with a bodypress. London went to the top rope, but Kennedy grabbed him and hit the forward flip Samoan Drop for the pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winners: Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch & Mr. Kennedy.

    Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch and Kennedy celebrate their win.

    Triple H is in the back and meets Batista and Batista says, it is alot easier to win it than to keep it. Batista walks off as Triple H wishes him luck in the Prison match tonight. Vince McMahon comes up and says there was one thing that Triple H said was true and that is that he gives the people what they want. Tonight there is a match between Triple H and Umaga and he announces that match will be for the WWE Championship.

    Big Daddy V's music hits and out comes the mammoth with man boobs wiggling all over the place.

    CM punks music hits and the crowd goes nuts as he makes his way to the ring.

    ECW Championship
    CM Punk (C) vs Big Daddy V

    Tazz and Joey Styles talked about how Big Daddy V stole the title shot from Tommy Dreamer (saying Matt Striker convinced Armando Estrada to allow BDV to do it) as BDV came out. CM Punk got a big pop from his hometown crowd. They locked up at the bell and BDV threw Punk to the mat. Punk rolled to the floor. Punk got in and went for a leg, but Big Daddy V took him down to the mat and rode Punk on the mat, hitting crossface shots to the face. Punk got out from under him and hit some kicks, including an enzugiri, but couldn't knock him down. V shoved Punk into a corner and hit a chop, but missed an avalanche. Punk hit a top rope dropkick and knocked Big Daddy V down. Matt Striker, rather inexplicably, ran in and hit Punk, causing a DQ in about two minutes.

    Winner via DQ: CM Punk.

    An angry Big Daddy V gave Punk a Samoan Drop, then three elbowdrops, laying out Punk. Big Daddy V holds up the ECW title after he deestroys CM Punk and throws it down as he and Matt Striker leave to the back. CM Punk has blood puring out of his mouth as officials help him to the back with the crowd cheering his name.

    Ad for Smackdown this Friday - The Brothers of Destruction are back!

    MVP and Matt Hardy competition
    JBL and Michael Cole then discussed the MVP-Hardy feud, showing clips from their various competitions. We are now going to have a pizza eating competition. Tazz hosted, discussing the differences between New York and Chicago-style pizzas. Tazz brought out the judges for the contest: Melina and Maria. Tazz said the women would keep score of who eats the most pizza. MVP and Hardy, in street clothes, then made their entrances. MVP got on the mic and said he was on a strict training regimen and diet, and said he doesn't eat garbage. MVP comments on the Chicago Deep Dish pizza, saying that is why Chicago is one of the fattest cities in the world. Maria said she is from Chicago, and asked if she was fat. MVP said pizza obviously doesn't help your IQ. MVP said he was more concerned about his "slower" partner Matt Hardy eating so much pizza. MVP and Hardy then argued about their past competitions, with Hardy saying MVP only won competitions by cheating. Tazz finally got them to stop bickering and have the contest. MVP promised he would not lose for all of his fans.

    The rules were to eat as much pizza as possible in two minutes. They had a stack of pizzas, but they were having trouble even finishing one thick slice of the Chicago pies. Matt shoved down once slice pretty quick, then with thirty seconds left, had two slices down. MVP still hadn't eaten one. Matt never finished a third. Matt wins, two slices to none.

    This was the most pathetic pizza eating contest ever. I could beat both of them, after finishing a huge dinner.

    MVP started to complain, and Matt barfed on MVP's white jumpsuit. Of course, we had an instant replay of that as well. Hardy left, with a smile on his face.

    Ad for Cyber Sunday

    Back to J.R and Jerry Lawler who talk about Cyber Sunday on 28th Oct. They tell us Triple H and Unaga are up next and show a video package of what has happened with Triple H and Vince McMahon since Triple H returned and the lead up to tonights match.

    Umaga makes his way to the ring. The crowd seemed very quiet. Umaga stares Lilian Garcia down lol and says something in Samoan.

    Triple H's music hits and out comes the new WWE Champion with the crowd cheering. His name is already on the belt, that was quick. He makes his way to the ring and here we go ...

    WWE Championship
    Triple H (c) vs Umaga

    Umaga grabbed the belt from the referee and tried to hit Triple H with it, but Triple H hit a series of punches as the bell rang. They traded shots, and Triple H hit a DDT, but Umaga got right up from it. Umaga charged Triple H, who pull down the top rope and Umaga fell to the floor. Triple H went outside and rammed Umaga into the steps headfirst. Umaga felt nothing, and rammed Triple H into the steps. Umaga tossed Triple H into the ring and hit a savate kick. Umaga jumped off the bottom rope and stomped Triple H. then hit some shots to the head. Umaga went to the second rope, but missed the diving headbutt. Triple H threw some punches and hit a facebuster, but Umaga wasn't hurt at all. Triple H kicked Umaga in the gut and went for Pedigree, but Umaga backdropped him. Umaga went for the Samoan Spike, but Triple H ducked it and hit a spinebuster. Triple H went for the Pedigree again, but Umaga blocked it and hit a Samoan Drop.

    Umaga kicked at Triple H's ribs, and the champion rolled to the floor. Umaga followed him out and rammed him into the security wall. Umaga grabbed the title belt and stared at it, then went back to work on Triple H, rolling him back into the ring. Umaga put Triple H in a bearhug, but Triple H got out with an eye rake. Umaga gave Triple H a swinging sidewalk slam for a two count. Umaga hit a headbutt to the gut, then drove a knee into Triple H's ribs. Umaga went for the running posterior butt in the corner, but Triple H moved out of the way. Umaga charged again, and Triple H hit a boot to the face. Umaga charged a third time, and Triple H moved out of the way. Umaga went head first into the ringpost, and Triple H hit the Pedigree for the pin at the seven minute mark.

    Winner: Triple H.

    Triple H holding his arm close to his side celebrates his win as he walks to the back.

    Ad for Bret Hart on PPV all October.

    Back with Michael Cole explaining about the Prison.

    We are with Khali who is meditating and his side kick tells us to shhh (moron) and explains that Khalis meditation is to help him survive and win the Prison match. Also tells us Khali is praying to the darkest Hindu Gods and that Khali will walk out as the new World Heavyweight Champion. Khali suddenly rises and yells something lol.

    Finlays music hits and makes his way to the ring.

    Rey Mysterios music hits and the crowd cheers wildly as Rey comes out and makes his way to the ring.

    Rey Mysterio vs Finlay

    They locked up at the bell, and Finlay backed Mysterio into a corner. They locked up again and Rey grabbed an arm wringer, but Finlay punched him down. Mysterio hit some leg kicks, slid under Finlay and dropkicked his legs out. Rey hit a legdrop as Finlay tried to get up, then hit a slingshot kick and a slingshot splash for a two count. Mysterio hit a pair of forearms, then a series of punches in the corner. Finlay reversed a whip and sent Rey hard into the corner. Finlay whipped Rey into the opposite corner, but Rey dropkicked his legs out again. Finlay went to the apron, and Mysterio hit some kicks to the leg. Rey went for a sunset flip powerbomb off the apron to the floor, but Finlay pulled the ring apron over Rey's head and hit a series of kicks and punches.

    Back in the ring, Finlay slid Rey chest first across the ring, sending him shoulder first into the ringpost. Finlay yanked Mysterio's arm into the post, then pulled him into the center of the ring and applied a Fujiwara armbar. Mysterio punched out of it, but Finlay hit a short arm clothesline for a two count. Finlay wrapped Rey's arm around the middle rope and kicked it. Finlay dropped an elbow for a two count. Mysterio fought back with kicks and punches, but Finlay grabbed a hammerlock. Rey used a snap mare to get out of it, sending Finlay head first into the middle turnbuckle. Mysterio hit some punches, then a springboard cross bodyblock off the middle rope for a two count.

    Rey hit a springboard senton, then a dropkick to the face for a two count. Rey went for a bodyscissors, but Finlay shoved it off. Finlay went for a back suplex, but Rey flipped over it and dropkicked him in the back. Finlay fell in 619 position, but as Rey ran off the ropes, Finlay turned and blasted him with a clothesline for a two count. Rey went for a headscissors, but Finlay blocked it and hit a shoulder breaker for a two count. Finlay pulled off a turnbuckle pad, but the referee grabbed it from him. As the referee went to put the pad back, Finlay went for the shillelagh, but Rey stopped him from using it and used a rana to send Finlay to the floor. Finlay got on the apron, and Rey went for the 619, but Finlay ducked it. Rey hit a standing kick to the head instead. Finlay was hanging over the middle rope. Rey went to the top rope and hit a guillotine legdrop to the back of the head. Finlay snapped off the ropes and took a sick back bump to the floor.

    The referee checked Finlay, who wasn't responding. Finlay opened his eyes and turned his head as the referee moved away, then went back to playing dead. They brought out a stretcher and put Finlay in a neck brace. They started to stretcher him out, but then Finlay jumped off the stretcher and ambushed Mysterio from behind on the floor. Finlay pounded Rey unmercifully on the floor. The fan chanted "Finlay sucks". Finlay hit a running kick to Rey's head. The referee ordered Finlay to leave. I never heard any bell. I guess the match ends at the thirteen minute mark.

    Result: No contest (I guess).

    JBL and Cole argued, with JBL saying Finlay "made impact", while Cole noted that he didn't win the match. Rey gets up finally and Finlay leaves to backstage.

    A "Save Us 222" promo aired, ending with the words "2nd Coming".

    Triple H is with the doctor getting helped then Vince McMahon walks in and he says he guaranteed a new WWE Champion and guaranteed history would be made tonight and it has. He says there is more history to be made. Orton has requested his return championship match and he wants it tonight. Triple H will face Orton tonight in a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship (3rd time tonight, must be a record). Triple H is not happy as Vince stands there smirking and Triple H rises to his feet and Vince says, good luck .. champ and walks off.

    Beth Phoenix's music hits and out she comes in a little black outfit.

    Candice Michelle walks out in pink and heads towards the ring.

    Remember UOWForums will have all the hot diva caps from the PPV ASAP after the PPV.

    Womens Championship
    Candice Michelle (c) vs Beth Phoenix

    Phoenix muscled Candice in a corner, then hit a hiptoss. She went for another, but Candice blocked it. Candice leapfrogged Phoenix and rolled her up into a Backlund Bridge, but Phoenix broke out of it and hit a forearm to the back. Phoenix hit some shoulderblocks in the corner, but Candice came back with some kicks and a dropkick to the chest for a two count. Candice applied a shortarm scissors on Phoenix. Phoenix tried to stand up with it, but then just broke free and dropped an elbow instead. Candice went to the second rope for a bodypress, but Phoenix caught it and hit a powerslam for a two count. Phoenix hit a pair of elbows to the shoulder and applied a cobra clutch. Candice rolled backwards in the hold into a pinning position, but Phoenix rolled through it and kept the hold on. Candice lunged forward into a corner and sent Phoenix into the turnbuckles to break the hold.

    Candice hit some punches and kicks, then sort of hit a spinkick. Candice went to the top rope and hit a flying bodypress, but Phoenix kicked out. Phoenix powered Candice into a corner, but Candice flipped over her into a sunset flip, but Phoenix kicked out. Phoenix hit a backbreaker and a cradled suplex for the clean pin at the five minute mark.

    Winner and new Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix.

    Phoenix celebrates but the crowd is silent. Phoenix goes down and gets King to interview her. He congragulates her and she says when McMahon said tonight history would be made, he was riight. She says she is not just another WWE diva, she is the perfect huuman being and now she has won the Title, she has entered a new era, the era of the glamazon. Dear me. She finally walks towards the back and King said to J.R, she scares me lol.

    Ad for Cyber Sunday, 28th Oct.

    No Mercy is sold out.

    Michael Cole says up next is Batista vs Khali. The prison weighs 2 tons, geez.

    A video package is shown with the events leading up to tonights World heavyweight Championship match.

    Khalis music hits and out comes the big dude. he makes his way down to the prison.

    Batista's music hits and out he comes to huge cheers from the crowd. He does his squatting machine gun and heads down to the prison.

    The outside of the prison is lowered and here we go ....

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Punjabi Prison Match
    Batista (c) vs Great Khali

    There is a bamboo cage around the ring with four trap doors. If a wrestler requests, a door is opened for 60 seconds, then is locked shut. A second bamboo cage surrounds ringside with spikes on the top of it. You have to successfully escape both cages to win. Batista slid into the ring to start the match, and Khali hit him with a clothesline. Khali went for a chop, but Batista blocked it and knocked Khali into the ropes. Khali got tied in the ropes. Batista hit some shots and charged, but Khali got a boot up. Khali hit a big chop, then called for a door. Batista hooked Khali's leg to stop him from leaving. Batista hit some shots, then Khali threw Batista in the corner. The door was shut, and locked. One door down.

    Khali continued his awesome offensive arsenal of shoves and "sort of like a punch" moves. Khali hit a boot to the face, then executed a bodyslam. Khali missed a legdrop, then Batista hit a spear. Batista called for a door, but Khali hooked his leg. Batista punches and kicked Khali then got to the apron, but Khali grabbed him and hit some forearms to the chest. Khali choked Batista against the cage and the door was shut. Two doors down.

    Khali used a rope from one of the doors to choke Batista. Khali pulled a leather strap that was used to bind the cage together down and whipped Batista with it. Khali called for a door, but Batista hit Khali with a spinebuster. Batista crawled for the door, but Khali grabbed his legs. Batista tried to kick him away, but the door closed. Three doors down (insert joke here).

    Batista picked up the leather strap and whipped Batista repeatedly. Batista climbed to the top rope, and Khali climbed up as well. Then Batista slid off the ropes and to the mat. Khali lowered himself to the second rope. They teased Batista pulling Khali off the ropes into a powerbomb, but Khali punched him down. Khali got down off the ropes. Khali applied the vice grip and squeezed Batista's head. Batista dropped to his knees. Khali called for the final door while still applying the hold. As Khali released the hold, Batista hit Khali in the groin. Both men were down on the mat. Batista climbed halfway through the door. The idea was for Khali to slam the door down on Batista, but it came down slow and awkwardly. Khali pushed it down on Batista anyway. Khali pulled Batista back into the ring, and the door was closed and locked. No more doors. An angry Khali reached through the cage and knocked down the referee.

    Khali tried to climb the cage and ropes, but Batista pulled him down, into the ropes. Khali was grabbing his leg after hitting the mat. Batista tried to climb the cage, but Khali pulled him down, slamming him into the mat. Khali slowly climbed up the cage and down the other side. From ringside, Khali started to climb the other cage. Batista got up and quickly scaled the inside cage. Khali was at the top of the second cage. Batista went over the top of his cage, then jumped from the inside cage to the outside cage. Khali was climbing down the outside cage. Batista got over the top of the second cage, and won the race down the other side at the sixteen minute mark.

    Winner: Batista.

    Khali is pissed off and walks to the ttop of the ramp and turns back abd stares down Batista. batista celebrates his win and is probably praying to his God and thanking him that he made the jump.

    J.R talks about the next WWE championship match coming up next and they show clips from earlier in the night.

    Tood Grisham is with Triple H and asks him what he has left after all his matches tonight. Triple H says this is a dangerous business and if anybody thinks the game is over, he has news for them, he is just getting started. Triple H tells Orton to take his advice, get ready to get hurt.

    Lilian is in the ring and explains no countout, disqualification etc and the only way to win is for your opponent to get counted out.

    Orton makes his way to the ring and waits for Triple H to arrive.

    Triple H comes out again for the third time and makes his way to the ring while Orton continues to stare him down.

    WWE Championship
    Last Man Standing
    Triple H (c) vs Randy Orton

    They started slugging it out at the bell. Orton hit a shot to the ribs to take the advantage, and continued to hit shots to the body. Triple H rolled to the floor and Orton followed, hitting an uppercut on the outside. Triple H hit a kick to the gut and teased a Pedigree on the ramp, but Orton blocked it and tripped Triple H, sending him down hard on the ramp. Orton hit a shot to the head, then rammed him into the ringsteps. Back in the ring, Orton hit a shot to the ribs, then another body shot. Orton slugged Triple H down and stomped on his mid-section. Triple H got up at a four count, and Orton knocked him to the floor.

    Orton hit a back suplex, dropping Triple H back first across the security wall. The referee began counting Triple H down on the floor on the outside, but Triple H was up at six. Triple H fired off some punches, but Orton hit the ribs again and whipped Triple H into the steps. Triple H was down for a six count again. Orton shoved Triple H into the ring, waited for him to get up, then hit a standing dropkick. Triple H was down for an eight count. Orton hit a punch and went for a backdrop, but Triple H blocked it and hit a facebuster on his knee. Both men were down, and up at three. Orton hit a side backbreaker. Triple H got up and shoved Orton in the face. Orton hit a series of punches and an uppercut, then a kick to the ribs. Orton went to the floor and grabbed a television cable. Orton applied a bodyscissors and choked Triple H around the throat with the cable.

    Orton released his hold and choke, and Triple H was down for a nine count, using the ropes to get up. Orton threw Triple H to the floor, then cleared off the ECW announce table. Orton then cleared off the Raw table, and hit Triple H with a monitor. Orton pulled Triple H up on the Raw table and went for an RKO off the Raw table into the ECW table, but Triple H shoved Orton off and he went through the ECW table alone. The referee counted Orton down on the floor for a nine count. Orton kicked Triple H in the ribs and went to whip him into the ringpost, but Triple H blocked it and hit a spinebuster on the floor. Both men were down. Triple H was up at eight, Orton at nine. Triple H grabbed a section of the ringsteps and hit Orton in the head with them. Fans were counting along with the referee. Orton up at nine again.

    Triple H tossed Orton into the ring, then grabbed a chair. Triple H went to use the chair, but Orton kicked him in the gut. Orton hit a DDT into the chair. Both men were down. Orton was up at eight, Triple H at nine. Orton pummeled Triple H in a corner with punches and stomps. Orton set up the chair in the ring. Orton went for an RKO into the setup chair. He hit it (sort of, didn't really seem to be that close to the chair). Triple H was busted open. He started to get up at eight, and barely got both knees off the mat at nine.

    Leaning on the ropes, a bloody mess, Triple H gave Orton a crotch chop, then collapsed to the mat. Orton measured Triple H for the kick to the head. Orton went for it, but Triple H grabbed his leg. A bloody, trembling Triple H stood up, still holding Orton's leg. Triple H hit a clothesline, then threw Orton to the floor. Triple H bounced Orton around ringside, into the steps and Smackdown announce table. Orton was rammed into the table over and over. Triple H went to put Orton on the Raw announce table, but he fell off. Triple H grabbed Orton and went for a Pedigree, but Orton tripped out of it and gave Triple H a catapult into the ringpost. The referee got to a seven count, as Orton grabbed the ringsteps and went to hit Triple H with them. Triple H hit Orton with a low blow, and Orton fell down, his head landing in the "V" of the ring steps as he dropped them. Triple H grabbed a chair and blasted Orton in the back of the head, sandwiching it with the ringsteps (in the "V"). The referee counted Orton, who was now bleeding a bit from the forehead. Orton managed to get up at nine. Triple H put Orton on the Raw table and set up for the Pedigree, but Orton blocked it and hit the RKO on the table.

    Triple H was on the table as the referee began his count, and Orton rolled into the ring. Triple H fell off the table at six, and was on the floor, at eight, he started to pull himself up with the apron, but he didn't get his other knee off the ground in time and the referee reached ten at the twenty minute mark.

    Winner and new WWE Champion: Randy Orton

    Orton celebrates his win as Triple H tries to get to his feet.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage TNA's PPV Bound for Glory and WWE's PPV Cyber Sunday. Expect some huge surprises in the future! No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

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    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    First time in a long time I am looking forward to a PPV.

  4. #4
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    Nice Triple H/Orton. Did they still use the spinner belt or bring out the one from way back when JBL was champ?
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegeta02012 View Post
    Nice Triple H/Orton. Did they still use the spinner belt or bring out the one from way back when JBL was champ?
    It is the spinner belt.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Probably the first time ever the WWE Championship match is first lol

  7. #7
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    Ugh, damn, finally had an opportunity to get rid of that ugly thing...

    Cant believe Triple H and Orton is first. Thats a first i think
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I can't remember the WWE title ever being a first match at a PPV.

  9. #9
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    And so starts and ends the shortest WWE title reign in history
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

  10. #10
    Crown Prince of Wales
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    What a shitty way to deal with the vacant championship. Hate orton even more than I hate cena


    Thank the good lord for that!!!!
    Last edited by The>Nitrous>Effect; 10-08-2007 at 01:38 AM.

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